Voices from the Margins: 支持ing Vocational Exploration with Underserved Students
January 16-18, 2020, Occidental College, 洛杉矶

Registration Deadline: December 20, 2019


这次地区性聚会的目的是与NetVUE的同事一起探讨如何促进服务不足的学生进行有意义的职业探索. Underserved students come from a variety of social locations and possess different social identities. These students could include first generation college students, students of color, LGBTQIA+ students, students from 低的收入 families or communities, and other traditionally marginalized student populations.

The goals of the regional gathering are to:

  1. 研究来自边缘社区的学生在以白人为主的学院和大学校园里的独特经历和挑战;
  2. Consider how these experiences and challenges impact the way in which educators, mentors and religious and spiritual leaders engage in critical conversations about spirituality, religious belief and practice, 和职业;
  3. Identify current best practices or potentially innovative ways of fostering culturally sensitive, relevant vocational exploration among students from marginalized communities; and,
  4. 为NetVUE的同事提供一个相互学习的机会,了解如何将新的想法或最佳实践整合到校园中现有的职业探索计划中.

Keynote Speaker:

Our keynote speaker is Dr. Varun Soni, 他是南加州大学(USC)宗教生活主任,也是第一位担任美国大学首席宗教或精神领袖的印度教徒. He is also Vice Provost of Campus 健康 and Crisis Intervention, Adjunct Professor of Religion and University Fellow at the Annenberg Center on Public Diplomacy. For more information about Dr. 索尼:  http://varunsoni.com/bio2/.

车间—— Click here for additional biographical information 

Chris Arguedas MS, Interim Director of the Intercultural Community Center at Occidental College, 他会谈论支持LGBTQIA+学生,包括他作为十大正规网赌平台酷儿和跨性别工作小组负责人的工作吗. Chris Arguedas has a master’s degree in higher education administration for Florida International University.

Mariam Ashchyan serves as the interim case manager for the disability services & dean of students office at Occidental College, returning to Oxy after serving as the first academic success coach graduate intern. Mariam's philosophy is rooted in taking a holistic approach with students, which includes providing academic, personal and emotional support. She provides academic accommodations for students with disabilities, as well as ongoing case management to help students develop skills and strategies for success. Mariam earned her masters of educational counseling from the University of Southern 加州 in 2017.

斯蒂芬妮·卡尔德隆将为不同文化和语言的学生和家庭讲述大学入学问题. 卡尔德隆的硕士论文关注的是有色人种年轻人在进入四年制大学时的经历.

Dr. 劳拉E. Enriquez博士, Assistant Professor of Chicano/Latino Studies, University of 加州 Irvine, 玛莎·莫拉莱斯·埃尔南德斯和埃利亚贝特·巴里奥斯·马特奥将就促进无证大学生的教育公平发表演讲. Dr. Enriquez领导无证学生权益项目和加州大学促进移民和学生权益合作项目. Martha Morales Hernandez is a doctoral student at the University of 加州 Irvine. 她的研究重点是移民身份在塑造高等教育机构中无证青年的教育经历和心理健康结果中的作用. Elisabet Barrios Mateo is a doctoral students in Sociology at the University of 加州 Irvine. 她的研究考察了童年抵美者暂缓遣返对年轻移民成年人归属感的影响.

Duane “Deejay” Johnson, 加州大学圣巴巴拉分校住宿和社区生活的学生领导项目经理, will speak about supporting LGBTQIA+ students. Deejay拥有威斯康辛大学奥什科什分校教育领导力研究生学位,此前曾担任威斯康辛大学密尔沃基分校LGBT+资源中心的助理主任.

设计师小金Masredjian serves as the director of disability services & student support at Occidental College. Luci's role includes supporting all students who have, or think they may have, a learning difference, chronic medical or psychological diagnosis, or any type of disability, via accommodations and general support. Luci努力培养和支持一个包容和富有同情心的校园社区,了解个体差异及其给我们社区带来的丰富性. 特别感兴趣的是确保残疾服务办公室的政策是无障碍和包容性的, especially for students who may not have the cultural capital to understand that these services are also 为他们. Luci earned her masters of education in student development from Seattle University in 2011.

Marissko米. 惠顿博士和埃斯梅拉达·埃尔南德斯-哈米德将在南加州大学罗西耶教育学院的城市教育中心谈论这项研究和工作, is doing to promote racial 股本 in postsecondary education. Marissko米. 惠顿是一名博士后学者,埃斯梅拉达·埃尔南德斯-哈米德是城市教育中心的项目专家.

牧师. 布鲁斯Reyes-Chow, 帕洛阿尔托第一长老会牧师,进步复兴中心高级顾问, will speak about intersectionality. 2008年,牧师. 周星驰是长老会历任大会主持人中最年轻的一位, (美国).

Erica Rosales, will speak about improving college access for 低的收入, first generation students. Rosales is the Executive Director of College Match, 这是洛杉矶县的一个非营利组织,帮助数百名低收入学生充分发挥他们的大学匹配潜力. She has a Master’s in Education at UCLA.

Dr. D’Artagnan Scorza 博士学位, Founder and Executive Director of the Social 正义 Learning Institute in Inglewood, 加州, will speak about strengthening college persistence for young men of color. Dr. 斯科扎目前是英格尔伍德联合学区教育委员会和加州大学洛杉矶分校校友会委员会的成员.

Dr. 迪安娜一个. 汤普森将谈到如何与经历疾病和创伤的学生进行职业探索. Thompson is the Director of the Lutheran Center for Faith, Values, and Community and Martin E. Marty Regents Chair in Religion and the Academy at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota. She is author of five books, including The Virtual Body of Christ in a Suffering World and most recently, Glimpsing Resurrection: Cancer, Trauma, and Ministry.

Daniel Tillapaugh 博士学位, 他会通过韧性和社区文化财富框架来重塑男性气概,从而支持历史上在高等教育中被低估的男性吗. 蒂拉博是加州路德大学辅导员教育系的副教授兼系主任, where he primarily teaches in the Counseling and College Student Personnel Program. Tillapaugh has a Ph.D. in Leadership Studies from the University of San Diego and a M.Ed. in Counseling and Personnel 服务 from the University of Maryland.

帕洛玛Vargas, 博士学位, will address issues of justice, 股本, and access in higher education for traditionally underserved and minoritized groups (Latino/a, African America/Black, Pacific Islanders, Native Americans). Vargas received her Ph.D. 纽约大学萨克勒研究生生物医学科学研究所医学和分子寄生虫学博士. As Director of Hispanic Serving Initiatives at 加州 Lutheran University, 帕洛玛在校园的工作重点是成为所有部门和部门之间的联络,在公平和无障碍的问题加州路德教会.


克里斯·阿格达斯硕士目前是十大正规网赌平台跨文化社区中心的临时主任. Chris Arguedas has a master’s degree in higher education administration for Florida International University. Prior to working at Occidental College, Arguedas worked at the University of 加州 Santa Barbara where he led multicultural education programs.

Lina Calderon-Morin is the Assistant Director of Student and Community Engagement at Occidental College. Prior to working at Occidental, Lina Calderon-Morin是大学入学计划的项目经理,也是南加州大学入学网络的教育顾问. She has a Master’s in Social Work from the University of Southern 加州.

Elena Jaloma Scott has been working in higher education for 17 years, most of that time has been focused on working with first generation, 低的收入, and marginalized student populations. 她真诚地为来自这些背景的学生提供服务,并感谢有机会与她的学生一起踏上旅程,因为他们非常努力地将梦想变为现实. Elena started in financial aid and has found that those skills have helped her better serve students. She has a master’s degree in counseling and guidance and a master’s in public policy administration, both from 加州 Lutheran University.

Dr. 赞德拉·瓦格纳(Zandra Wagoner)是拉凡恩大学(University of La Verne)的跨宗教牧师和宗教与哲学副教授. She is an ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren and holds a Ph.D. in religious studies. 当牧师, she directs the multi-religious Office of 宗教 and 精神生活, furthering the university’s commitment to diversity, community engagement, ethical reasoning, and the development of the whole person. Dr. Wagoner also teaches for the philosophy and religion department, including introductory courses in religion and specialized courses in the areas of gender/sexuality, contemporary theology, interfaith cooperation, and the environment/animals in the study of religion. She is actively involved in interfaith efforts locally and nationally.

成本 for the Gathering:

来自NetVUE成员机构的与会者:每人50美元的注册费包括所有会议费用, including lunch and dinner on Friday and lunch on Saturday. Participants must make their own hotel reservations at the Holiday Inn Express. While NetVUE will pay for lodging for NetVUE members on Friday evening, attendees who desire to stay additional nights will have to pay at their own expense.

非netvue会员的注册费为100美元,其中包括会议膳食,但不包括住宿. Non-NetVUE members may still use the conference hotel but must pay for their own lodging costs.

Hotel Reservations:

The Holiday Inn Express
3500 East Colorado Boulevard
Pasadena, CA 91107

A block of rooms has been reserved at the Holiday Inn Express in Pasadena. NetVUE will cover accommodations for Friday night for NetVUE members. Each guest will be required to have a credit card on file for incidentals. 旅馆是9。.6 miles from Occidental College or about a 25 minute drive. The hotel has complimentary parking and a free breakfast daily.

Conference participants should contact the hotel directly to make their hotel arrangements. 

Thursday Arrivals:

People planning to arrive on Thursday evening should use this link to make reservations for Thursday evening.

Participants will need to make a separate reservation for Friday evening. Please email Stephanie Tsui, Sales Manager of the Holiday Inn Express, at stephanie@hiepasadenaca.com to make reservations for Friday and use the following phrase in the subject line: “Occidental Conference.” In the content of the email, indicate that you are arriving on Thursday night.


Participants should email Stephanie Tsui, Sales Manager of the Holiday Inn Express, at stephanie@hiepasadenaca.com and use the following phrase in the subject line: “Occidental Conference.”


To register for the conference, please visit: http://www.中投Inc.edu/programs/2020-netvue-regional-gathering-occidental. The registration deadline is December 20, 2019.

方向 and Map:

方向 to Occidental College are found at: /contact-us/maps-directions

Tentative Schedule:

Friday, January 17, 2020

打破fast at the hotel

Uber, Lyft or rental car to campus

8:00-9:00 a.m. Check in (coffee, tea and muffins provided)
9:00-9:15 a.m. Welcome from Occidental College
9:15-10:00 a.m. Opening Keynote Address
10:00-10:45 a.m. Small group discussion
10:45-11:00 a.m. 打破
11:00 a.m.中午 打破out Session I
Noon-1:00 p.m. Lunch at Occidental College
1:00-2:00 p.m. Student and 校友 Panel
2:15-2:45 p.m. Small group debrief the student and alumni panel
3:00-3:15 p.m. 打破
下午3:15到4:15.m. 打破out Sessions II
4:30-5:30 p.m. 打破out Sessions III
5:30-6:30 p.m. Reception at Occidental College
6:30-7:30 p.m. Dinner at Occidental College
Saturday, January 18, 2020

打破fast at the hotel

9:00-10:30 a.m. Plenary Session -- Panel of Practioners
10:45- 11:15 a.m. Interfaith Service
11:15-11:45 a.m. Final Comments and Farewells

Box lunches can be provided to participants as they leave the campus.


牧师. Dr. Susan Young, Director for 宗教 and 精神生活, Occidental College
(323)259-1308 or young@tbc007.net.


This event is made possible by the Network for Vocation in Undergraduate Education (NetVUE). NetVUE is administered by the Council of Independent College with generous support from the Lilly Endowment, 公司.

Contact Office for 宗教 & 精神生活
Herrick Interfaith Center

Occidental College, F-8
1600 Campus Road
洛杉矶, CA 90041

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