一些历史专业的学生继续在这一领域深造, 而是因为他们广泛地接触了不同的时代和文化, 他们几乎为任何职业做好了充分的准备. 除了为任何对真正的博雅教育感兴趣的人提供一个背景, 历史帮助学生为进入法律领域做准备, business, 外国服务, 图书馆事业, 博物馆工作, 保护历史古迹, 新闻, 环境研究, 从中学到大学的教学. 

康尼·吴(奥施康尼2017届毕业生, BA in History and East Asian Studies) is the Program Coordinator at LEAP - a national nonprofit organization dedicated to developing Asian and Pacific Islander (API) leaders and empowering API communities. 作为项目协调员, 她协调LEAP的项目和研讨会,重点是赋予API领导者和社区权力. She also assists in LEAP's research regarding the diverse needs of the API and other marginalized communities, 尤其是在领导力的影响方面, 表示, 以及公共政策. 她在奥施康定学历史的时候, 她认识到为自己社区的历史和叙述大声疾呼的重要性. 她希望在她的职业生涯中继续支持API和其他边缘化社区, 并希望继续她在多元化领域的工作, Equity, 与包容(DEI). 康妮住在洛杉矶, 在她空闲的时候, 她喜欢旅行,喜欢与朋友和家人分享美食.

克莱尔2016年毕业于奥施康定学院,获得了历史学学位. 她毕业后, she was hired by Oxy's Office of Institutional Advancement where she worked as a Research and Prospect Management Specialist and helped facilitate Oxy's fundraising efforts. 她在办公室当了三年的学生工后被录用了. 自2017年初以来, she has been working as a Research Analyst in the development department at the 洛杉矶 County Museum of Art (LACMA). 在这个角色中, 她帮助为洛杉矶艺术学院的各个部门寻找潜在的艺术和金钱捐赠者, 包括策展部门, 活动团队, 主任办公室, 特别展览. 她还参与了几个LACMA的大型筹款活动, 比如一年一度的艺术+电影盛典和收藏家委员会. 在2018年秋天, she will be moving to New York to start her Master's degree in Historic Preservation at Columbia University.

2016年秋天, 本在加州大学攻读历史硕士学位, 圣克鲁斯, 重点是经济和劳工历史.

Georgia于2015年毕业于Oxy优秀的历史系. 毕业后, she was accepted to Loyal Marymount University’s masters in education program where she will earn her primary teaching credential, 社会学的二级教师资格证书, 以及教育学硕士学位. LMU’s school of education focuses on preparing their students to work in culturally and linguistically diverse school settings, 它为最佳的基于研究的实践提供了坚实的基础. Georgia feels her background as a history student and the rigor of her undergraduate education greatly prepared her for her course work as a graduate student.

2015年春天,我从奥克斯大学毕业,拿到了历史学学位, 玛丽卡于2015年秋季被加州大学洛杉矶分校的教师教育项目(TEP)录取. 这个为期两年的项目准备未来的教师成为城市学校的社会正义教育者. 通过TEP, 她将获得社会研究单科证书和教育学硕士学位. Oxy’s excellent history department not only prepared Marika to be a confident and skilled social studies teacher but also prepared her for the rigor of UCLA’s program.

曼努埃拉是2014届的一员,主修历史,辅修西班牙语. 毕业后,她在阿拉米达县的司法服务队工作. JusticeCorps is an AmeriCorps program that places participants in the Self-Help centers (a department within each county’s Superior Court designed to assist self-represented litigants navigate different areas of civil law) in the court systems of San Diego, 洛杉矶, 和湾区. 在她的奖学金年之后, she was hired on as a full-time staff member where she continues to work alongside staff that includes attorneys and non-attorneys to assist individuals who either cannot afford an attorney or choose to do their own legal work. Her two years at the Self-Help Center have exposed her to the practical application of the law and the ways in which the law manifests itself in an average person’s daily life. 在一次计划外的旅行之后, 但宝贵的两年间隔, 她将于8月开始在加州大学戴维斯分校金厅法学院学习. 给那些想上法学院的人, 申请司法服务队, 或者还有其他毕业后的问题, 请不要犹豫与她联系!

劳雷尔于2014年毕业,主修历史,辅修哲学. 毕业后,劳雷尔搬回了她的家乡科罗拉多州博尔德. 她一直在为从小学到高中的学生做家教, emphasizing enrichment for GT students and helping international students integrate into the American school system. 虽然她很喜欢当家教, 她决定去追求一个长久以来的梦想,去国外教英语. 从今年夏天开始, 她通过法国助教项目(TAPIF)正式接受了一个职位。. 今年秋天, 她将搬去里昂, France, 作为助理语言教师通过法国教育部.

在她空闲的时候, she has been working with her family to write a book on their somewhat disastrous (yet entertaining) climb up Mt.2013年夏天的富士. 她还开始学习如何弹奏尤克里里琴,并养成了数字艺术的爱好. 劳雷尔也很幸运,有时间经常旅行! 她访问了纽约市、费城、锡安国家公园、葡萄牙和西班牙. 她对应届毕业生/即将毕业的毕业生的建议是: 不要感到压力,现在就把所有事情都弄清楚. 尽管我们都是最老的人,但生活不是一场赛跑. 谢天谢地,因为我跑得很慢. 如果您对TAPIF(或其他任何事情)有任何疑问!),请随时给我发电子邮件 laurel.c.cox@gmail.com.

毕业后, 劳伦搬到了波特兰, OR, 因为她想念自己的家乡,而波特兰有很多东西可以为年轻人提供. 毕业后的前九个月, 劳伦先是在诺德斯特龙工作, 在他们的零售管理实习项目,然后作为助理经理. 虽然这不是她想要的职位, 她在那里学到了许多技能, 即解决冲突的能力, 领导智慧, 以及如何管理人员.

过去的一年, 劳伦一直在一家搜索引擎营销公司工作,目前是运营经理. She is responsible for overseeing multiple facets of the business relating to both the financial and human resources side of the business. This involves everything from billing and managing the overall financial stability of the company to administering employee benefits and being responsible for the hiring process. 她还负责制定她创建的新计划和流程, 包括新员工招聘流程和公司匹配的401K福利.

在她空闲的时候, 劳伦喜欢上自行车课, 探索波特兰令人惊叹的美食,并在工作允许的情况下尽可能多地旅行. 离开Oxy后,她去了坦桑尼亚、日本、南卡罗来纳州的查尔斯顿和德克萨斯州的奥斯汀. 她给牛津大学毕业生的建议, 尤其是历史专业的同学, 是为了不让自己在毕业后就想着能否找到一份“理想”的工作. 虽然她在诺德斯特龙的日子很艰难, much of what she learned there was extremely valuable and are skills she will carry with her no matter where her career takes her. 劳伦的第二条建议是,不要让那些要求有市场营销经验的人去应聘, business, 通信, etc.专业会把你吓跑. 为你的文科教育感到自豪,不要回避它! 许多潜在的雇主都在追问她为什么选择历史专业, 尤其是因为她一直想进入商业领域. She never backed down from those conversations and told them the many reasons why all the skills she learned at Oxy, i.e. 批判性/分析性思维和较强的写作能力, 劳动力中重要和必要的技能是什么. 尽管他们中的一些人可能不同意, 劳伦找到了一个真正看重这些技能的雇主, 结果是完美的契合.

海莉2014年毕业于十大正规网赌平台,主修历史和社会学. 毕业后, 她一直在东洛杉矶的暴力干预项目(VIP)工作. VIP is a public-private partnership with the County of 洛杉矶 and the University of Southern California that provides medical, forensic, 心理健康, 以及为性暴力和家庭暴力受害者/幸存者提供的支持服务. 虽然VIP适用于所有年龄, 它专门为儿童和家庭服务, 是洛杉矶县最大的儿童虐待中心. 作为特别项目主任, Hailey works to expand and enhance the organization's mission by developing specialty programs to serve all people in the community. 在VIP工作了两年, 她关注的是被监禁人群(青少年和成年人), 高危青少年, 酷儿群体. 目前, she's leading a large scale sociological research study for the County interviewing incarcerated youth about their experiences and their treatment while incarcerated. In Fall of 2017, she hopes to be pursuing her PhD in Sociology with an emphasis in violence studies.

从Oxy毕业后, 埃里克接受了内城法律中心(ICLC)的租户/社区组织者的工作。. He first became interested in tenants' rights after participating in Professor Drier's Summer Affordable Housing & 2012年社区发展实习. 作为贫民窟唯一的法律服务提供商, 红十字国际委员会是打击贫民窟住房和无家可归现象的领导者. 在做了一年的组织者之后, 埃里克成为了一名律师助理,并加入了内城法律的住房诉讼部门. He currently assists attorneys in the 表示 of low-income tenants in civil lawsuits against slum landlords. 他的长期目标是成为家族中第一个律师, 在这个过程中, 激励他人回馈社区. 在埃里克的空闲时间, 他喜欢徒步旅行。, 拜访纽约的朋友和家人, 享受洛杉矶提供的一切. 欢迎在推特上@ericquizhpi打个招呼.

Alexis currently works to stop Eurasian organized crime as Operational Support for the Department of Justice in Sacramento. She simultaneously attends law school as an evening student at McGeorge School of Law where she will finish her JD program in May of 2019. Alexis's school work focuses on advocacy and giving voice to those who cannot speak for themselves. She is a member of the Moot Court Competition Team and a national champion advocate after winning Best Brief at the San Diego National Criminal Procedure Competition. 在她的空闲时间,亚历克西斯喜欢在户外或依偎着一本好书. She visits her family in Tahoe as often as she can contort her schedule to allow and enjoys rousing games of capture the flag with her two younger brothers.

David is Communications Manager at The Broad Stage in Santa Monica, where he has worked since 2012. 大舞台提供戏剧表演, dance, film, opera, jazz, 世界音乐, 音乐剧, 交响乐团和室内乐团, 家庭节目等等, 拥有来自每一代和世界各地的顶尖人才. 过去的艺术家包括安德烈·瓦茨, 安娜科, 詹姆斯·高威爵士, 萨顿福斯特, 保存馆爵士乐队, 巴里什尼科夫, 帕蒂LuPone, 李尔巴克, 博比·麦克费林, 海伦亨特, 田野中的圣马丁学院, 还有很多其他的. His primary duties include implementing marketing plans to increase tickets sales to Broad Stage produced performances, as well as managing the department’s creative and 通信 schedules and all PR and advertising.
