The requirements below apply to those students with a 2023-2024 catalog year. Students are required by college policy 要遵循在他们宣布他们的第一个专业时有效的目录中的主要(和次要)要求. 要查找您的目录年份,请访问您的成绩和学术记录 myOxy and access the catalog that matches your catalog year.



Students majoring in Music must choose one of the following concentrations to pursue: music production; composition; instrumental performance; vocal performance; ethnomusicology or popular music; musicology; or music theory and analysis. 考虑这些曲目的学生应该在第一年开始参加适当的入门级音乐理论课程. All concentrations require music theory, 许多音乐课程(包括所有的制作课程)都有音乐理论的先决条件. Students with no prior music theory experience must take MUSC 101, offered in the fall semester. 有一些音乐理论经验的学生应该参加音乐理论分班考试,看看他们是否能通过 MUSC 151, offered in the spring semester. 

所有想要申请音乐专业的学生必须完成 MUSC 151 with a grade of B-minus or higher. 希望申报音乐制作专业的学生也必须完成 MUSC 148 with a grade of B-minus or higher. 这两门课程必须在大二结束前完成.

考虑在大三出国留学的学生必须在第一年开始学习音乐理论课程,并且应该只考虑可以促进他们在特定音乐专业集中的海外学习项目. 我们提供一门辅修课程,民族音乐学和流行音乐.




Required Courses:

MUSC 151Music Theory II

4 units

MUSC 201The Ethics and Aesthetics of Sampling

4 units

MUSC 251Music Theory III

4 units

MUSC 261Western Music and Culture: 1580-1829

4 units

MUSC 263Western Music and Culture: 1830 to the Present

4 units

MUSC 490Senior Seminar

4 units

In addition to these 24 units required of all Music majors, 音乐专业的学生必须选择以下专业之一:

Concentration in Production

Required Courses:

MUSC 113Learning to Compose

4 units

MUSC 247Pro Tools Fundamentals

4 units

MUSC 348Mixing and Mastering

4 units

MUSC 351Music Theory IV

4 units

Production Elective


MUSC 242Music and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

4 units

MUSC 245Introduction to Music Business

4 units

MUSC 246Live Sound Engineering

4 units

MUSC 248Advanced Production: Sampling and Synthesis

4 units

MUSC 249Recording Techniques

4 units

MUSC 252Introduction to Songwriting

4 units

MUSC 258Introduction to Film Scoring

4 units

Piano Proficiency

MUSC 231Piano Proficiency I

1 unit

MUSC 232Piano Proficency II

1 unit



MUSC 120College Chorus

1 unit

MUSC 121Glee Club (Sopranos/Altos)

2 units

MUSC 122Glee Club (Tenors/Basses)

2 units

MUSC 123Afro-Cuban Drumming

1 unit

MUSC 124Son Jarocho Ensemble

1 unit

MUSC 127Jazz Ensemble

1 unit

MUSC 129Chamber Music

0 or 1 unit

MUSC 130Symphony Orchestra

0 or 1 unit

Comprehensive Preparation

It is highly recommended that students enroll in MUSC 474 他们在Oxy的最后两个学期都参加批判性的讨论, workshopping, and critique of their comprehensive project.

MUSC 474Senior Production Comprehensives Preparation

2 units

Concentration in Composition

MUSC 148Introduction to Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)

4 units

MUSC 351Music Theory IV

4 units



MUSC 273Choral Conducting

2 units

Composition Seminar

Students are required to complete MUSC 257 four times, for a total of 16 units.

MUSC 257Composition Seminar

4 units



MUSC 120College Chorus

1 unit

MUSC 121Glee Club (Sopranos/Altos)

2 units

MUSC 122Glee Club (Tenors/Basses)

2 units

MUSC 123Afro-Cuban Drumming

1 unit

MUSC 124Son Jarocho Ensemble

1 unit

MUSC 127Jazz Ensemble

1 unit

MUSC 128Chamber Jazz and Improvisation

1 unit

MUSC 129Chamber Music

0 or 1 unit

MUSC 130Symphony Orchestra

0 or 1 unit

Music Lessons

Students must take two semesters of private lessons. These are the MUSA ("Music applied") courses.

Concentration in Instrumental Performance

MUSC 113Learning to Compose

4 units

MUSC 351Music Theory IV

4 units


Students must select one course from the list below.

MUSC 273Choral Conducting

2 units

Private Lessons

修读本专业的学生必须完成六个学期的私人学习(200-level MUSA courses) on one's principal instrument. 


学生必须参加六个学期的主要乐器合奏, selected from the courses below.

MUSC 127Jazz Ensemble

1 unit

MUSC 130Symphony Orchestra

0 or 1 unit

Concentration in Vocal Performance

Vocal Performance

MUSC 351Music Theory IV

4 units



MUSC 273Choral Conducting

2 units


Choose one of the following three courses:

MUSC 113Learning to Compose

4 units

MUSC 115Topics in Vocal Music

4 units

MUSC 252Introduction to Songwriting

4 units

Voice Lessons


MUSA 211Voice (Half Hour)

0 or 1 unit

MUSA 212Voice (One Hour)

0 or 1 unit

MUSA 213Jazz and Commercial Voice (Half Hour)

0 or 1 unit

MUSA 214Jazz and Commercial Voice (One Hour)

0 or 1 unit



MUSC 120College Chorus

1 unit

MUSC 121Glee Club (Sopranos/Altos)

2 units

MUSC 122Glee Club (Tenors/Basses)

2 units

Concentration in Ethnomusicology or Popular Music

MUSC 113Learning to Compose

4 units

Students must complete two courses from the list below (8 units).

MUSC 102/LLAS 102Music of Latin America

4 units

MUSC 103Music of Asia and the Pacific Islands

4 units

MUSC 104/BLST 104Music of Africa and the Middle East

4 units

MUSC 105Topics in American Music

4 units

MUSC 108European Vernacular Music

4 units

MUSC 111/BLST 111Topics in Jazz History

4 units

Students must complete two courses from the list below (8 units).

MUSC 280Introduction to Ethnomusicology

4 units

MUSC 283Music of Los Angeles

4 units

MUSC 285Topics in the Critical Study of Music

4 units

MUSC 286Music and Politics of the United States-Mexico Border

4 units

MUSC 385Advanced Topics in the Critical Study of Music

4 units

MUSC 386Performance and Politics of the United States-Mexico Border

4 units

Private Lessons

修读此专业的学生必须完成两个学期的私人课程(200-level MUSA courses).



MUSC 123Afro-Cuban Drumming

1 unit

MUSC 124Son Jarocho Ensemble

1 unit

MUSC 127Jazz Ensemble

1 unit

Concentration in Musicology


MUSC 113Learning to Compose

4 units

MUSC 351Music Theory IV

4 units

Two semesters of MUSC 350, for a total of four units.

MUSC 350Music Analysis: Form, Genre, Point of View

2 units


Students must complete two courses from the list below (8 units).

MUSC 115Topics in Vocal Music

4 units

MUSC 264The Total Artwork

4 units

MUSC 266French Culture 1589-1848

4 units

MUSC 280Introduction to Ethnomusicology

4 units

MUSC 283Music of Los Angeles

4 units

MUSC 285Topics in the Critical Study of Music

4 units

MUSC 286Music and Politics of the United States-Mexico Border

4 units

MUSC 295Topics in Music: Composers

4 units

MUSC 385Advanced Topics in the Critical Study of Music

4 units

MUSC 386Performance and Politics of the United States-Mexico Border

4 units

Private Lessons

修读此专业的学生必须完成两个学期的私人课程(200-level MUSA courses).



MUSC 120College Chorus

1 unit

MUSC 121Glee Club (Sopranos/Altos)

2 units

MUSC 122Glee Club (Tenors/Basses)

2 units

MUSC 123Afro-Cuban Drumming

1 unit

MUSC 124Son Jarocho Ensemble

1 unit

MUSC 127Jazz Ensemble

1 unit

MUSC 129Chamber Music

0 or 1 unit

MUSC 130Symphony Orchestra

0 or 1 unit

Concentration in Music Theory and Analysis

MUSC 257Composition Seminar

4 units

MUSC 351Music Theory IV

4 units

Two semesters of MUSC 350 音乐分析:形式,流派,观点,共4个单位学分.

MUSC 350Music Analysis: Form, Genre, Point of View

2 units


Students must complete two courses from the list below (8 units).

MUSC 242Music and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

4 units

MUSC 280Introduction to Ethnomusicology

4 units

MUSC 285Topics in the Critical Study of Music

4 units

MUSC 295Topics in Music: Composers

4 units

MUSC 385Advanced Topics in the Critical Study of Music

4 units

MUSC 386Performance and Politics of the United States-Mexico Border

4 units

Private Lessons

修读此专业的学生必须完成两个学期的私人课程(200-level MUSA courses).



MUSC 120College Chorus

1 unit

MUSC 121Glee Club (Sopranos/Altos)

2 units

MUSC 122Glee Club (Tenors/Basses)

2 units

MUSC 123Afro-Cuban Drumming

1 unit

MUSC 124Son Jarocho Ensemble

1 unit

MUSC 127Jazz Ensemble

1 unit

MUSC 129Chamber Music

0 or 1 unit

MUSC 130Symphony Orchestra

0 or 1 unit


Students must complete a total of 20 units, in music theory, music history and culture, and in courses of one's choosing per the guidelines below. NB: MUSC 101 Music Theory I does not count towards this 20-unit requirement.

Music Theory

MUSC 151Music Theory II

4 units

Music History and Culture

One course selected from the list below:

MUSC 102/LLAS 102Music of Latin America

4 units

MUSC 104/BLST 104Music of Africa and the Middle East

4 units

MUSC 111/BLST 111Topics in Jazz History

4 units

MUSC 115Topics in Vocal Music

4 units

MUSC 119Why Music Matters

4 units

MUSC 201The Ethics and Aesthetics of Sampling

4 units

MUSC 241/COGS 241Cognition of Music and Sound

4 units

MUSC 261Western Music and Culture: 1580-1829

4 units

MUSC 263Western Music and Culture: 1830 to the Present

4 units

MUSC 264The Total Artwork

4 units

MUSC 266French Culture 1589-1848

4 units

MUSC 280Introduction to Ethnomusicology

4 units

MUSC 283Music of Los Angeles

4 units

MUSC 285Topics in the Critical Study of Music

4 units

MUSC 286Music and Politics of the United States-Mexico Border

4 units

MUSC 288Music and Festival

4 units

Advanced Elective


Additional Electives

学生必须完成额外的八个单元的选修课,由1-的任意组合组成, 2-, or 4-unit MUSA and/or MUSC courses. 

Second-Stage Writing

音乐专业的学生将通过成功完成第二阶段的写作要求来满足十大正规网赌平台大学范围内的写作要求 MUSC 201, MUSC 261, or MUSC 263二年级或三年级成绩达到B或以上.  获得C+或C+以下成绩的学生必须选修另一门音乐课程以满足这一要求. 没有通过标准课程机制完成第二阶段写作要求的音乐专业学生需要在秋季学期结束前向系主任提交一份令人满意的200级音乐课程的写作作品集(包括4000至5000字).

Comprehensive Requirement

音乐专业的高年级学生完成一个与学生感兴趣的领域相关的高年级项目. 所有高级项目都包括书面和口头部分. The written component (thesis draft; or final draft of argument-driven analytic paper plus recital program notes) must be completed by the end of MUSC 490, which is offered in the fall semester. 每个组件分为High Pass (HP), Pass (P)或Fail (F)三个等级。. 在高级综合考试中,如果所有的组成部分(书面的、书面的、书面的)都能获得优异及格(PD)的最终成绩, oral, and performance, if applicable) are graded High Pass.

In the Fall semester of their junior year, 学生提交他们的高级项目的建议,以音乐系教师批准. Music's "Senior Comprehensive ProjectPage提供了有关项目提案和个别浓度要求的详细信息.

所有高年级学生将在春季学期的公共论坛上展示他们的作品. 如果音乐系认为高年级学生没有做好充分准备,不能及时完成项目, 高年级学生必须参加书面考试,以代替背诵或论文提交/演示,以满足高年级综合要求. 教师们将从西方音乐学院高年级学生的音乐学习课程材料中提出问题.


埃莉诺·雷米克·沃伦奖每年春天颁发给创作出最杰出音乐作品的学生, in a Music course, that academic year.

The Peters Prize is awarded to the "Music major who, in the opinion of the faculty, 在这一年中,谁为促进校园音乐的理想和声望做出了最大的贡献."

Transfer Credit Policies

音乐系的转学分政策与学院政策一致. Students should reference the Transfer Credit section for more details.


MUSC - Music Courses

MUSA - Music Applied Study

Contact Music
Booth Hall