学生的声音 is a blog where current students write about various experiences including academics, 体育, 学生团体, 出国留学, and other extracurricular activities. Hear what our students have to say!

Image for Oxy Gives Back: MLK Day of Service
Oxy Gives Back: MLK Day of Service

Last Saturday was Oxy’s annual MLK Day of Service. The MLK Day of Service is a big service event on campus, and around 200-300 Oxy students participate each year, volunteering in the Eagle Rock community. This year we had a total of 20 different sites, and the volunteer activities ranged from gardening to mentoring.

Image for CSP体验

Well folks, it’s second semester here at Oxy! I survived my first semester of college, including all the craziness that has come with it. The highs, the lows, and the in-betweens have been well worth the laughs and late nights. 此外, I survived my first semester of the Cultural Studies Program, or CSP as we first years affectionately call it.

Image for Touring Japan with Oxy's Kakehashi Delegation
Touring Japan with Oxy's Kakehashi Delegation

Happy New Year, everyone! I’m looking forward to all the adventures this year has in store, but it’s going to be hard to beat the way 2015 ended for me. That’s because this December, 下课后, I was lucky enough to get to take a week-long trip to Japan as a member of Oxy’s delegation for the Kakehashi Project.

Image for 8 更多的 Reasons I’m Thankful For Oxy, or Why I Don’
8 更多的 Reasons I’m Thankful For Oxy, or Why I Don’t Want To Graduate

Last year around Thanksgiving I wrote a post titled ‘8 Reasons I’m Thankful For Oxy.’ I decided to write a sequel to this post, as it is a full year later and I find new reasons to love this school every day.

Image for 选择专业

Choosing a major can seem extremely daunting in the beginning. I still vividly remember my college application process, and not knowing which major I wanted to select as my choice of study. It was a frightening experience, just because I felt as if I were committing to something that I wouldn’t want to commit to later.

Image for Holiday Fun: 10 Things To Do Before Christmas
Holiday Fun: 10 Things To Do Before Christmas

As an avid Christmas lover, I am constantly counting down the days until Christmas. I am obsessed with white Christmases, but unfortunately I’ve never been able to experience one because California – it’s on the bucket list though. Anyways, here are a few things to do before the best day of the year arrives.

Image for Movement, Not A Moment
Movement, Not A Moment

# ImpeachVeitch. Movement Not A Moment. 67 Grand Meet Our Demands. Signs bearing these slogans and more are plastered against the glass walls of the Arthur G. Coons Administrative building. Tents have been pitched outside and sleeping bags and air mattresses dominate the interior.

Image for Dance to Your Heart's Desire with Hyper Expression
Dance to Your Heart's Desire with Hyper Expressions

This past week I attended an open dance class held by one of Oxy’s dance groups called Hyper Expressions. I have previous experience in ballet, however I had never tried much contemporary or improvisational dance, which was the focus of this week’s session.

Image for Day One of Peer Health Exchange
Day One of Peer Health Exchange

My first day of volunteering with Peer Health Exchange did not go as I had planned. Then again, no one can quite predict how ninth grade health classes will go. I remember how hard of a time my ninth grade friends and I gave our sex-ed teacher Mindy. I’m pretty sure she didn’t appreciate the jelly beans flying across the room.

Community-Based Learning in LA and Beyond

One of the reasons I fell in love with Oxy was because of its emphasis on "community-based learning." My tour guide constantly repeated this phrase, crediting it for her amazing academic experience at Oxy. I, too, frequently talk about it when giving my own tours as a tour guide.

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