Promoting religious pluralism and a commitment to inclusive excellence.

十大正规网赌平台鼓励学生、教职员工的宗教和精神成长. 学院提倡对所有宗教的尊重,并承认任何个人决定参加精神传统的有效性. 它期望学院的成员将尊重宗教信仰的隐私权和表达这些信仰价值的权利.

以下是在宗教方面尊重个人隐私权的行为准则. 学院鼓励有意愿的参与者之间自由讨论价值观和宗教间对话. In the residence halls, 不适宜进行挨家挨户或不请自来的宗教活动. But it IS appropriate to announce events and issue invitations at public gatherings, such as hall spreads.

宿舍外的宗教互动取决于每个人的良心. However, harassment of individuals for their beliefs is strictly out of place. This includes:

  • unwelcome solicitations or door-to-door visits;
  • misrepresentation of religious group activities;
  • 以宗教的名义或作为对个人宗教或哲学的批评对个人隐私的不必要的侵犯;
  • 围绕个人生活选择的骚扰,这可能与他人的宗教信仰背道而驰

宗教和精神生活办公室(ORSL)组织和促进校园宗教生活,它是官方认可的宗教团体在西方大学的家. For a religious group to use campus facilities or resources, engage in activities or sponsor events, it must register with the Director and agree to the religious policies of the College. 宗教顾问必须获得书面认证,以便协调校园活动. Religious policies specify the relationship of the College to religious groups, religious groups to each other and religious groups to their members.

ORSL提供资源,使学生和员工能够探索自己的精神身份,并培养对他人信仰和传统的尊重. The Director offers counseling and support to all members of the College. ORSL的宗教顾问为特定的宗教或精神传统提供领导. It is the desire of the College that every religion feel at home at Occidental. Any complaint or problem should be reported to the Director as soon as possible.

Religious Life Policy for Religious Advisors and Religious Organizations

Religious Advisors

Religious Advisors facilitate the activities of campus religious organizations.  Advisors must be officially appointed, authorized representatives of a particular religious tradition, ecclesiastical body or religious institution.  In order to serve at Occidental, 宗教和精神生活主任必须在每年年初以书面形式证明所有顾问.  Each sponsoring agency must submit a letter of recognition to the Director.  If there is more than one advisor, each person must be certified separately.  To be certified, 顾问必须同意接受宗教生活使命宣言的指导,并遵守所有宗教生活政策.  After certification, advisors may facilitate group activities, meet with students and offer pastoral care from their tradition.  In order to work effectively at Occidental, Religious Advisors must adhere to these guiding principles:

  •  促进十大正规网赌平台社区成员的精神和宗教成长
  •  支持大学社区的教育使命和追求最高标准的智力和道德卓越
  •  尊重他人的事工和宗教及属灵生活办公室的跨信仰目标 
  •  Honor the religious freedom, privacy, human dignity, conscience, personal spiritual welfare and religious traditions of all.


Code of Conduct for Religious Advisors

  1. 宗教顾问必须提交其赞助团体或机构的委任信.  他们必须在每学年开始时遵循所有由主任认证的程序.
  2. 宗教顾问必须在所有宣传或沟通中清楚地表明自己代表他们的赞助机构(而不是宗教和精神生活办公室).
  3. Religious Advisors must follow all Occidental College campus rules and regulations.
  4. 宗教顾问必须遵守宗教和精神生活办公室的政策和程序.
  5. 宗教顾问必须以相互尊重的态度对待所有其他团体的事工, embracing the interfaith commitments of the Office for Religious and Spiritual Life.
  6. 宗教顾问不得从事传教活动,不得采用高压、胁迫、恐吓的招人手段.  Examples of unauthorized behavior include:
    • Unwelcome solicitation or door-to-door visits
    • Misrepresentation of religious group or activities
    • Breach of individual privacy or conscience
    • Harassment regarding personal life choices
    • 因学生离开团体而导致的回避或其他形式的社会孤立.
  7. Religious Advisors must defer to residence hall staff and their policies.  Group activities must not compete with residence hall activities.
  8. 宗教顾问不得在未经同意的情况下,通过施加压力将学生赶出校园,从而损害学生的学术地位或职业追求.
  9. 宗教顾问必须尊重他们所指导和咨询的学生的机密性.
  10. Religious Advisors must respect the sexual boundaries of all, refraining from inappropriate language, sexual exploitation or sexual harassment.
  11. 宗教顾问必须让自己和学生了解十大正规网赌平台宗教生活的伦理框架.

Religious Organizations

For a religious group to use campus facilities or resources, engage in activities or sponsor events, 学生领袖必须每年向宗教与精神生活主任登记,并同意遵守宗教与精神生活办公室的使命声明和十大正规网赌平台的宗教生活政策.  该团体的宗教顾问必须经过认证,并与主任有良好的关系.

Code of Conduct for Religious Organizations

  1. 所有学生宗教组织必须遵循适用的学院程序才能被认可为学生组织.
  2. 所有学生宗教组织必须有一名经过认证的宗教顾问,并在宗教和精神生活办公室注册.
  3. 所有学生组织必须开放给任何感兴趣的学生参加.
  4. Any student must be able to leave the group free from harassment or retribution.
  5. 所有学生宗教组织必须尊重个人隐私和大学社区的宗教和精神多样性.  They must not engage in proselytizing or high-pressure recruitment tactics.  Examples of unauthorized behavior include:
    • Unwelcome solicitation or door-to-door visits
    • Misrepresentation of religious group or activities
    • Breach of individual privacy or conscience
    • Harassment regarding personal life choices
    • 因学生离开团体而导致的回避或其他形式的社会孤立.
  6. In public statements, announcements and activities, 所有宗教组织必须避免诋毁或剥夺任何宗教团体的合法性, tradition or spiritual expression.  Religious groups shall clearly identify themselves on all publicity, displays or other posted, distributed or erected organizational material.
  7. 宗教组织之间的冲突必须向宗教和精神生活主任报告.


Contact Office for Religious & Spiritual Life
Herrick Interfaith Center

Occidental College, F-8
1600 Campus Road
Los Angeles, CA 90041