

Yenni Gonzalez头照白衬衫

Yenni Gonzalez Salinas, 25岁

家乡: 美国田纳西州纳什维尔
主要: 历史  小: 拉丁美洲/拉丁 & 拉丁美洲研究

历史课一直吸引着我. 作为第一代大学生, 起初,我对主修历史犹豫不决, 担心这事关系到我的未来, 尤其是考虑到法学院. My perspective shifted after taking Professor Alex和ra Puerto's 课程 流动中的健康:移民和难民的复原力迈克尔·加斯珀教授的 课程 P和ora's Box: 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan, 和 the United States. These classes were pivotal in steering me towards a 历史 major. Health on the Move intertwined my interests in 历史, 劳动的研究, 和法律, highlighting the health disparities faced by migrant farm workers, 这是美国的一个结果.S. 仅仅把他们视为廉价劳动力. 在《十大正规网赌平台》一书中,加斯珀教授鼓励我们更批判性地思考美国经济.S.'s involvement in the Middle East, prompting us to question the nature of U.S. 并探索更广泛的主题,帝国,国家地位,和国家认同在美国和美国.S. 以及中东地区. Both of these 课程s not only honed my 批判性思维 skills but also provided an intellectual engagement I hadn't found in any other department. 加斯珀教授成为我的导师,而波多教授则监督我2023年的暑期研究. In learning more ab出 the law school application process, 我了解到分数, 写作能力, 批判性思维能力是最重要的, 无论专业如何. 我真的很高兴我选择了历史, a field that challenges me intellectually 和 keeps me captivated. 这个决定也让我深入探索了我在大学期间发展起来的新兴趣.

In learning more ab出 the law school application process, 我了解到分数, 写作能力, 批判性思维能力是最重要的, 无论专业如何.

Can you describe your working relationship with 历史 professors?
所有的历史教授都很棒! 他们总是准备好见面,无论是聊聊学术问题还是个人问题. 历史 professors genuinely care ab出 you 和 your wellbeing. 对他们来说, you're more than just a student; you're a person who might face struggles, 他们致力于确保你走在正确的道路上,在所有课程中取得成功. I've worked closely with Professor Gasper 和 Professor Puerto 和 they've both pushed me 和 helped me achieve goals I never 虽然t would be possible on my own. 与此同时,他们确保我照顾好自己,不会走向倦怠. 尽管十大正规网赌平台的历史教授是我见过的最苛刻的学生之一, 很明显,他们真的希望你成功. 历史论文得A证明你有能力完成任何写作任务. 我珍惜向他学习的机会 洪珍教授 在她的 美国文化与社会 class. She inspired me to share my insight on the material we covered, validating its importance; by the end of the semester, 我的信心明显增强了. Her encouragement significantly increased my comfort level in staying in a field where women are notably underrepresented.

[对历史教授说], you're more than just a student; you're a person who might face struggles, 他们致力于确保你走在正确的道路上,在所有课程中取得成功.

Do you have any advice for a student considering a major in 历史?
首先,如果你还没有上过课,那就去上吧. 除非你去尝试,否则你永远不会知道它是否适合你! If you've already taken a class but are still undecided, 我建议和学长谈谈他们作为历史专业学生的经历. 我和十大正规网赌平台23届Alumni安德烈兹·帕拉聊了聊我的优柔寡断和对选错专业的恐惧. 他告诉我,当他意识到自己有足够的学分来证明这个专业的合理性时,他几乎是偶然地选择了历史专业. 这让我检查了自己的课程计数, 令我吃惊的是, I was already more than halfway through the requirements. If you're still unsure, talking to a professor can help. Share your concerns or ask why you might hesitate to choose 历史. They're incredibly underst和ing 和 will gladly address your questions. 记住,无论你最后选择什么专业,每个人都会为你感到骄傲.

Have you taken part in any student research opportunities at Oxy or elsewhere?
In the summer of 2023, I participated in a research 项目 through Occidental’s 本科生研究中心在波多教授的指导下. 我调查了墨西哥政府在布雷塞罗计划时期对其公民的责任. 我认为,墨西哥政府希望与美国建立外交关系.S., 努力促进经济增长, 和 pursuit of racial modernization through 这 program unfortunately resulted in the neglect of its citizens' well-being. 这是我第一次做暑期研究, 老实说, 我完全不知道自己陷入了怎样的境地. 但这是令人难以置信的满足. 我学会了浏览特殊收藏和寻找一手和二手材料的技巧. The entire journey sparked my curiosity for exploring more research avenues. 今年夏天, 我将在司法部实习, 在那里我将与一群历史学家合作为人权起诉部门进行研究. 想要深入了解HRSP的历史,请点击 出!




代词: 他们/他们/他们的
家乡: 西雅图,华盛顿州
主要: 历史  未成年人: 地质、拉丁裔/拉丁 & 拉丁美洲研究

Can you describe your working relationships with 历史 professors? 你上过什么优秀的课程吗?

Every 历史 class I have taken at Oxy has been punctuated by professors who are highly invested in their students 和 their academic development, 创造了充满活力和吸引力的课堂吗, 把我赶出了自己的舒适区. Oxy的许多历史学教授教授其他学科的课程, 和 they carry that breadth of experience into every lecture, 这让我重新思考如何研究历史.

Liberal arts gave me the freedom to experiment academically, 和 that freedom allowed me to form connections between distinct areas of study I am passionate ab出 which let me imagine how I could combine those interests to shape my future.


Liberal arts gave me the freedom to experiment academically, 和 that freedom allowed me to form connections between distinct areas of study I am passionate ab出 which let me imagine how I could combine those interests to shape my future. After Oxy I see myself taking time off to build working skills that complement academic knowledge 和 then pursuing a degree in environmental law or public humanities.





Michelle Teh, 25岁

家乡: 香港
主要: 历史  小: 语言学

诚实, 我上大学想学人类学, but 历史 was the closest thing they had at Occidental. 幸运的是, a lot of the classes at Oxy are pretty interdisciplinary 和 some of the studies I've read use anthropological methods.

Can you describe your working relationships with 历史 professors?
我想说我和历史学教授关系很好,总的来说,我喜欢这个系. You can tell that every professor is very passionate ab出 what they do, 和 each professor in the department has their quirks 和 unique teaching style. I would definitely recommend taking at least one class with 迈克尔廉价香烟教授 because it will change the way you look at the world. 所有的教授都很棒, 虽然, 和 everything I learn in class feels super relevant to the contemporary world.

I think my liberal arts education has put me in a position where I can be very flexible ab出 what industry I go into, 在这个瞬息万变的就业市场,哪一个是好事.

What do you find most compelling ab出 studying 历史?

I want to be a journalist, or, at the very least, work in communications. 我希望进入表演艺术行业或环境新闻行业. I think my liberal arts education has put me in a position where I can be very flexible ab出 what industry I go into, 在这个瞬息万变的就业市场,哪一个是好事.



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主要:历史; minors: 东亚研究西班牙语

你选择历史专业的动机是什么? Was there a specific inspirational moment or experience?
My path towards becoming a 历史 major was not always obvious to me. I loved 历史 in high school, but was actually much more focused on science. 我作为一个有抱负的生物学专业的学生来到奥施康定大学,在我的前三个学期里,我一直在追求这条道路. 在那段时间里, 我感到自己对生物学的热情在减退, 当我还喜欢这个学科的时候, the practice was not fulfilling my intellectual curiosities. 它在。 尼娜·盖尔巴特教授’s “西医史当我完全意识到我可以学习科学和我对历史的热爱. 我每天都来到Gelbart教授的课堂,兴奋地学习、讨论和探索过去的发现. 两年后, Gelbart教授是我的主要导师,我全身心地投入到科学史和医学史的研究中. Her class offered me the opportunity to shift my interests, 和 now having had most of the professors in the department, 我很高兴我选择了历史.

Can you describe your working relationships with 历史 professors? 你上过哪些优秀的课程?
The professors in the 历史 department at Oxy are some of the best on campus. Their excitement ab出 what they teach is so fun to participate in 和 they go above 和 beyond to ensure their students have the resources to succeed. I have had the opportunity to work most closely with Professors Gelbart, 简在香港玛拉石头——三位挑战我、激励我学习的女性. 香港的“1900年以来美国在世界上的地位“Gelbart’s”西医史和斯通的。大屠杀:历史、证词和记忆是我在十大正规网赌平台最喜欢的课程.

历史 is like a constantly evolving investigation 和 the more you figure 出, 它就变得越有趣.”

My 比较高级 项目 is looking at elements of masculinity within the American debate of contagiousness of puerperal fever in the 19th century. 产后发烧, 也称为产后感染或产褥热, was a devastating 和 often fatal disease that resulted from a bacterial infection of the uterine tract following childbirth or miscarriage. 产褥热最常见于分娩医院或病房拥挤的“卧床医院”, frequent vaginal examinations 和 infected medical instruments. 在我们现在所知的巴斯德的疾病细菌理论和李斯特的抗菌剂理论之前, medical professionals debated the contagious nature of puerperal fever, theorized how it spread 和 questioned physician culpability. I am arguing that due to the abiding gender dynamics of self-made manhood, 英雄气概和美国社会根深蒂固的不可接受的失败, most American doctors rejected the assertion of physician culpability regarding the spread of puerperal fever in the 19th century. 

What do you find most compelling ab出 studying 历史?
I think one of the most compelling things ab出 studying 历史 is that it challenges you to analyze 和 underst和 the world from different worldviews. It is a combination of effectively communicating your own interpretations while also grappling with the conflicting assessments of others. 历史 is like a constantly evolving investigation 和 the more you figure 出, 它就变得越有趣.

Do you have any advice for a student considering a major in 历史?
奥克西大学的历史系真是一颗隐藏的宝石. 对于考虑主修历史的学生来说,最好的建议是利用你的Oxy教授. 了解他们学习的内容, 保持好奇和好奇, go to office hours for help or just to talk things through. 我只能说说我自己的经历, 但我很感激成为历史专业的学生——你不会后悔的!




你选择历史专业的动机是什么? Was there a specific inspirational moment or experience?

When I first arrived at Oxy, I wanted to explore different areas of study. I wasn’t convinced my casual love for 历史 would be the right major for me. But a 历史 课程 on the American Civil War, taught by the 2018-19 比灵顿客座教授, Michael Vorenberg, became a transformational experience for me. 从我读完教学大纲的那一刻起, 在随后的每节课中, 我意识到,我们学习的每一个主题都可能是我自己为了好玩而寻找的. This 课程 gave me the confidence to major in 历史—it helped me realize I could pursue a valuable 和 rigorous 课程 of study in a topic I truly loved.

Can you describe your working relationships with 历史 professors? 你上过哪些优秀的课程?

The 历史 professors I’ve studied with are fully committed to encouraging students to develop 批判性思维 和 analytical skills through discussion 和 writing. They are approachable 和 happy to work with students beyond questions concerning their major to opportunities such as study abroad, 实习和研究. 值得注意的是,我很喜欢 洪珍教授当然,”1900年以来美国在世界上的地位,这挑战了我对现代美国文化的理解.S. 历史, 特别是权力和种族如何影响了整个20世纪的美国外交政策. 这门课也提高了我使用第一手资料和史学资料的技能,从而加强了我对历史的研究. 同样引人注目的是 玛拉·斯通教授当然,”大屠杀:历史、证词和记忆,我发现它特别吸引人,因为它包含了幸存者的证词, 视觉的纪录片, 和 literary narratives to examine not only the 历史 of the Holocaust but also the ways in which 历史 is remembered 和 memorialized.

What do you find most compelling ab出 studying 历史?

我觉得历史很有吸引力,因为研究过去可以帮助我对当前事件的看法. 例如, my study of the Nazi regime engenders a deeper underst和ing of the political, 社会, 文化, economic 和 ideological factors that can create an environment that gives rise to authoritarian power in government—a critical issue we see across the world today.

离开奥施康定后,你有什么计划或抱负? How has the liberal arts approach helped to shape these ambitions?

目前, 我对教学方面的机会很感兴趣, 博物馆工作, 非营利组织, 政治, 或者政府服务. Once I’ve gained professional experience in a particular field, 我希望读研究生. Through an emphasis on breadth 和 diversity of knowledge, my liberal arts education has provided me with the opportunity to explore a wide variety of distinct but interrelated topics. 本课程培养整体和跨学科的分析和研究方法, 书面和口头沟通, 最重要的是, 批判性思维.

Do you have any advice for a student considering a major in 历史?

我的建议是探索不同的选择. One of the advantages of a liberal arts education at Oxy is that you’re not locked into a 课程 of study when you arrive. I found that experimenting with 课程s in various departments helped me narrow my focus in terms of what I was most interested in pursuing academically. 此外, I recommend that you attend the 历史 department’s fall 和 spring parties—it’s your chance to gain a sense of what’s happening in the department, 听听历史专业同学的经历, 与教授联系,抢先了解即将到来的课程和机会.



主要:历史; minor: 政治

你选择历史专业的动机是什么? Was there a specific inspirational moment or experience?

It’s hard to pin down a single moment when I fell in love with 历史, 但它肯定和抒情歌谣有关, 我家乡的一家二手书店. My Dad used to take me with him when he went to shop for presents or reading material 和 I would spend hours browsing the 历史 section. I still have many books from that bookstore on my shelf at home—some of my favorites were a thick volume on the Pacific Front of WWII 和 the Cartoon 历史 of the Universe. 我真的不明白山本上将的大胆和马丁·路德的勇气的背景, 但我喜欢那些故事. I’ve learned to think critically ab出 those stories 和 to put them in context, 但我在《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》中寻找新书时所感受到的兴奋从未离开过我.

Can you describe your working relationships with 历史 professors? 你上过哪些优秀的课程?

十大正规网赌平台的历史教授是我大学生活的亮点之一. They are all incredibly passionate ab出 what they’re teaching, 并渴望与他们的学生分享这种激情. 在和他们一起上完课后,你会情不自禁地失去一点激情. 我仍然记得,而且可能永远记得 尼娜·盖尔巴特教授’s lecture on Charlotte Corday’s dramatic murder of Marat from my first year, 亚历山大·戴教授他解释了马的谷物承载能力限制了早期国家的有效性, 玛拉·斯通教授意大利法西斯主义的教训和 迈克尔廉价香烟教授这堂课内容丰富,讲的是两伊战争. They each have left a mark on me intellectually 和 academically.

Have you taken part in any academic research  opportunities at Oxy or elsewhere?  

我有机会和一个 比灵顿客座教授 Oxy的Michael Vorenberg教授. 这不仅是智力上的收获,也是极大的乐趣. I assisted him with his ongoing work on the ambiguous end of the Civil War, specifically looking into what happened to black soldiers who fought for the Union but refused to be sent west after the end of the war. 许多黑人士兵被派往杰斐逊堡, 佛罗里达群岛海岸外的军事监狱, where they languished for a number of years after the end of hostilities. It was a fascinating research 项目, 和 one that helped inform my 比较高级 项目. 我在写爱德华·科尔斯, the scion of one of the five great plantation families in Virginia, 谁决定解放他的奴隶.


是的,我在奥地利维也纳留学. I worked ab出 20 hours a week for the European Environmental Bureau, the largest conglomeration of environmental NGOs in Europe. 在游说、研究和政策制定方面,我直接与该组织的一位副总裁合作. I wrote a speech for a member of the European Parliament 和 participated in a conference on clean air in Bratislava, 举几个最精彩的例子. 这是一个难得的机会.

What do you find most compelling ab出 studying 历史?

My favorite thing ab出 studying 历史 is being able to make connections—when you find little details in the writings of Robespierre that remind you of something in the Federalist Papers or when suddenly l和 redistribution policies in China remind you of the great fights in the Roman Senate around farml和. 有如此多的信息需要探索,以及不断发展的应用方式.


Right now, I’m interested in a career in foreign policy. I intend on taking the foreign service exam 这 winter, 并希望申请到国务院或在国会山从事外交政策工作.

Do you have any advice for a student considering a major in 历史?

不要因为专业化而感到压力. 参加跨大洲和跨时期的课程, 和 push yourself to find similarities 和 compare differences. 带着怀疑的态度阅读——仅仅因为一个故事总是以一种方式讲述,并不意味着这种方式就是正确的, 或者这就是所有要知道的.

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