Project S.A.F.E.

SAFE项目是一个预防教育和倡导支持项目,致力于结束西方大学校园中的性暴力. We provide resources, advocacy, 以及与性侵犯相关的教育项目, dating violence, sexual harassment, and stalking.


Our goal 是否为学生、团体和其他校园利益相关者提供有效的宣传和教育. In pursuit of this goal, we provide resources, advocacy, 以及与性侵犯相关的教育项目, dating violence, sexual harassment and exploitation, and stalking. 我们努力灌输强烈的同意和健康沟通的价值观,并培养一个“挺立者”(积极的旁观者)社区,他们将打断他们目睹的暴力事件.  Learn more about what we do, and what we can do for you, below!


At Project SAFE, effective advocacy means...

  1. 幸存者的宣传需要在我们的范围内得到理解和满足.
  2. Project SAFE advocacy is accessible and equitable.
  3. 安全项目倡导对所有学生都是安全的,和/或提供安全资源.

What is advocacy?


在SAFE项目中,倡导是对幸存者、盟友或任何受到伤害影响的人的支持. Project SAFE's survivor advocates are a confidential resource on Oxy’s campus. 他们通过以幸存者为中心的赋权支持模式提供宣传, 这意味着他们寻求帮助人们,因为他们探索可用的选择,并决定什么, if anything, feels right for them. 

可能促使某人向倡导者伸出援助之手的常见情况是,某人在奥施康明斯或之前曾直接经历过性暴力, stressful relationship dynamics, wanting to know how to better support someone else, or seeking support for indirect impacts of violence. 倡导者可以帮助支持人们度过这些情况和许多其他情况.

倡导是低风险和低承诺的:你可以以任何理由与倡导者会面, even just to ask one question or get one thing off your chest. 倡导也很有创意:倡导者将努力寻找支持性措施来满足你在西方学校内外的具体需求,帮助你在前进的道路上导航. Before coming in, consider: do I want support in the form of advice right now, or do I just want someone to be there and hold space for me?

Advocacy includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Academic/housing accommodations
  2. 陪同所有预约,如第九章、法庭、体检等.
  3. Class/work schedule changes
  4. Safety planning
  5. Emotional support
  6. Referrals to other resources on- and off-campus
  7. Still not sure? See more here.

我们的幸存者辩护律师和同伴辩护律师可以预约,也可以在一周内上门, and are open to asynchronous communication formats as well. 浏览下面的部分以了解更多信息,并找到适合您需求的最佳选择.


Staff Survivor Advocates


我们的工作人员幸存者倡导者的宣传可以在项目安全办公室亲自获得, virtually (Zoom or email), and by phone.

幸存者辩护律师周一至周四可以预约, 10am-5pm (unless otherwise specified). 虽然可以接受旁听,但由于有限的倡导者可用性,他们不能保证.

To schedule appointments or request support, drop by our office, call(323) 341-4750, email, or schedule an appointment using the button below!

Schedule an Appointment


Peer Advocates


学生同伴倡导者可以就健康沟通问题提供同伴支持, consent, and relationship stresses, or answer questions about Oxy or off-campus resources. 私人助理还可以回答有关幸存者倡导者可以做什么或安全项目在校园内做什么的问题. 

Peer Advocate Hours: See below for text


Schedule an Appointment

Monday: Amelia (she/her) 12-1pm Library 103

Tuesday: Emma (she/her) 7-8pm Library 103

Wednesday: Rachel (she/her) 12-1pm Library 103

星期四:Pooja(她)11-12pm ICC | Liv(她/他们)12-1pm Library 103

Project SAFE x Title IX Meeting


这将是一个选择的人谁想要一个倡导者陪同他们与第九条会议的原因包括, but not limited to: navigating questions about the Title IX reporting process; receiving emotional support during the process and/or help with safety planning before, during, and after reporting.

如果你想同时安排一次与幸存者倡导者和第九条的会面, click the button below!

Schedule a Joint Meeting: Project SAFE x Title IX


At Project SAFE, effective education means...

  1. People are being reached.
  2. SAFE项目的内容正在被学生们接受.
  3. 项目内部和合作项目的内容是有意开发的主题, relatable, and culturally humble.
  4. Project SAFE programs are accessible and equitable.
  5. Project SAFE programs promote awareness of safety resources.


Prevention Education Framework


SAFE项目致力于通过一系列以公共卫生预防模式为基础的框架,结束Oxy校园内的性暴力. Through these frameworks, 我们能够提供全面的预防教育,以及以安全和自主为中心的宣传和治疗项目. Combined these components allow us to address primary, secondary, 三级预防为我们的使命提供全面的方法.

Project SAFE staff, which includes our Director and Survivor Advocate, Intake and Programs Coordinator, Prevention Education Coordinator, and Peer Advocates (PA's), 在整个学年提供各种培训和项目. 同侪倡导者为Oxy运动队、希腊组织和其他学生团体提供培训. SAFE项目还组织了校园范围内的项目,对社区进行性暴力和人际暴力教育,并为创伤愈合提供机会. Empowerment Week, held annually in October, 致力于预防和治疗约会和人际暴力. Take Back the Week, held annually in April, 探讨交叉性和性暴力,以提高人们对性暴力影响每个人的认识, regardless of gender, race or orientation.

了解更多影响我们预防教育框架的模式 HERE .

Schedule a Consultation


我们的预防教育协调员致力于发展有意义的, topical, 以及为Oxy的所有利益相关者提供文化谦逊的教育项目. This includes state and federally mandated training, such as that given to first year students and Greek Life, as well as NCAA-mandated training for athletes.

SAFE项目提供一系列讲习班和培训,为西方社区提供全面预防性暴力和人际暴力的方法. 以下是我们提供的研讨会/主题列表,但不限于: 

- Introduction to Project SAFE Office and Resources (30 min)

- How to Support Survivors and Trauma-Informed Care (60 min)

- Practice Consent and Boundaries (60 min)

- Being an Oxy Upstander (60 min)


SAFE项目很乐意为您的学生团体或部门创建定制的研讨会和演示文稿. 如果您想参加研讨会或培训,请在下面安排咨询. We typically prefer 1-2 weeks' notice, or more, for workshop requests, however, we will do our best to accommodate your needs and schedule. If you have any additional questions, 请随时发电子邮件给预防教育协调员, Joaquin Caro, at For urgent requests, send an email directly to

Schedule a Consultation


Contact Project SAFE
Stewart-Cleland Hall Lower Lounge

Monday-Thursday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday: 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Map of office location

OXY 24/7 Confidential Hotline:
(323) 341-4141