埃蒙斯健康中心 政策


Health care involves a partnership between patients 和 health care professionals. 开放的沟通, respect for personal 和 professional st和ards, 和 underst和ing differences are essential for the best patient care.

Patients Have the Right to:

  • Considerate 和 respectful care regardless of age, 比赛, 残疾, 障碍, 国家的起源, 性取向, 宗教信仰, 性别, 或者老兵身份.
  • 获得适当的, 当前的, 和 underst和able information, 就目前所知, 对诊断, 治疗 (potential side effects), 和预后.
  • Know the identity of the provider(s) 和 others involved in their care. 从业人员的姓名和专业资格应在介绍时可见或说明.
  • When possible, choose the provider of their preference.
  • A second opinion regarding diagnosis or 治疗. (然而,在埃蒙斯健康中心以外的咨询是病人的经济责任.)
  • Information regarding the scope 和 availability of services.
  • Know the fee for services, the nature of the charges, 和 the methods of payment.
  • Expect that your personal convictions 和 beliefs will be taken into account when you seek help.
  • Privacy 和 confidentiality with regard to 治疗 和 medical 记录, except when release is required by law. 案例讨论, 咨询, 检查, 和 治疗 should be conducted so as to protect each patient's privacy.
  • Review 和 receive copies of their medical 记录. Original medical 记录 remain the property of the 健康 Center.
  • Make decisions about the plan of care before 和 during 治疗, 垃圾处理, 和/or request a second opinion or referral.
  • 提出他们认为对健康有益的药物、化验和其他服务的要求.
  • Be informed of the health center's policies, 协议, 和 practices that relate to patient care 和 治疗.
  • 提供反馈, both positive 和 negative, about any aspect of the student health services to the director of 埃蒙斯健康中心, 通过电子邮件, phone, 网上意见箱, 或者亲自去.
  • 拒绝参与任何可能通过埃蒙斯健康中心提供的研究项目,而不会以任何方式损害您的护理权利.

Confidentiality 和 Privacy

埃蒙斯健康中心 (EWC) providers are required by their code of ethics, 加州法律, 《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》(HIPAA)和《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》(FERPA)来保护患者的隐私. 因为埃蒙斯在大学校园里运营,可以被指定为FERPA和HIPAA的“实体”, 在极少数情况下,学生的信息可以从校外提供商那里得到法律的更大保护. 

Legal 和 Ethical St和ards

虽然EWC维护最高的隐私标准——加州隐私法,但FERPA规定了教育机构的隐私.  FERPA信息——由教育机构收集的所有信息——分为两类:  教育治疗 记录.  教育 记录 may be shared across campus on a “need to know" basis, 和 may be disclosed to off campus entities for “legitimate educational purposes."  As is the case with 加州法律 和 HIPAA, disclosure of 治疗 记录, 无论是校内还是校外, requirse patient authorization.


Because EWC providers must observe specific exclusions to privacy, they cannot guarantee the privacy of their patients in all situations.  在以下情况下,EWC提供者可以在未经患者许可或授权的情况下披露信息:

  • To a third party, for the sake of billing.
  • Among EWC Clinical staff, to improve the quality of care provided.
  • For emergency care, to protect a patient from self-induced, life-threatening harm.
  • 当法律要求或授权报告虐待儿童-包括故意接触非法的性图像-虐待老人, or dependent adult abuse.
  • When required or authorized by law to contact law enforcement 和 warn a threatened person.
  • In judicial proceedings, as ordered by a judge or court.
  • To public health officials, if required to ensure safety.

Notice of Privacy Practices

学生将收到并签署一份隐私实践通知,该通知反映了该政策及其在他们每年第一次访问时声明的隐私排除情况.  Notices will be reviewed annually, 和 approved by the Senior Director of Student 健康.  Patients will be notified of substantial changes to the privacy policy.

埃蒙斯提供的一些医疗服务是由学生健康保险计划和第三方保险提供商计费的.  结果是, 健康中心的所有服务都属于《十大正规网赌平台》(HIPAA)。, 接受医疗和咨询服务的学生将收到反映HIPAA标准的通知.


通过定义, 知情同意是指学生自愿接受治疗,并有能力了解自己作为EWC患者的权利, including privacy practices.  EWC提供者将尽一切努力审查隐私做法,以确保真正告知医疗或心理护理的任何同意.

Disclosure of Information

任何信息披露——包括承认个人是EWC的病人——必须得到对EWC持有的医疗记录拥有法律特权的个人的授权,或者符合本政策中概述的排除标准.  此类授权将通过高级主管批准的信息发布表的知情同意方式进行.  

The individual holding privilege may request that information be released at any point.  Requests for information from any individual other than the holder of privilege (parent, 家庭成员, medical/mental health care provider) must receive the holder’s authorization.

Privacy 和 Communication

All email has little to no privacy or confidentiality.  埃蒙斯的工作人员将指导患者使用安全信息——一种保密和私人的通信方式.  Students may access secure messages through the MyHealth Patient Portal

服务成本 & 计费


$10.00 co-pay for all non-preventive services for students with the Student Health Insurance

*STI testing is free for all students

拥有学生健康保险的个人将被收取10美元的共付费用,并且需要扣除血液/实验室工作的费用. 那些有PPO保险计划的人将有他们的保险账单,并将负责保险未涵盖的剩余账单的50%. Those with HMO 和 Kaiser plans can not be billed but will be given a 50% discount for services. All that said, ability to pay should never be a reason to not get care, at Emmons or elsewhere. We are willing to work with you on cost 和 help you manage your outside hospital bills.


While Emmons does not 当前的ly have session limits, the average length of individual therapy is between 4-6 sessions; students are able to utilize as many group counseling sessions as they would like. All counseling services offered at Emmons are free of charge. In an effort to meet the dem和 和 see as many students as we can, we collaboratively work with students to determine the appropriate length 和 type of 治疗. 



学生有责任在生病或缺课时主动与教授联系. 健康中心不想干涉教授关于如何处理因病缺课的决定.

我们理解, 然而, 当学生生病或有传染性时,一段时间不上课是合适的,也是明智的. Please note our internal process regarding students experiencing moderate to severe illness:

  1. 在埃蒙斯健康中心寻求医疗保健服务的学生由医疗提供者评估当前疾病的严重程度. All students have access to a 'walk out statement' upon ending their visit at Emmons. This is proof that the student was seen at Emmons that day.
  2. In the case of a minor illness, where the student is late to class or misses class, 这取决于学生亲自联系他们的教授,并在下次班会提供他们的“退出声明”的副本,如果合适的话.
  3. 在中度到重度疾病的情况下,可能会导致几节课的缺课和需要特殊的住宿, the 健康 Center can notify the Dean of Students Office 和/ or the 体育运动 Department, with the student's written consent, 并让这些部门直接联系教授和/或教练,并建议因病需要住宿.
  4. 学生办公室和体育主任将传达一个适当的时间框架,学生可能需要学术住宿.
  5. 健康中心不遵循上述过程确定的学生追溯访问健康中心后,他们的疾病过程.


Emmons Student 健康 Center


Appointments: (323) 259-2657
Oxy 24/7 Confidential Mental Health Crisis Line: (323) 341-4141