Regular Faculty


Shanna Lorenz, Chair

Ph.D. 纽约大学博士.D. 匹兹堡大学
Shanna Lorenz is a non-Indigenous scholar who lives and works on Tongva and Suquamish territories and whose expertise includes First Nations and immigrant music/performance traditions, Indigenous-led研究, 环境和种族正义运动, 以及数字人文学科.
Desiree La Vertu

Desiree La Vertu, Co-Chair

Director of Choral and Vocal Activities; 音乐常驻教授
B.Mus., CSU Fullerton; M.M. 内华达大学里诺分校
德西雷·拉·维图是一位技艺高超的指挥家, soloist, 和洛杉矶地区的声乐老师.
Stephen S. Hudson

Stephen S. Hudson

B.A., University of California, Davis; Ph.D.西北大学
Stephen S. 哈德森是一位新兴的金属音乐专家, 关注乐迷和音乐人对节奏的具体体验, timbre, and song form.
David Kasunic教授

David Kasunic

B.A., Amherst College; M.F.A., Ph.D.; Princeton University
David Kasunic教授音乐史和歌剧的讲座课程,以及音乐研讨会 & food, music & 文学、马勒和肖邦.

Adam Schoenberg

B.M., Oberlin Conservatory of Music; M.M.茱莉亚音乐学院
Emmy award-winning and Grammy® Award-nominated Adam Schoenberg has twice been named among the top 10 most performed living composers by orchestras in the United States.


Joe Addington

Joe Addington

乔·艾丁顿教授应用古巴黑人击鼓课程, 并在十大正规网赌平台领导非裔古巴鼓乐团.

Jongnic Bontemps

B.A., Yale University
Jongnic Bontemps, aka “JB”, 一个受过古典音乐训练的作曲家,在教堂和爵士乐界有根基,是钢琴家吗. 阅读他的奥施康定故事简介.
Stephen Cabell的照片

Stephen Cabell

B.M., The Curtis Institute; M.M., The Juilliard School; P.h.D., USC

Anthony Cardella

B.A., Lawrence University; DMA他是南加州大学的教授, 桑顿音乐学院(在建)
安东尼·卡德拉是一位充满活力、引人注目、活跃的表演者 在美国和欧洲的著名音乐厅演出,并赢得了地区和 national performance…
Cesar Castro

César Castro

卡斯特罗是一个儿子jarocho的大师, 这是一种250多年前起源于韦拉克鲁斯的音乐流派, Mexico, 结合土著墨西哥人, African, Spanish, and Arabic influences.

Max Foreman

Director of the 崔家音乐制作中心; Resident 音乐助理教授
B.A., UC Santa Cruz; M.F.A.他是加州艺术学院的教授
Max Foreman是来自加州旧金山的作曲家、制作人和音频工程师.

Ramona Gonzalez

A.B., Occidental College; M.A., UCLA
Julia Holter Headshot

Julia Holter

B.A. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; M.F.A.他是加州艺术学院的教授
茱莉亚·霍尔特是一位居住在洛杉矶的作曲家、表演者和录音艺术家. 她对声音奥秘的兴趣使她在各种环境下录音——在家里, 带着一台现场记录仪……
Edmond Johnson

Edmond Johnson

Director of Advising; Affiliated Faculty, Music
B.A., Lawrence University; M.A., Ph.D., UC Santa Barbara
Chris Kim

Chris Kim

Choi Family Director of Instrumental Music; 音乐常驻教授
B.M.西北大学; M.M.他是密歇根大学安娜堡分校的教授
Chris Kim is the Choi Family Director of Instrumental Music and conductor of the Occidental Symphony Orchestra.

Lauren Kop

Visiting Instructor

Daniela Smolov Levy

B.A., Princeton University; M.A., New York University; Ph.D., Stanford University
Daniela Smolov Levy is a musicologist who studies the history of popularly oriented opera in America. 她目前是特拉维夫大学的一名研究员(远程工作) a…
Daniel Long Headshot

Daniel Ryan Long


Celka Ojakangas

B.A., Drury University; M.M., D.M.A.他是南加州大学的教授
Celka Ojakangas is an award-winning Los Angeles-based composer whose “work rates high on the bold and beautiful scales” and “takes molecular musical quirks and explodes them, then seizes precious…

Fabio Paolizzo

Andrew W. 梅隆大学音频/音乐/声音工程博士后
B.A., 2 M.A., Tor Vergata University of Rome; Ph.D., University of Kent
Dr. Fabio Paolizzo investigates and teaches new methods and forms of expression for human and computational music creativity.
angela park headshot

Angela Park

B.M., University of Texas at Austin; M.M., Yale University; D.M.A.他是南加州大学的教授
Oboist Angela Park completed her DMA in Oboe Performance and minored in Music Theory and Music Education from the 南加州大学. 她在耶鲁大学获得硕士学位,然后……

G. Simeon Pillich

B.A., M.A., Ph.D.他是加州大学洛杉矶分校的教授

Jonathan Richards

音乐客座助理教授; Director of the Occidental Jazz Ensemble
B.A., USC; M.F.A.他是加州艺术学院的教授
在洛杉矶出生和长大, 乔纳森是音乐界的活跃成员,是一名贝斯手, composer and educator.

Alexander Zhu

B.M., New England Conservatory; M.M.他来自南加州大学
亚历山大·朱是一位作曲家, pianist, producer, and arts administrator who teaches Musicianship and serves as the department's Production Manager.

Applied Music Faculty

String Instructors

Violin Instructor

就像一颗闪闪发光的红宝石,” violinist Aroussiak Baltaian has gained international attention through her extensive appearances as a prominent recitalist, soloist, 室内乐音乐家和录音艺术家. Baltaian是众多国家级比赛的大奖得主...


As a teacher, orchestral musician, 独奏家和当代音乐的倡导者, 特德·博茨福德(Ted Botsford)从事各种各样的职业, exploring the sonorities of the double bass and pushing back against its perceived limitations in the musical world.


Violin Instructor
Dynamic violinist Jin-Shan Dai has performed extensively throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. 他于2010年加入洛杉矶爱乐乐团. Previously, 从2004年到2010年,他是多伦多交响乐团的成员, 2008年,他以独奏家的身份在该乐团首次亮相,演奏了维瓦尔第的作品...
Viola Instructor

Violist Michael Larco joined the Los Angeles Philharmonic in 2012 after seven seasons as Assistant Principal in the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra. 经常参加洛杉矶爱乐乐团的绿伞和室内乐系列, 迈克尔也是国会合奏团的客座中提琴手...

Cello Instructor

Cellist Gloria Lum, a native of Berkeley, California, attended both the University of California at Los Angeles and the 南加州大学, 从后者毕业 magna cum laude. A student of Gabor Rejto and Ronald Leonard, she was a member of the Oakland Symphony and...

Keyboard Instructors


Galina Barskaya began studying piano at the age of four and started to perform professionally at the age of 7. Barskaya got her BM and MM at Kiev State College and Kiev State Conservatory where she studied piano, organ, conducting, music history, and composition. 她在俄罗斯各地巡回演出...

Piano Instructor

Japan-born Junko Ueno Garrett has captivated audiences around the world with her colorful tone, poetry, expressiveness, dynamic technique, 而且曲目范围很广. 她三岁时开始弹钢琴, 曾就读于东京著名的东宝学园音乐学院...

Jazz Piano Instructor

凯瑟琳·皮内达是洛杉矶地区备受追捧的钢琴家和作曲家. 2020年6月,奥伦达唱片公司发行了凯瑟琳的第三张原创音乐专辑,Rainbow Baby,” 被评论家称赞为“表达优美”(Jazz Times). 它记录了她从做母亲、生孩子到...


被描述为“非凡且无所畏惧”,” Grammy nominated pianist Vicki Ray is a leading interpreter of contemporary piano music. Known for thoughtful and innovative programming which seeks to redefine the piano recital in the 21st 世纪,Vicki的音乐会经常包括电子产品,视频...

Voice Instructors

Jazz & 商业语音讲师

Loren is an award-winning jazz vocalist and composer whose artistry was cultivated in Downey, CA. 她早年接触到福音,爵士乐,R&B和流行音乐造就了她独特的唱腔和创作风格. 拥有世界著名音乐学院的音乐副学士学位...

Voice Instructor

Scott Blois于1984年获得CSUN音乐学士学位. 他曾参加过阿斯彭音乐节和西方音乐学院, 并在南加州各地举办了一些客座艺术家的演出. 布洛伊斯一直参与圣地亚哥歌剧院的歌剧推广工作...

Voice Instructor

被《十大正规网赌平台》的马克·斯韦德称赞为“发光”, Karen Hogle Brown is a coloratura soprano whose strong musicianship and flexible voice have helped her to champion and premiere new works, 以及重塑传统. 作为洛杉矶地区活跃的独奏家,Hogle Brown是独一无二的...

Guitar Instructors

Ukulele Instructor

来自夏威夷的Jason Arimoto博士. D., is a Los Angeles-based ‘ukulele creative with a professional background in ‘ukulele performance, education, and retail. Arimoto在美国各地表演和教学.S. 同时也是U-SPACE, L.A.美国首屈一指的尤克里里琴店...


吉他手罗恩·伯曼一直在进行爵士独奏和团体独奏, 音乐会和电影中的古典和原创作品, 在美国和欧洲的广播和电视上工作了30多年. Performances include the US premier of George Russell’s Concerto for Two Guitars and group...


史蒂夫曾与“灵魂乐传奇天才”雷·查尔斯(Ray Charles)进行过广泛的巡演, 流行偶像弗兰基·瓦利, 还有Chanteuse Anjani和她的常客诗人Leonard Cohen.  他在零号出口表演过, 还有马塞奥·帕克的《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》爵士音乐节, 与阿方斯·穆松和...


吉他手Riner Scivally与Alan Broadbent合作过, Larance Marable, 斯泰西·罗尔斯和普特·史密斯. 他在十大正规网赌平台获得学士学位, an MM from USC, 后来在意大利米兰的Scuola Civica学习.  他是帕萨迪纳城市学院的教员...

Harp Instructor


被《十大正规网赌平台》誉为“独具一格的力场”, 但却加入了更大的事业, " Alison Bjorkedal is a passionate ambassador for the harp and a specialist in performing the music of Harry Partch.
Her symphonic, operatic and ballet performances include The Industry, San Diego Symphony...


Oboe Instructor

Catherine Del Russo received her Bachelor of Music Degree and Performance Certificate at the Eastman School of Music where she studied with Robert Sprenkle, and her Masters of Music Degree from Ohio University where she studied with John Mack in Cleveland. 从那以后,德尔·鲁索在各地演出...


Jay Jennings is a 3x GRAMMY Award winning trumpeter known for his work with jazz supergroup Snarky Puppy. He is a founding member of the band which started at the University of North Texas in 2004.  在遇到他的Snarky Puppy家庭之前,Jay在德克萨斯州的Grapevine小镇长大. He was lucky...

Clarinet Instructor

Sara Marsh (Canning) has built a sterling reputation as a clarinetist and teacher in the Western U.S. 她来自德克萨斯州,曾就读于北德克萨斯大学和加州大学洛杉矶分校. Early in her career, she served as second clarinetist in the Reno Chamber Orchestra and principal clarinetist in the Tucson...

Flute Instructor

Rachel Mellis enjoys a multi-faceted career as an orchestral, chamber, solo, and recording artist. 她定期在美国各地演出.S. 并在欧洲和亚洲进行了国际巡演.  她曾与许多音乐流派的著名艺术家合作, including Classical, Jazz, World...

Trombone Instructor

洛杉矶本地人, California, Erm Navarro began private trombone lessons and played in the public school system at age 12. 高中毕业后, Erm completed his Bachelors of Music in Jazz Performance and Contemporary Media from the Eastman School of Music (2005). During his time...

Saxophone Instructor


我在地中海边的以色列长大, Daniel fell in love with the freedom and potential for expression he found in Jazz after starting to play saxophone as a teenager. 他的音乐生涯始于以色列的《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》...

Bassoon Instructor

艾伦·萨维多夫是太平洋交响乐团的成员, 好莱坞露天乐团和加州爱乐乐团, 并曾与洛杉矶爱乐乐团合作演出, 洛杉矶爱乐乐团新音乐团体, LA Opera, LA Chamber Orchestra, Pasadena Symphony, New West Symphony, Glendale Symphony, LA Master Chorale...

Tuba Instructor

道格·特恩奎斯特只得到了B.M. 毕业于南加州大学,获硕士学位.M. 威奇托州立大学毕业,并获得博士学位.M.南加州大学毕业. 托恩奎斯特一直是俄勒冈巴赫音乐节管弦乐团的首席大提琴手, 长滩交响乐团, New Sousa乐队和...


Percussion Instructor

 他是日本神奈川人. Yuri Inoo是洛杉矶地区的音乐家和教育家. 她曾在旧金山州立大学师从大卫·罗森塔尔学习打击乐, 她在哪里获得了音乐学士学位, graduating summa cum laude,并获得“最优秀学长”称号...

Drum Set Instructor

自从到洛杉矶后, Jamey Tate has become one of the most sought after musicians on the national touring and studio scenes. He has performed and/or recorded with a diverse list of some of the biggest artists in the music industry, 包括大卫·伯努瓦, Al Jarreau, Jane Monheit, Gordon...



Frances holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Liverpool University and a Diploma of Education from Leicester University. Marsden's first experience with the Alexander Technique was when she was an acting student at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow, Scotland. She was so...

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Booth Hall