文/萨曼莎·B. Bonar ' 90 | Marc Campos摄影

漂洋过海, 迪特尔·科斯曼(Dieter Cosman)培养并精心记录了来自世界各地的独特贝壳收藏. Now his legacy could trigger waves of discoveries in the marine sciences

就像淘金的淘金者, Swiss-born Dieter Cosman spent his life obsessively dredging the sand of the seafloor. But the treasure he sought was not gold or other relics from sunken vessels, 但这些贝壳太小了,他把它们储存在空的药用凝胶帽里. 另一些人则用两只手从大西洋、太平洋、印度洋等大洋的海底捞起.

这位佛罗里达游艇销售主管在近50年的潜水和疏浚工作中积累的藏品并不是最引人注目的, 但是最完整的. 他72岁的儿子埃德·科斯曼说:“他很享受寻找的过程。. "Collectors have that mentality; they're looking for the missing pieces—the aim is to get everything."

具有讽刺意味的是, 而他为自己的国际贝壳收藏感到自豪, “爸爸认为这些藏品没有科学价值,艾德说. "He only thought that another shell collector would be interested in it."

多亏了迪特的遗孀的慷慨, Susanne Cosman, 还有他们的四个孩子, 西方大学生物学副教授约瑟夫·舒尔茨(Joseph 舒尔茨)和Oxy的几代学生将乐于用未来的时间来证明迪特是错误的. 大约117人,最近赠送给学院的迪特尔·科斯曼贝壳收藏中的000个标本“具有很大的科学价值”,舒尔茨说.

"His collection just screams, 'This is not just about pretty shells. And this is not just about finding what everyone else found,'舒尔茨说. 对迪特尔·科斯曼来说,这不仅仅是一种爱好. He had a passion for understanding these animals, for understanding the taxonomy."

在水中搜寻活的标本, 迪特一丝不苟地用日期记录了他的珍贵发现, time, 位置, 和深度, 为世界各地的海底空间提供时间胶囊,详细了解数十年来全球变暖对贝壳种群变化的影响, 污染, 钓鱼, 以及其他环境影响. “我认为他从来没有想过文档本身会和炮弹一样重要, 但我们现在知道,情况确实如此,艾德说.

What drew a man who grew up in the mountains of Switzerland to the bottom of the sea? Edgar Cosman owned a textile firm in Basel, Switzerland, as well as Continental Elastic Corp.该公司位于马萨诸塞州新贝德福德的一家工厂.这家公司在第二次世界大战期间生产降落伞绳索. In 1939, when son Dieter was 22, his father sent him to America to work 

在新贝德福德. 同年, 他们在长岛买下了一家濒临倒闭的奶牛场, 迪特则负责让公司盈利. 十年之内, 橡树农场奶牛场稳赚不亏, and in 1961 Dieter introduced the "drive-thru" Dairy Barn to the region's residents.

迪特尔抵达长岛后,他的生活成为人们关注的焦点. 反映了他一生对海洋的迷恋, 他买第一艘船的时候才29岁, 他将其命名为 瑞士拉丁名 (拉丁语中“瑞士”的意思),停靠在北卡罗来纳州诺斯波特的一个船坞.Y. 他的一个邻居把他介绍给了他的准新娘, a pretty girl named Susanne Elgin whose family had recently relocated from Ohio. 他们于1948年结婚, the Cosmans had four children—and Dieter built his second boat (which he also named 瑞士拉丁名).

To get away, the Cosmans spent vacations and summers on their boat in Nassau in the Bahamas. 1966年,迪特尔和合伙人老查尔斯. started Bradford Marine, a yacht business on the New River in Fort Lauderdale. Dieter bought Blickle out and took over the running of the shipyard himself full time in the 1980s.

“他一直是一个猎人,”埃德回忆起他的父亲. “他开始做的第一件事就是用鱼叉捕鱼. As his interest in slaughtering innocent fish waned, he started picking up shells. He had a very detail-oriented mind and scientifically documented everything perfectly."

The elder Cosman did much of his collecting in the Bahamas on those family vacations. 他还在加勒比海地区做过其他的贝壳搜寻工作, 以及夏威夷和太平洋, and took a few diving trips to the Indian Ocean and the South Pacific. “选择要去的地方很棘手, because it had to have good dive spots for him and a golf course for Mom,艾德说.

在很大程度上, 当他们的父母外出寻找贝壳时,科斯曼的孩子们被留在家里和他们的德国家庭教师在一起. ”她说。 赏金 看起来像 好船棒棒糖艾德谈到他的看护时说. During vacations, "There were four kids, two adults, and a governess on a 50-foot boat. 我不怀念在船上的生活." 

As Dieter got older, he turned to seeking shells in their juvenile forms. 随着水肺潜水变得越来越困难, 他转向疏浚, 他从海底捞起一桶桶沙子,专注于他能找到的最小的贝壳. Some are no bigger than a grain of sand, but viewed under a microscope, structurally perfect.

“这是他一生的挚爱,”艾德的兄弟道格·科斯曼说. "He'd be happy to talk shells to you all day long if you wanted, but of course nearly nobody did. 当他不去潜水的时候, 他每天下班回家, 到地下室去, 然后开始处理他的壳."

到他95岁去世时, 迪特收集的贝壳标本多得连他自己都数不清, 塞进密封的塑料袋,放在劳德代尔堡游艇的一个又一个抽屉里,一个又一个橱柜里. After his death in 2012, the question surfaced: What does one do with such a collection?

Professional shell collectors "began circling like vultures" prior to Dieter's passing, 艾德说, 他是四个孩子中的老大,自称和父亲“一模一样”(尽管他“不太擅长潜水”,也不像迪特那样对贝壳感兴趣)。. But for years, Ed had his own plan for the massive horde—donate the specimens to his alma mater.

“我花了一段时间才在学院找到合适的人,问他们是否对这些藏品感兴趣,艾德回忆道。, who majored in business administration at Oxy and ran Oak Tree Farm Dairy for 15 years. “当我终于开口时,对方的回答是,‘当然愿意.'"

其他家庭成员也在飞机上. "I was very happy that the collection would go to a world-class institution like ­Occidental,弟弟道格说。. "I hope that this provides a way for the collection to be kept together, 正确的编号, 并最终向全世界开放."

舒尔茨, 谁是捕鱼蜗牛的专家, 去年秋天,他亲自前往劳德代尔堡,将迪特尔的炮弹从苏珊娜·科斯曼仍住在布拉德福德海军陆战队的船屋护送回鹰岩校区. 舒尔茨亲自帮忙把这些橱柜装上一辆移动卡车. “它们都塞在里面, 现在它们都塞在这里了,他说, 在奥克斯生物科学大楼的一个壁橱里指指点点. 抽屉里堆满了东西. 我们把它们装在抽屉里, 因为不可能把所有的标本都取出来单独打包."

这些藏品的价值约为511美元,由蜗牛(腹足类动物)和双壳类动物组成, 两类软体动物. Specimens range in size from some of the largest snail species to the microscopic. 该收藏中最大的藏品来自印度-太平洋地区, 以夏威夷群岛为据点, 大西洋西部, 墨西哥湾, 深水物种. 

这些贝壳来自一个相当广泛的分布区域, and many of the species among the several thousand in the collection have yet to be identified. 其中四种是迪特发现的,并以他的名字命名. "In terms of novel species and in terms of understanding biodiversity, 这是一个很好的收藏,有很多材料,我们可以建立在各种研究项目的基础上,舒尔茨说。, 谁在2004年加入Oxy.

“很多物种都是未知的,对科学来说是新的. 没人有时间辨认他们的身份,卡尔斯巴德的贝壳经销商瑞克·尼格斯说, 谁花了整整六周的时间在校园里评估这些收藏品. Negus estimates that fully half of the collection consists of microscopic shells. “有很多漂亮的贝壳,还有大的展示壳. 漂亮的贝壳也可以很小. 到处都是, 但它确实令人印象深刻——很多真正的不为人知的贝壳家族,大多数人都不收集."

现在是最大最脆弱的贝壳, 比如海螺和带刺的牡蛎, 存放在舒尔茨办公室的架子上吗. 其余的仍然装在科斯曼原来的柜子里——三分之二在生物大楼的一个大壁橱里,另外三分之一在舒尔茨的实验室里. 在科斯曼家族的经济支持下, 舒尔茨办公室的空间和邻近的办公空间将被改造成贝壳的永久家园, 配有科学风格的博物馆橱柜. (目前大约有200个比较闪亮的标本在学术公地展出供公众观看.)

摆在舒尔茨和他的学生面前的是一项艰巨的任务. It will take at least seven years just to get a basic inventory of the collection done and online, 对科斯曼在Rolodex卡片上仔细记录的数十年的详细收集和标本数据进行整理, 舒尔茨说. "We will be fully curating the collection through databasing, geo-referencing, and digitizing. Students will do photography and even 3-D scanning of collection species.“随着工作的进展, “我们期待通过互联网向科学界和全世界免费提供这些收藏."

对于初学者来说, “我们将开发一个广泛的地理参考物种清单,包括夏威夷群岛的蜗牛和双壳类,舒尔茨解释道. “这将使我们能够监测物种组合的时间变化,并将用于-我们希望-作为西北夏威夷群岛蜗牛和双壳类调查和监测的一部分(Papahānaumokuākea)海洋国家纪念碑。."

换句话说, 使用shell集合作为虚拟时间胶囊, 舒尔茨 and his students will be looking at changes in habitat and shifting population baselines. “今天人们看到一个栖息地就会说,‘这就是栖息地.但30年前的情况可能并非如此. 这些藏品让我们对几十年来看到的物种类型和直接收集的物种种类有了一个简要的了解. 所以我们可以回到这些栖息地,并根据“我们在这些栖息地中是否看到了相同水平的多样性”来评估它们, 它在改变吗?, 某些物种的存在是否正在发生变化, 动物的体型在变化吗?'"

这些数据可用于确定哪些地区应受到保护,不受诸如捕鱼做法和开发等外部压力的影响, 舒尔茨说. "It can help us to sort of understand what's changing and the pace of the changes, because we don't fully understand that about the marine environment.“此外, by annotating the hundreds of Hawaiian shell species in the collection, “我们希望这能让我们对在整个收藏中找到的信息类型有一种感觉."

克莱蒙特大学18岁的科林·莫斯托菲(Collin Mostoufi)自去年秋天这些藏品进入校园以来,一直在为夏威夷物种编目. 今年夏天, 这是Oxy暑期研究项目的一部分, 他正在开发第一个数字数据, 绘制收集单个标本的深度图,并将这些信息用图形表示. “这个系列令人兴奋. 我的电子表格现在需要5分钟才能打开,”他说.

There's something else that makes this shell collection of great scientific value-炮弹只进行了最低限度的手工清洁. "Unlike many collections where the shells are cleaned with things like bleach and whatnot, 迪特尔·科斯曼并没有这么做,舒尔茨说. 贝壳中含有残余的组织, including a sort of dried skin called the periostracum and the operculum, 哪个像蜗牛的活板门. 

“我们已经发现我们能够从骨膜中分离DNA并扩增特定的DNA序列,舒尔茨说. “我们在基因组学方面有很多可能性.“这不仅有助于识别和分类物种, 在生物医学应用方面具有潜力. The Cosman Collection is particularly rich in deepwater turrid snails, the largest mollusk family. 迪特对收集和了解芜菁充满了热情,舒尔茨说, adding that turrid snails are venomous marine snails similar to the cone snails he studies. 有成千上万种不同的种类. 

The FDA-approved painkiller Prialt was developed from cone snail venom. 在澳大利亚最近的一项研究中, 科学家在昆士兰的一种海锥蜗牛的毒液中发现了数千种毒素, 这可能有助于开发治疗疼痛的新药, 还有癌症和其他疾病. “锥蜗牛的毒液是多种化学物质的复杂混合物, 在过去,大多数毒素都被忽视了," says Professor Paul Alewood from the University of Queensland Institute for Molecular Bioscience.

"在科斯曼收藏的帮助下, 我们将确定在分子水平上寻找新的毒液肽的最佳物种前景,舒尔茨说. “我们将识别新的毒液肽编码序列, 合成这些多肽并描述它们的活动,以寻找新的药物.

还有学院的60名学生,摩尔动物实验室收藏了超过000个墨西哥鸟类标本, the Cosman acquisition underscores Occidental's commitment to enhancing its science curriculum. "For a small liberal arts college to have these two world-class collections is very rare,总裁乔纳森·维奇(Jonathan Veitch)指出. “这给了我们临界质量, 在此基础上,我们还可以开展一个环境科学项目,同时利用海洋的巨大资源, 沙漠, 以及南加州的山脉."

这一切无疑会让迪特尔·科斯曼露出笑容, even if he never imagined his collection would have that kind of value. "Dad always told me that his ultimate goal was for the collection to remain intact, 不归入另一个集合, 为了更有用,艾德说. “这正是他一直说他想要的."

而艾德则保留了一些他父亲的贝壳——一个“漂亮的蜘蛛螺”, 一些头盔外壳, 一对脊椎骨(多刺的牡蛎)”——他很高兴父亲毕生痴迷的成果找到了永久的归宿, 在Oxy热情的家. “如果有什么奇妙的事情发生, great; if it simply provides a research tool for generations of students to come, 你还能要求什么呢?" 

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