
延续Myron Hunt的校园总体规划的建筑遗产, 46岁的杰克·萨缪尔森(Jack Samuelson)在Oxy的二十多个项目中发挥了自己的天赋

When Jack Samuelson ’46 was awarded an honorary doctorate 1997年,在第二次世界大战结束后,他才完成了数学学位,半个世纪之后,他才从西方大学毕业,他对自己的毕业典礼长袍有一个非常严格的设想. “与我所做的任何工作中对特殊设计细节的渴望一致, 我期待着科学博士的长袍——我希望每个袖子上都有橙色的滚边,” he wrote in his 2003 memoir, The House That Jack Built. He had “a heck of a time” finding someone to make it, until his favorite seamstress, daughter Lisa, 来拯救她——她做得如此之好,以至于十大正规网赌平台的医生们都羡慕不已!”

Emeritus Professor Bob Winter, left, reads a citation at Oxy’s Commencement exercises in 1997, when Samuelson was awarded an honorary doctorate.
The Samuelson touch echoes throughout the Oxy campus, 也许没有什么地方比以他和妻子莎莉·里德·萨缪尔森的名字命名的校友中心更重要了. 建在Phi Gamma Delta兄弟会的Omega Kappa分会旧址上, opposite the main entrance to the College, 这座建筑充满了他想象中的细节, 从强调台面和椅子的俏皮瓷砖到前门双玻璃门上蚀刻的双老虎. “We built it to last 100 years,4月20日,萨缪尔森在萨缪尔森校友中心的落成典礼上说, 2012.

萨缪尔森差点活到自己的百年诞辰,于2022年7月17日去世,享年97岁. 他是洛杉矶人,从好莱坞高中毕业后就读于奥施康定. “Out of my dreams, 1942年9月,我穿过装饰精美的大门,走进了一个美丽的校园, 从此开始了对这所伟大的西部大学一生的热爱,” he wrote in 2012. “It was here I came to study math, physics, and economics; but more importantly, 我也开始理解和欣赏学生荣誉守则, delve into ethics, philosophy, and Judeo-Christian theology, and develop an appreciation of the arts.”

His studies were interrupted in August 1944, 当时他就读于康奈尔大学海军军官训练学校. He reported to the USS Louisville 1945年1月成为一名炮兵军官,18个月后服满兵役. Returning to Oxy in the fall of 1946, he met his future wife, Sally, in a philosophy class taught by Cyril Gloyn ’27. (到2020年她去世时,这对夫妇已经结婚近72年了.)

A confident young builder in the 1940s.
In 1946, Jack and his younger brother, Bob, 创立了萨缪尔森兄弟公司(即今天的萨缪尔森合伙公司),从事一般建筑和商业开发. The firm worked on hundreds of projects, including office buildings, schools, churches, shopping centers, manufacturing plants, athletic stadiums, and residential communities in California and Arizona.

On the Oxy campus, 萨缪尔森在二十多个建设项目中发挥了重要作用, including the building of Booth Hall, Herrick Memorial Chapel and Interfaith Center, Rush Gymnasium, the Arthur G. Coons Administrative Center, Keck Theater, Mullin Family Studio and Art Gallery, and Samuelson Alumni Center, 以及对迈伦·亨特(Myron hunt)设计的许多建筑的翻新, including Johnson, Norris, Weingart, and Thorne halls, Johnson Student Center, and Samuelson Pavilion. (Samuelson’s last building project for Oxy, a veterans housing complex near campus, was completed in 2019.)

将旧艺术谷仓和女子体育馆改造成萨缪尔森馆体现了萨缪尔森的工作方法. “Once again, 这是一座没人认为能成功翻修的建筑,原计划要拆除,设施管理副总裁拉里·克拉马斯(Larry Klumas)在1998年写道. “杰克的创造力和建筑专业知识拯救了整个企业.”

Samuelson joined the Board of Trustees in 1974, chaired the Buildings and Grounds Committee for 13 years, 并于1992年至1997年担任学院新世纪指南针运动的全国主席. In addition to his honorary degree, 他于1983年获得校友印章奖,并于2011年获得年度校友奖.

In addition to his service to Occidental, 萨缪尔森是好莱坞医疗中心和山麓基督教青年会的前任主席, 也是La Cañada联合学区董事会的前任主席. 他曾在几家非营利性住房公司的董事会任职, including Southern California Presbyterian Homes, Beacon Affordable Housing (which Jack and Bob co-founded), and Keystone Housing Enterprises. “His commitment to affordable housing, in particular, had profound impact,” said John Cochrane III, president and CEO of HumanGood, a Glendale-based nonprofit organization providing housing, healthcare, and support services for seniors.

杰克·萨缪尔森留下了他的孩子和他们的配偶, including Reid Samuelson ’72 and wife Joyce (Todd) ’74; Lisa (Samuelson) and husband Chuck Paugh; Laura (Samuelson) ’77 and husband Kevin Murphy ’79; and David Samuelson and wife Michelle.

Six by Samuelson: His Occidental Best

在2012年萨缪尔森校友中心落成之前, 杰克·萨缪尔森(Jack Samuelson)与校友关系办公室合作,为大厅设计了一个展示柜. In addition to the Samuelson Center, 他选择了他最喜欢的六个Oxy项目,跨越了学院50多年的工作.