校园安全 Director Rick Tanksley describes his most important goal, other than the ongoing mission to support the safety of the Oxy community: to instill a culture of collaboration and trust with stakeholders across campus.


Since arriving at Oxy in 2018 as 校园安全总监, 我最重要的目标, other than our ongoing mission to support the safety of the Oxy community, has been to instill a culture of collaboration and trust with stakeholders across campus. One of the ways to instill this culture is to communicate with students, staff and faculty to provide a candid picture of the various aspects of Oxy’s 校园安全 (CS) operation. 在大流行时期,这一点更为重要, since having fewer people on campus means that our staff has had less opportunity to interact with our most important stakeholders, 结果就是, 可能会对CS的作用产生误解.

正如我去年6月宣布的那样, I am working with the 校园安全 Advisory Committee (CSAC) and the Oxy community to change how CS operates and is perceived by the people it serves. CSAC generally meets on a monthly basis and at our next meeting will discuss plans to meet on a bi-weekly basis until the end of this academic year. 到目前为止, 委员会的议程项目包括, adding additional student representation to the Committee, how to build better working relationships with the campus community as whole and with students in particular, 改变CS的制服和头衔.

当我们进行必要的CS对话时, I’ve also recognized through many conversations with CSAC, 多元化和公平委员会(DEB), 以及学院的几位同事, that there are some misconceptions about the department’s role and its functions—not surprisingly, since the department has historically modeled its structure and parts of its culture on traditional law enforcement. I’d like to try and address some of these misconceptions in an effort to provide a shared understanding of our current functions and a starting point for future discussions about CS at Oxy.

首先,CS员工不是警察. 的y do not carry weapons, and do not have legal police powers. 的y cannot arrest anyone—only detain them until sworn police officers arrive and make a determination as to whether to take someone into custody, 这种情况很少发生. One of the issues on our agenda is whether changing departmental titles and uniforms will help make this distinction between CS and sworn police clearer.

校园安全 officers spend most of their time on service calls, 而不是执行学校的政策. 例如, in 2018-19, the last full year in which we had all our students on campus, 部门:

  • 24/7/365响应电话和请求. CS是学院唯一一个永远不会关闭的功能.
  • 进行车辆及步行巡逻4,089次
  • Locked up 2,535 building doors after hours and on weekends
  • Responded to 1,521 building unlock requests (often students, faculty and staff who forgot keys)
  • Responded to 629 requests to meet with contractors, erect barricades, staff College events
  • 回应了609个学生援助请求
  • 为438名学生提供安全护送
  • Responded to 427 requests for faculty and staff assistance
  • 为66名访客提供协助
  • 对62起火警作出回应

On occasion, an emergency occurs on campus that requires a response from either LAPD or LAFD. 在这些情况下, it is CS’s responsibility to meet responding units at a predetermined location and guide them to the location of the emergency as they are unfamiliar with where various buildings are, 他们也不能进入校园里的任何建筑. 也, it is important in these situations that CS be present whenever LAPD or LAFD are on campus so as to provide support to students, 对那些直接参与紧急事件的人都是如此, as well as students who are witnesses or indirectly involved.

的 pandemic has created a demand for additional services. 例如, CS now assists students who need to enter quarantine by meeting them at the quarantine location, providing them with their room key and bedding when needed, and escorting them to their room if they are unfamiliar with that particular residence hall. 进一步, 对于这些情况, 客房部工作人员不在的时候, 学校职员给隔离的学生送餐.

Less visible is the training department staff regularly receive in in emergency first aid and CPR, the report writing and data collection that is necessary for Clery reporting and overall transparency, or the important work that is done on emergency preparedness. 的 应急准备委员会, 我是联合主席, has completed the College’s first all-hazards risk assessment, identifying natural and/or man-made threats to the campus and then preparing contingency plans for each. 除了, the Committee created and began to deliver an active assailant protocol last year, which will be rolled out when we return more fully to campus.

也, 通过学生事务处, CS staff have participated in equity and justice training which included topics such as Exploring Bias; Stories and Personal Narratives and Diversity Training; Protecting Trans Lives in 洛杉矶; and Anti-Blackness.

CS is also a critical component in overall threat assessment and risk management at Oxy. Our partnerships with 学生事务 and Human 资源 enhance our ability to identify persons or situations that present concerning or threatening behavior, 评估他们从事有害活动的风险, 并制定安全管理风险的策略.

I am a firm believer that no matter the organization there is always room for improvement and greater transparency. I also believe that a complete picture of what 校园安全 does every day will help inform our conversation about needed change.


瑞克C. Tanksley


火,医护人员, & 警察:911


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