The Joys of Summer

By Dick Anderson Photos by Marc Campos

For 26 seasons, Oxy的夏季员工垒球联赛为员工和校友提供了友好的比赛(偶尔还有冷饮)

To the casual softball fan, this contest had it all. 有一桶啤酒和餐饮服务部门提供的各种葡萄酒和饮料. 两个传奇系列之间有一场史诗般的对决:一个新贵, patchwork crew (Beer Battered) whose defensive prowess carried them to the title game with upset-minded swagger; and a veteran squad (Los Amigos) who blasted through the season without a loss.

Beer -殴的Culley Johnson(校友和家长参与)和Courtney Stricklin Burgan(03级录取)一样摇摆, Underdogs) umpires the contest.
夏季职员垒球联赛(SSSL)锦标赛中唯一缺少的东西是急救箱. 但8月18日,洛杉矶朋友队的一名球员受了一个小伤,暂时停止了比赛, 破破队带着一个备用创可贴来拯救他们的死敌,比赛继续进行.

这个简单的粘性动作反映了SSSL的精神, which typically brings six teams into competition. There’s no trophy at stake, 只有炫耀的权利——还有一件色彩鲜艳的t恤,上面印着“冠军”这个词.”

Registrar Jim Herr ’86, who served many years as league commissioner, 将SSSL的根源追溯到制度进步办公室的一名员工, 在帕萨迪纳组织了一支老虎队参加垒球联赛. 抓住团队在校园里产生的兴趣, 他从大学管理人员那里得到了种子基金(也用来支付偶尔挡风玻璃破碎的费用),并于1996年在贝尔球场举办了奥克西夏季棒球队.

氧女子篮球助理教练以赛亚·弗劳尔斯, left, and Angel Navarro ’87 lace up for Los Amigos.
“我们的大多数队友都是通过在一起工作和从这个角度进行互动而认识彼此的, 但该联盟给了人们一个与校园内其他员工互动的机会,他们通常不会接触到这些员工,” Herr says. “At various times, 球队会带食物和饮料,甚至在比赛结束后自己做饭,有时他们会邀请其他球队加入他们的行列.”

传奇裁判乔·孔蒂(Joe Conte)是鹰岩高中(Eagle Rock High School)的校友,他帮助确立了联盟的基调. “Joe understood what we were doing there,” Herr says. (Conte died of cancer in 2012.) “While any kind of game is going to be competitive, we didn’t want the competition to dominate, 因为当你对场上的判罚有强烈的感情时, 事情可能会变得有点激烈——我们当然不希望那样.”

Los Amigos’ Ryan Terrill, a postdoctoral researcher in Moore Lab of Zoology, 试图避开里克·莱因施密特的标签,而失败者的队友埃里克·克萨达09在旁边看着.
“The competition is there, but it’s at just the right level,” says Michael Garcia ’79, 谁从联盟开始就为洛杉矶朋友队效力. “我们看着我们的孩子在这里长大,”87年的创始队友Angel Navarro补充道. “It keeps me connected to Oxy.”

In the big game, Beer Battered batted around in the top of the first, 连续打出单打和双打,最终以5比0领先. 他们在第三局以6比0领先,然后洛杉矶朋友队的球棒开始活跃起来. 在第三局下半时,一个三分全垒打将卫冕冠军送上了记分牌——大约是在观众喝完酒桶的时候. (“目标实现了,”03年的裁判兼联合专员考特尼·斯特里克林·伯根在一局之间开玩笑说.) In the bottom of the fourth, a two-run double and a fielding error evened the score; a couple of hitters later, Los Amigos went ahead, 9-6.

落后五分进入第七局也是最后一局, Beer Battered made it close—but Los Amigos held on, 以13-11的逆转胜利结束了一个完美的赛季,这是他们的三连冠,也是他们的第12个总冠军. (For those out there keeping score, Beer Battered [formerly Bat Boys/Athletics] has four titles; Campus Dining and Underdogs, three apiece; Enforcers, two; and Leftovers and Magnetic Fielders, one each.)

联合总裁乔纳森·威廉姆斯拥抱洛杉矶朋友队的队友迈克·麦卡利南, professor emeritus of sociology.
“The league has been a real asset to this campus,Los Amigos成员、社会学名誉教授迈克·麦卡利南(Mike McAleenan)说, 谁在85岁高龄,在73年的有组织的篮球生涯中挂起了他的钉鞋. “Alma has kept the team together amazingly well,” he adds of manager Alma Olmos Garcia ’81, an All-SCIAC basketball player for Oxy.

Los Amigos pitcher Freddy Hernandez, 他十年前在看台上看了妻子凯莉08年的比赛后加入了球队, 在上场前总结了SSSL的哲学:“谁赢谁就赢, wins … I’m out here with these amazing people.”

欢迎所有奥施康定员工、校友和他们的直系亲属参加联盟. For more information, contact Courtney Stricklin Burgan ’03.)

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