When it comes to the ASOC student government funding model, you've got options!

All-Branch Funding Guidelines

Funding applicants must read through the All-Branch Funding Guidelines before applying for funding from any branch. Receiving funding is contingent upon adhering to the criteria listed and voted by the relevant branch. Please reach out to vpf@tbc007.net and asoc@tbc007.net with any questions on the funding process.


Serving as a voice for the student body, supporting students and their activities, allocating and administering funds from the student body fees, the Senate oversees Student Services, and acts as the legislative body for all Associated Students of Occidental College.

Diversity and Equity Board (DEB)

DEB works towards student empowerment and improved conditions for structurally marginalized groups on and off campus.

Sustainability Fund

SusFund works to improve Oxy by empowering students to carry out their own visions for sustainability.

Not quite what you were looking for? Try some of these alternatives.
  • Remsen Bird Funding - Resources for guest speakers, lecturers and artists. Available through the Intercultural Community Center and SLICE.
  • Club Fundraisers - Learn more about registering fundraisers and soliciting donations.
  • Academic Departments - Based on the nature of your club or initiative, consider approaching the academic side of the house for funding.
  • Senior Administration - Some funding may also be available via the Dean of Students, Dean of the College, and/or the President’s Office
Contact Associated Students of Occidental College
Johnson Student Center

Room 135C (first floor)