Student Voices is a blog where current students write about various experiences including academics, sports, student groups, study abroad, and other extracurricular activities. Hear what our students have to say!

Image for All About Staying Fit... In College!
All About Staying Fit... In College!

I am not one of those people who makes it to the gym. I might have every intention of doing so, I might spend way too much money on fancy leggings, I might even chow down on a protein bar in anticipation. But I am not one of those people who makes it to the gym. Actually, to be fair, I can usually get there.

Image for Get to Know Oxy's International Students Organizat
Get to Know Oxy's International Students Organization

With a growing international students population, ISO (International Students Organization) is becoming more and more active on campus. I joined ISO when I first came to Oxy and became a E-board member in my sophomore year. To me ISO is like a family where people accept and understand where I come from and what I have been through coming to college in another country.

Image for The Biggest Club on Campus
The Biggest Club on Campus

A couple weekends ago, Oxy’s biggest club on campus, Dance Production, had their much anticipated annual performance. As a member of Dance Pro and a dance enthusiast, I can say with certainty the club lived up to the high expectations. The performance was comprised of 17 of dances, ranging from hip hop, to hula, to flamenco, to Broadway.

Image for Bringing Purim Dreams to Life
Bringing Purim Dreams to Life

Whenever anyone asks me what my favorite Jewish holiday is, I immediately say Purim. But what exactly is Purim? Purim is essentially the "Jewish Halloween." Jews come together to read the Megillah, a Jewish document that features the story of Queen Esther.

Image for The Best Job on Campus
The Best Job on Campus

I may be biased, but working for Occidental’s Bike Share has got to be the single most excellent job on campus, maybe even in the world. If you have been living under a rock all semester and don’t know who we are, let me explain.

Image for Why I Decided to Go Greek!
Why I Decided to Go Greek!

In light of recruitment week, I thought it would be a great opportunity to talk about what drove me to join Greek Life here at Oxy! When I first told my friends and family about my decision to participate in the Greek system, I was bombarded with an array of questions, the main one being why I wanted to go Greek in a smaller campus.

Thorne Hall
A Day in the Life of an Oxy Student: Midterms Edition

Hey what’s up y’all! So spring break is coming up, which is just…thank god. I know we’ve only been back for about a month, but with everything that has been happening this semester, it feels like we’ve been here so much longer! Anyways, with spring break approaching, it means that midterm season is officially upon us.

Image for On the Path to Choosing a Major
On the Path to Choosing a Major

Choosing which classes to take can be overwhelming, and if you’re like me, there is no clear path of courses to take because you aren’t sure what you want to major in yet. It’s a big question that needs to be answered by the end of your sophomore year, and it’s something that always is in the back of your mind.

Image for The Art of Economics
The Art of Economics

This semester I am taking Economics 101, my first step in completing my economics major! The class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays for an hour and a half, a bit longer than Monday, Wednesday, Friday courses. Last Thursday, my class went on a field trip, my first field trip of college, so naturally I was very excited.

Image for Time to Pull an All-Nighter
Time to Pull an All-Nighter

Real talk: college is so much fun. The people, the parties, the teammates and the teachers are all amazing. But I’m going to let you in on a little secret: even studying is fun here at Oxy. Now, you might be asking yourself, "What? Studying, fun? How??" Do not fear, prospective student, for I am here to tell you.

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1600 Campus Road
Los Angeles, CA 90041

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