In March 2024, the Division of 学生事务 presented the inaugural 学生事务处职员奖. The Awards Committee congratulates and acknowledges the following award recipients for their well-deserved recognition.

Monique Hankerson


Monique Hankerson, Associate Director of 住房服务, Residential Education & 住房服务

The 学生事务 卓越成就奖 represents the highest and most esteemed honor within our division. This award stands as a testament to the unparalleled dedication, 坚定的承诺, and extraordinary contributions that have left indelible marks on the Division of 学生事务.

Recipients of this award are not merely outstanding; they are trailblazers, 有远见的人, 积极改变的真正建筑师. Their achievements and leadership have set a standard that others aspire to attain, 以及他们对我们部门的影响, 机构和学生是不可估量的.

This award is a symbol of the profound respect and admiration that our 社区 holds for those who have reached such high echelons of achievement and in doing so, 丰富了西方文化遗产. 这个奖项是对稀有事物的褒奖, 非凡的, 杰出的, and it serves as an enduring reminder of the heights that dedication, 激情, and commitment can reach within our student affairs 社区.




克里•米勒 Executive Assistant to the Vice President for 学生事务 and 教务长






德文郡坂本, Assistant 教务长 for Emmons 健康 Center

This award is presented yearly to an individual in the division whose actions or work performance stands out as an exceptional reflection of our divisional values (integrity, 关怀文化, 社区, 健康, 包容性, 协作, 并为所有学生服务).

This individual demonstrates a commitment to the betterment of the Occidental and/or their department. Has sustained outstanding performance in one’s job responsibilities that is frequently above and beyond the normal scope of expectations and has demonstrated impact on creating an environment which enhances the student experience at Occidental. Has proven leadership and innovation within the context of the individual’s role and position responsibilities.





This award recognizes someone who displays exceptional leadership for their student and/or professional staff, 在需要时提供持续的支持和指导, and consistently works to elevate their office or staff. The recipient is a manager/supervisor to a staff of more than one student worker or professional staff member and displays exemplary leadership and communication skills with their unit. This manager cares deeply about their staff and impacts their staff in a positive way.




克里斯塔的地方、学生福利 & 埃蒙斯健康中心的保险专家

威廉·鲁伊斯, Director of the Neighborhood Partnership Program

This individual works behind the scenes for the good of 学生事务 and 十大正规网赌平台 though not publicly celebrated, demonstrates leadership and care through exceptional work ethic, 奉献与服务. 没有任务是太小或太大的. 

This award is designed to celebrate the contributions of all levels of employees, 经常完成项目和/或编程, administrative support and responsibilities that are usually “unseen;” however, 没有这些人, 学生事务不会兴旺发达.




以赛亚托马斯, Assistant 教务长 and Director of Residential Education, 住房服务和学生行为办公室

This award celebrates an individual who embodies the spirit of tenacity in leadership, 表现出坚定不移的决心, 弹性, and perseverance in their role while fostering a culture of 协作 and empowerment/excellence among their team.

Award recognizes an employee who has demonstrated perseverance in the face of the constant challenges, setbacks and obstacles in their role within 学生事务 and 十大正规网赌平台 but is always able to see “the bigger picture” and continues to succeed with care and humility.




杰昆·卡罗、项目S.A.F.E. 预防教育协调员

This award recognizes an individual who has served as a beacon of guidance and support for students, demonstrably advocating for their needs and creating a positive impact on student life.





This award acknowledges an individual that has made significant contributions to advancing diversity, 股本, 并被纳入学生事务部门, 促进更具包容性的校园社区.


Laura is smiling and standing in front of an orange-red wall


劳拉·费迪格, Health Promotions Specialist, Emmons 健康 Center

This award honors those who have played a pivotal role in supporting the mental health and well-being of students and/or staff, 提倡健康和自我照顾的文化.



Friends of Students Affairs (FOSA)/Campus Partnership 

亚历克斯·Fulcher 民事权利 & 第九条协调员

The FOSA/Campus Partnership Award recognizes an outstanding faculty and staff member or department, 学生事务之外, who has made significant contributions to student development and co-curricular learning as demonstrated through 协作, involvement and partnership(s) with 学生事务. The recipient enhances the mission of 学生事务 and goes beyond occupational requirements – through guidance, 指导, advocacy and/or advising; promoting leadership, personal responsibility and self-governance; and fostering an environment of 包容性 and appreciation for all.


We also would like to give a special thanks to Anaid Garcia, Executive Assistant to the VP & 首席运营官兼总法律顾问 and Rachael Warecki, Director of Communications for joining us on the Nomations Review Committee. We appreciate your help and support with this selection process.
