Two decades after Alicia Silverstone and crew stormed into shopping malls and cinemas, 一本新书和一个受欢迎的博客记录了永恒 以及奥施康定在其形成过程中扮演的角色

还有比这更彻底的奥施康定电影吗 ? 好像! 《星际迷航3:寻找斯波克 让露西尔·Y永垂不朽. 吉尔曼纪念喷泉,还有 侏罗纪公园3 以及许多其他电影将索恩霍尔搬上了大银幕, but for sheer Occidensity—that's a word we just made up—it's hard to imagine a more immersive cinematic experience than Amy Heckerling's 1995 riff on Jane Austen's 1815 novel 艾玛

Maybe it's because filming took place over the holiday break—or maybe the ­College was in a post-比佛利山庄90210 宿醉——但制作 当时的西方媒体基本上没有注意到这一点. 不过,这并不是不可靠的制作. 1994年1月20日至1994年1月20日. 6, 1995, the film shot on the Oxy campus on weekdays while taking three days off (for the Christmas holiday, 为了新年, 还有明星艾丽西亚-西尔弗斯通生病时的保险日).

A genuine sleeper in the summer of 1995—the season that also brought us 宝贝, 勇敢的心, 蝙蝠侠永远 继续在有线电视和Netflix上赢得新观众. The film's 20th anniversary this summer has prompted a new wave of nostalgia for . 珍·钱尼,前 华盛顿邮报》 作家,已出版 好像! 的完整口述历史 笨 (Touchstone; $16.95), ­documenting the making of Heckerling's second seminal contribution to pop culture (following 里奇蒙高中的快时代).

据她自己最好的估计,钱尼看着 在写作过程中“15到20次” 好像! 但与超级粉丝林赛·布莱克相比,这个数字相形见绌, 是谁让她靠写拍摄地点为生的 iamnotastalker.com她于2007年创办了这个网站. By her own precise ­calculations, Oxy pops up in no fewer than 19 different scenes in 她最近在网上详细说明了这一点. "I typically only ­document locations from movies and TV shows that I am passionate about," she says. "显然,这是其中一部电影."

你自己的历史是什么 ?

林赛·布莱克: I grew up in San Mateo, the same place where Alicia Silverstone grew up. 她比我大一年级,上的是公立学校, 而我去了私立学校, 但我们有一些共同的朋友. 当她开始拍摄的时候 , all I knew was that it was about a rich Beverly Hills high schooler. I was excited to see it because of Alicia, but had no idea how much I'd end up loving it.

Jen Chaney: 我第一次看到 在发行后不久就出现在了VHS上. 那时候我23岁,所以从一代人的角度来说,我更像乔什而不是雪儿. 但我记得我真的很喜欢它. 当我在初中和高中的时候, the teen movies that really struck a chord with me were the John Hughes movies: 早餐俱乐部, 粉红佳人, 费里斯·布勒的休息日. 虽然感性 是不一样的吗,它让我感觉自己又回到了少年时代.

为什么 成为流行文化的试金石?

Chaney: For those who were pre-teens or teenagers when it came out and saw it repeatedly in theaters or at slumber parties, 观看的体验 与年轻时的回忆交织在一起. All the references in the movie to mid-'90s-era popular culture—"Beavis and Butthead,小红莓, 马克-马克-让它成为一种怀旧的体验. But I also think the story of a girl attempting to figure out how to become a better person is a timeless one.

布雷克: It spoke to my generation, but it speaks to kids of today just as well. 它也与大多数青少年电影明显不同. 它不淫秽,不受性驱使,也不低俗. 这是一部非常聪明的电影. 对话非常机智和尖锐. 所有的角色都很善良. 描绘了一个理想化的高中. 雪儿的世界里没有贱女孩. 这是一部快乐的电影! 我想这就是为什么这么多人一次又一次地重温它. 还有衣服! 这些衣服过去是(现在仍然是)令人惊叹的!

珍,你什么时候意识到有本书正在制作中 ?

Chaney: 功劳属于我的经纪人,艾莉森·亨特. I had written a piece for Vulture that was an oral history specifically focused on the Val party scene in . Allison reached out to see if I thought there was a potential book in looking at 作为一个整体,使用相同的口述历史处理.

你为这本书进行了80多次采访. 这部电影最令人惊讶的启示是什么?

Chaney: I didn't realize just how many now-prominent actors [Gwyneth Paltrow, 本·阿弗莱克[95]是选角谈话的一部分, 或者在某些生产阶段下大雨, something one would never guess since practically every scene in the movie is bathed in sunlight.

Maybe the biggest surprise was discovering that, from Heckerling's perspective, making 是一次很顺利的经历吗. 想把它制作出来是很困难的, 但一旦车轮开始运转, 似乎Heckerling能够实现她的愿景, 与演员建立良好的关系, cut the film [with editor Debbie Chiate] the way she wanted with minimal agonizing. 这很罕见.

琳赛,是什么促使你记录下 《十大正规网赌平台指南》(现在是《十大正规网赌平台》) L指南.A.”)?

布雷克: I had long known that Occidental was used as Bronson Alcott High School in , but specific parts of the campus that appeared in the movie had never been chronicled. One of my readers grew up in Eagle Rock and knows Occidental like the back of her hand, so over the years she helped me track down a few different spots on campus that had appeared in the movie.

去年7月, I happened to tag along with one of my good friends who is a ­location scout on a tour of Grant High School in Van Nuys. 一度, we turned a corner and found ourselves in a long 走廊 with ­orange lockers and an orange-and-white tiled floor, 我立刻意识到我们正站在 走廊. 我被打倒了! I started doing research and realized that there was a lot of misinformation out there about Grant's use in the movie. 我想纠正所有错误的信息, so I set out to document all of the spots on the Oxy campus that appeared in the movie. 因此,“ 十大正规网赌平台指南》诞生了.

几个月前,我提出了“the Complete”的想法 L指南.A." to my editor at Discover 洛杉矶 in honor of the movie's 20th anniversary. 

I wasn't sure it would be possible to nail down every single location, 但在挨家挨户敲门之后, 无数的电话, 以及奥施康定工作人员的帮助, 我能够. I don't think I have ever worked harder on an article, or had more fun in doing so.


布莱克: Many of the movie's locations had already been tracked down years prior (some by me and some by other location websites), so I was only trying to find about 10 missing places in writing the piece, 包括失踪的西方地点. 最大的挑战是时间的流逝. The two ­remodels of Johnson Student Center made things especially challenging. It is extremely hard to verify what the interior of a building used to look like after two remodels.


布雷克: I spoke to both location manager Jeffrey Spellman and production designer Steven Jordan in my ­research, 他们都很有帮助. 在和杰弗里谈话之前, I had tracked down the classroom used at Grant and the specific 走廊, he seemed pretty amazed by that—or maybe he just thought I was nuts for caring so much about a location.

珍,现在这本书出版了,你看到了什么样的人? 有多宽? 人口?

Chaney: 到目前为止,我已经做了一些活动,人群比较广泛. 我参加了在新罕布什尔州教堂山举行的简·奥斯汀会议.C.上个月,人们显然对 非常 艾玛的. The crowd there skewed female, but ranged from teens and early 20s to people in their 60s. 我想说是最热情的 粉丝多为20、30多岁的女性. 但是再一次, 我跟喜欢的人聊过, as well as people who are both older and younger than that 人口.


布雷克: Jeffrey told me that the ­library masqueraded as a DMV office for a scene that wound up on the cutting room floor.

Chaney: 我相信很多人会迫不及待地去参加雪儿的洛杉矶之旅.A. 

以为你知道你的 ? 把这些场景和他们的奥施康定地点匹配起来. (We didn't include the Patterson Field scene (where Cher convinces Ms. 斯托格提高她的P值.E. 从“C”到“B”,因为,那太简单了.)向下滚动到底部查看答案.

1. 布朗森奥尔科特高步道(雪儿第一次说“好像!")
2. Mr. 霍尔之路(Cher观察霍尔先生的地方). 大厅,自然地)
3. 布朗森奥尔科特教师休息室(雪儿垂涎的士力架)
4. 布朗森奥尔科特学院停车场. 霍尔和盖斯特小姐初吻)
5. 布朗森奥尔科特网球场(雪儿第一次遇到泰)
6. Grassy Knoll(特拉维斯和他的伙伴们经常出没的地方)
7. Fountain Photo Shoot (where Tai poses like "one of those ­Botticelli chicks")
8. Heather的宿舍(Josh的女朋友住的地方)
9. Art Museum (which Cher ­visits with Christian during a montage scene)
10. Pismo Beach Food Collection Drive (where Travis donates some unusual kitchenware)


a. Admission and Visitor Parking (between Newcomb Hall and Collins House)
b. 阿瑟·克. 库恩-行政中心
c. 音乐演讲中心(后方)
d. 音乐演讲中心庭院
e. 中央四边形
f. 格雷欣餐厅
g. Johnson Student Center/Freeman College Union interior (pre-1998 renovation)
h. 麦金农家庭网球中心
i. 萨缪尔森校园馆
j. 温加特文科中心







铅笔了! 以下是我们的问题的答案  测验:

2) c 3) f 4) a 5) h 6) I 7) d 8) j 9) b 10) g

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