The requirements below apply to those students with a 2023-2024 catalog year. Students are required by college policy 要遵循在他们宣布他们的第一个专业时有效的目录中的主要(和次要)要求. 要查找您的目录年份,请访问您的成绩和学术记录 myOxy and access the catalog that matches your catalog year.



Mathematics, encompassing several of the original liberal arts, 是因其精致的智慧之美和对所有空间事物永恒的探索而受到重视吗, 通过严格抽象的镜头定量和模式化. As a vibrant modern science, 它具有无与伦比的描述分析能力, detailing and deriving insight into numerous physical, biological, technological, economic and societal aspects of the world we all live in. 数学系致力于让各种各样的学生积极学习和创造性地应用这些原理, ideas, 以及数学和数学科学特有的方法, 并为各种各样的职业和教育追求提供准备.

Upon graduation, 一些数学专业的学生继续读研究生或专业学校,而另一些则开始从事教学工作, business, industry, or government. 该专业的结构可以为数学科学提供坚实的基础-纯数学和应用数学, statistics, 以及运筹学和计算机科学等接近数学的领域, actuarial science, and engineering. 主修或辅修数学也可以为主修或辅修其他领域提供优秀的技术和理论补充.




Fundamental courses

Calculus 1

4 units

Calculus 2

4 units


MATH 210Discrete Mathematics

4 units


MATH 211Discrete Mathematics Through Cryptography

4 units


MATH 212Multivariable Calculus

4 units

MATH 214Linear Algebra

4 units


Students must receive a grade of C or above in each of MATH 210 or MATH 211, MATH 212, and MATH 214 in order to graduate with a Mathematics major. If a student does not receive a grade of C or higher, 系主任将支持一份要求复读该课程的特别考虑请愿书. 只有最近的成绩才算达到200级要求.

At least two of the required 200-level Mathematics courses (MATH 210 or MATH 211, MATH 212 and MATH 214)必须在十大正规网赌平台学习,除非得到院长的同意. 例外情况必须提交特别考虑请愿书.

Advanced Courses

All students must complete either MATH 310 or MATH 320, 选修310或以上的数学课程(不包括用于满足综合要求的课程).  MATH 397 may be used to meet this requirement.

Colloquium Requirement

MATH 300Junior Colloquium

2 units

Breadth requirement


CHEM 355Bioinformatics

2 units

COMP 131Fundamentals of Computer Science

4 units

COMP 229Data Structures

4 units

COMP 347Machine Learning

4 units

ECON 272Applied Econometrics

4 units

ECON 305Game Theory

4 units

ECON 306Advanced Econometrics

4 units

PHIL 350/MATH 350Metalogic

4 units

PHYS 110Introductory Mechanics

4 units

PHYS 115General Physics I

4 units

PHYS 117Waves and Thermal Physics

4 units

PHYS 230Introductory Electricity and Magnetism

4 units

PHYS 240Foundations of Modern Physics

4 units

PHYS 261Simulations in Physics

4 units

PHYS 310Mathematical Methods in Physics

4 units

PHYS 320Analytical Dynamics

4 units

PHYS 350Statistical Physics

4 units

数学系为考虑未来学习或从事纯数学和应用数学专业的学生准备了指导方针, education, actuarial science, and computer science. These guidelines are available in the Students section on our website.

Honors in the Major

希望获得数学荣誉学位的学生平均成绩不低于3分.5 in the fundamental courses. 荣誉学生还必须在大四结束前完成三门经批准的本专业必修课程以外的高级课程(总共36个学分)。. 荣誉学生必须在三年级结束前获得导师的签字批准, and must enroll in MATH 499 for the fall semester of senior year. For  Honors students, MATH 499 is substituted for MATH 400 in satisfying the major requirements. To receive honors, 学生必须写一篇论文,并就论文的主题在系里作一次报告.  The paper, which typically will be 20 pages long, is graded by the mentor along with a second reader; the entire department evaluates the talk, which is typically at least 30 minutes long.  The paper and talk must both be completed no later than April 1 of the Honors candidate's senior year.  Consult the Mathematics Department for additional details.


辅修数学需要至少20个单元的数学课程. Students must successfully complete each of MATH 210 or MATH 211, MATH 212, and MATH 214 in order to graduate with a Mathematics minor.  Additionally, 学生必须完成8个以上的数学课程,分数在150或以上,其中至少有4个分数在300以上的课程是在十大正规网赌平台或通过大学转学获得的. 十大正规网赌平台要求学生至少修习8个学分.

Second-Stage Writing

主修数学的学生在申报专业时应熟悉这一要求. The Second-Stage Writing Requirement is addressed in MATH 300. Students not taking MATH 300(e.g.(如留学生)可在不同时间申请满足写作要求. 

学生通过创建和提交关于数学主题的论文组合来满足数学第二阶段写作要求 MATH 300 由讲师评估为获得C或更高的字母等级.

未达到数学第二阶段写作要求的学生 MATH 300 必须在大四开始前向系主任提交一份作品集,并被评估为获得C或更高的字母等级.

Comprehensive Requirement

The comprehensive requirement in Mathematics has two parts. 

The first part is the successful completion of MATH 300: Junior Colloquium.  第二部分要求成功完成以下一项或多项的四个单元的字母等级:

MATH 395 (Special Topics in Advanced Mathematics) 

MATH 400 (Senior Seminar) 

MATH 497 (Independent Study) 

MATH 499 (Honors Senior Seminar)

希望完成高级综合要求的学生通过 MATH 497 or MATH 499 必须在数学系找到一位愿意指导独立学习/荣誉论文的教员吗. 

成功完成两部分综合要求的学生将获得P级. 为了以优异的成绩通过综合要求,学生必须进行20分钟的演讲,并提交一份10页的论文,该论文必须得到不止一位教员的评价. 论文和演讲必须在满足综合要求的任何课程的背景下进行(MATH 395 or MATH 397 or MATH 400 or MATH 499).

Further information is available from the department.

Contact Mathematics
Fowler Hall 305
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