正如你们许多人所知,2013年4月,一份正式投诉提交给了美国商务部.S. Department of Education (DOE) alleging that Occidental was in violation of the Clery行为. 

1990年通过, the Clery行为 is a federal consumer protection law that m和ates the 报告ing of campus crime statistics 和 dictates the manner in which those statistics are 报告ed to the public.

The Department of Education’s Clery行为 Compliance Division of Federal Student 援助 (CACD) has now completed its review of the College’s compliance with the Clery行为 from 2009 to 2013. 虽然美国能源部尚未公布该报告, 我觉得和奥施康定社区分享它很重要.

在一个 报告 学院收到8月15日, CACD的结论是,西方石油公司现在遵守了克莱里法案, 根据学院在过去五年中所做的改变. 然而, 在2009年至2013年期间, Occidental failed to meet its obligations in a number of areas that include failing to accurately compile 和 disclose crime statistics, 对潜在的安全威胁及时发出警告, 保持准确的每日犯罪记录, 并制定适当的政策和程序. These failures, the CACD found, were "numerous, serious, persistent, 和 systemic.下面列出了调查结果的详细摘要 下面.

除了, 而CACD发现了另一项法规的潜在遵从性问题, 《无毒学校和社区法案, CACD has confirmed in subsequent conversations that the College also is in compliance with that statute.

由于在审查期间发现的违规行为, 该学院可能面临巨额罚款. 罚款将在独立于审查的程序中确定, 学院被告知这个过程至少需要60天, 即使时间不长. 一旦我们收到这个过程的结果,我们将与你们分享.

CACD的结论并不令人意外. 我们没能做好这件事. 我们自己的评估, 审查结果证实了这一点, 说明我们没有投入足够的时间, 资源和专业知识的报告. 正如我们和许多同行机构所学到的那样, the requirements of the Clery行为 are more complex 和 require more resources than previously believed. 自2013年以来, we have fully cooperated with CACD’s review 和 significantly invested in remedying our shortcomings. Oxy社区的安全是最重要的问题, 我们从这次经历中学到了很多.




由奥施康定社区的相关成员推动, the College’s efforts to address our Clery 报告ing shortcomings began with an internal review that resulted in a series of Clery 报告 revisions starting in 2013 然后继续 20142015. Additional steps the College has taken to improve its 报告ing of crime statistics include:

  • Creating an internal Clery Compliance Team in June 2013 with representatives from 校园安全, 第九条, 住宅教育, 人力资源;
  • 2013年8月聘请了新的校园安全主管;
  • 2014年7月招聘了一名全职的cleery协调员;
  • 为负责报告的工作人员提供额外培训;
  • 加强校园安全政策和程序的专业化;
  • Bringing in consultants to advise on ways to improve 政策 和 procedures; 和
  • Improving transparency measures for issues on campus that present safety concerns, 不管克莱里是否有要求. Examples include community-wide safety bulletins 和 an annual 第九条 报告 of formal 和 informal complaints.

We are grateful to the Oxy community for helping us to address this important issue, 并且相信我们现在有足够的资源, 政策, 以及充分履行我们报告责任的程序, 更重要的是, 奥克斯社区的需求. Occidental now meets Clery requirements in all areas examined in the review 和 will remain steadfast in ensuring future compliance. 在接下来的几个星期里, we will explore with 教师 Council 和 the ASOC the value of holding public meetings to further examine the results of the review.





  • 西方未能汇编和披露准确, 2009年至2013年的完整且完全一致的犯罪统计数据, 正如该学院对2013年的自我报告修订所证明的那样, 2014年和2015年的cleery报告. This includes crimes incorrectly 报告ed because they occurred in the 校园安全 escort zone, 在Clery报告范围之外, as well as mis报告ed internal referrals of drug 和 alcohol violations to the Office of Student Conduct. 审查共发现315个错误:79个漏报错误, 犯罪应该包括在哪里, 还有236个虚报错误, where the College included crimes 和 referrals that should not have been included. Some crimes were misclassified: burglary was misclassified as gr和 theft in some instances, 例如. 除了, the statistics cited in the 2009 to 2012 Clery 报告s in some cases did not match the numbers sent to the DOE’s Office of Postsecondary Education.
  • The College failed to issue timely warnings to campus in at least four incidents from 2009 to 2013, including a 2012 incident when a Eagle Rock High School student was groped by an unknown man on campus, 还有三起校外街头抢劫案. Other warnings were too vague 和 left out essential details, the review found.
  • 该学院未能保持准确和完整的每日犯罪记录. 作为其全面审查的一部分, 奥施康定在2012年的犯罪记录中增加了36起案件, 2013年犯罪记录的31号, 二是2014年的犯罪记录. An audit for the review found 45 incidents during a four-month period that should have appeared in the 2012 crime log.
  • The College failed to develop 和 then adhere to required campus-safety 和 crime-prevention 政策 和 procedures, 培训计划和系统. The review found Oxy did not employ an adequate number of qualified staff from 2009 to 2013 和 did not operate within a system of internal controls sufficient to reasonably ensure compliance. The College "tacitly conceded that officials in place at the time were unaware of many of the College’s obligations under Federal law,调查发现.
  • 学院省略或提供了不充分的必要政策说明, procedure 和 availability of programs 和 resources for a total of eight areas in its annual Clery 报告s for 2010 through 2014. Some of these omissions were repeated over multiple years during that time period. 在某些情况下, these omissions were the result of a failure to develop policy or procedure in several areas.
  • 从2009年到2011年, the College failed to identify its Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) — employees from such departments as 校园安全, 体育运动, 居住教育及, 在某些情况下, 教师——告知他们报告犯罪的义务, 并为他们提供一种简单的举报方式. 因此,在此期间,没有从中央统计机构收集犯罪统计数字. These failures "caused information to be disseminated to campus community members 和 other stakeholders that was false 和 that served to make the campus 和 near-campus community appear safer than it was."
  • The College failed to develop 和 implement a comprehensive drug 和 alcohol policy abuse-prevention program. 具体地说, student 和 employee h和books did not address the health risks of drug 和 alcohol use or the counseling, 治疗和康复方案, 并且没有提供对违反政策的制裁的描述. 另一项发现批评了该学院对该项目的两年一次的审查, saying they did not assess its effectiveness or the consistency of the sanctions applied. While the 报告 states the College was not in compliance with these requirements at the time the 报告 was issued, the College has confirmed with a CACD Compliance Specialist that it is in compliance currently.



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