• Shtulman,. (2023). Learning to imagine: The science of discovering new possibilities. 哈佛大学出版社. (订单)
  • Shtulman,. (2017). 科学盲:为什么我们对世界的直觉理论经常是错误的. 基本书. (订单)
  • Shtulman,. (合同). Conflicted: How contradictory beliefs drive thinking and learning. 麻省理工学院出版社. (TOC)
  • Belanger, M.波特文,P.霍斯特,S.舒尔曼,A., & 莫蒂默,E. (2022), 人类认知表征多元论的多学科视角. 劳特利奇. (订单)



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  • Shtulman,.古尔丁,B., & 阿,弗里德曼. (2024). 不可能但有可能:训练孩子接受不寻常事件的可能性. 发展心理学,60, 17-27. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,., & 年轻的,. G. (2024). Tempering the tension between science and intuition. 认知,243, 105680. [PDF]
  • 巴恩斯,M. E.爱妮,R. Q., ... Shtulman,. 等. (2024). 评价演进验收仪器的现状:研究协调网络会议报告. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 17, 1. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,.哈林顿,C.赫策尔,C.Kim, J. 帕伦博,C., & Rountree-Shtulman T. (2023). 它能? 它应该? 认知反思有助于儿童对可能性和允许性的推理. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 235, 105727. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,., & 年轻的,. G. (2023). The development of cognitive reflection. Child Development Perspectives, 17, 59-66. [PDF]
  • 沙利文,J.蒂尔曼,K. A., & Shtulman,. (2023). 远离,圣诞老人:儿童对COVID-19对现实和虚构人物的影响的看法. 发展心理学,59, 940-952. [PDF]
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  • Shtulman,. (2022). Religion as a testing ground for cognitive science. Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion, 7, 200-212. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,. (2022). The familiar appeal of imaginary worlds. 行为与脑科学, E298. [PDF]
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  • Shtulman,., & 年轻的,. G. (2021). Learning evolution by collaboration. 生物科学,71, 1091-1102. [PDF]
  • Barlev, M., & Shtulman,. (2021). 思想, 的身体, 精神, 和神:对无实体存在的广泛信仰是否意味着我们是天生的二元论者? 心理评估, 128, 1007-1021. [PDF]
  • 锣,T., 年轻的,. G., & Shtulman,. (2021). The development of cognitive reflection in China. 认知科学,45, 12966. [PDF]
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  • McPhetres J., & Shtulman,. (2021). Piloerection is not a reliable physiological correlate of awe. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 159, 88-93. [PDF]
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  • Shtulman,., & 沃克,C. M. (2020). Developing an understanding of science. Annual Review of Developmental Psychology, 2, 111-132. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,., & Legare C. H. (2020). 竞争解释的竞争解释:解释科学解释和民间解释之间的冲突. Topics in Cognitive Science, 12,1337-1362. [PDF]
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  • Shtulman,.福希,R.巴纳,D.邓纳姆,Y., & Srinivasan, M. (2019). 当安拉遇见甘尼萨:在一个宗教多元化的社会中发展超自然概念. 认知发展,52, 100806. [PDF]
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  • Shtulman,. (2019). Do religious experiences shape religious beliefs or religious concepts? 宗教,大脑, & 行为,9, 265-267. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,., & Rattner, M. (2018). Theories of God: Explanatory coherence in religious cognition. PLoS ONE, 13, e0209758. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,., & 菲利普J. (2018). 区分“可能”与“应该”:模态认知的发展变化. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 165, 161-182. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,. (2018). Communicating developmental science to nonscientists, or how to write something even your family will want to read. Journal of Cognition and Development, 165, 161-182. [PDF]
  • Legare C. H.奥普弗,J.布什,J. T. A., & Shtulman,. (2018). A field guide for teaching evolution in the social sciences. Evolution and Human Behavior, 39, 257-268. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,., & 摩根,C. (2017). 不可解释事件的解释结构:魔法推理的因果约束. 心理计量学公告 & 审查,24, 1573-1585. [PDF]
  • Valdesolo P.舒尔曼,A., & 男爵,. S. (2017). Science is awe-some: The emotional antecedents of science learning. 情感 审查,9, 1-7. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,.尼尔,C. & 林奎斯特G. (2016). 儿童学习生物适应的进化解释的能力. Early Education and Development, 27, 1222–1236. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,., & 哈林顿,K. (2016). Tensions between science and intuition across the lifespan. 认知科学专题,8, 118-137. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,., & 林德曼,M. (2016). Attributes of God: Conceptual foundations of a foundational belief. 认知科学,40, 635-670. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,. (2015). How lay cognition constrains scientific cognition. 哲学罗盘,10/11, 785-798. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,. (2015). 在科学史上,信号和噪音哪个更有信息量? 认知科学,39, 842-845. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,., & 柳,R. I. (2015). 孩子们对物理可能性的理解限制了他们对圣诞老人的信仰. 认知发展,34, 51-62. [PDF]
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  • Shtulman,. (2013). 学生科学信仰与超自然信仰的认知相似性. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105, 199-212. [PDF]
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  • Shtulman,., & Valcarcel J. (2012). 科学知识抑制但不能取代早期的直觉. 认知,124, 209-215. [PDF]
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  • Shtulman,. (2023). 当相互竞争的解释趋于一致时:冠状病毒作为科学解释与民间解释共存的案例研究. 在J. N. Schupbach & D. H. 玻璃(Eds.), 联合解释:解释多样性的本质、认识论和心理学 (pp. 246-268). 劳特利奇. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,. (2022). How intuitive beliefs inoculate us against scientific ones. 在穆索利诺,J.萨默,J., & 缝边器,P. (Eds.), The cognitive science of belief (pp. 353-373). 剑桥大学出版社. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,. (2022). Navigating the conflict between science and intuition. 在Belanger, M.波特文,P.霍斯特,S.舒尔曼,A., & 莫蒂默,E. (Eds.), 人类认知表征多元论的多学科视角 (pp. 122-140). 劳特利奇. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,., & 年轻的,. G. (2020). 为什么逻辑上不相容的解释在心理上似乎是相容的? Science, pseudoscience, religion, and superstition. 在K. 麦凯恩 & K. Kampourakis (Eds.), 科学知识? An introduction to contemporary epistemology of science (pp. 163-178). 劳特利奇. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,. (2019). 双重反直觉:发现和学习科学思想的认知障碍,以及为什么它们经常不同. 在R. 塞缪尔 & D. Wilkenfeld (Eds.), Advances in experimental philosophy of science (pp. 97-121). 布卢姆斯伯里. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,. (2018). Missing links: How cladograms reify common evolutionary misconceptions. 在K. Rutten,年代. Blancke, & R. Soetaert (Eds.), Perspectives on science and culture (pp. 149-169). 普渡大学出版社. [PDF]
  • Legare C. H., & Shtulman,. (2018). Explanatory pluralism across cultures and development. 在J. 普鲁斯特 & M. 福捷(Eds.), 跨学科 approaches to metacognitive diversity (pp. 415-432). 牛津大学出版社. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,., & Lombrozo T. (2016). Bundles of contradiction: A coexistence view of conceptual change. 在D. 改革者 & A. S. 男爵(Eds.), Core knowledge and conceptual change (pp. 49-67). 牛津大学出版社. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,. (2014). 如何不教课. 在E. M. Furtak & I. P. Renga (Eds.), 通往终身教职之路 (pp. 67-80). 兰哈姆,马萨诸塞州:罗曼 & 李特佛尔德. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,., & Calabi P. (2012). Cognitive constraints on the understanding and acceptance of evolution. 在K. S. 工厂的年代. Brem E. M. 埃文斯 & G. 辛纳屈(Eds.), 进化论挑战:将进化论教学中的研究与实践相结合 (pp. 47-65). 牛津大学出版社. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,. (2008). The development of core knowledge domains. 在E. M. Anderman & L. Anderman (Eds.), Psychology of classroom learning: An enclyclopedia (pp. 320-325). 汤普森盖尔. [PDF]



  • Shtulman,.哈林顿,C.赫策尔,C.Kim, J.帕伦坡,C., & Rountree-Shtulman T. (2023). 认知反思与模态认知的发展关系. Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the Cognitive Science Society . [PDF]

  • Shtulman,., & 情节剧电影,D. (2022). Priming counterintuitive scientific ideas. 认知科学学会第44届年会论文集, 3038-3043. [PDF]
  • 徐,年代.舒尔曼,A., & 年轻的,. G. (2022). 孩子们能发现假新闻吗? 认知科学学会第44届年会论文集, 2988-2993. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,.维拉洛沃斯,A., & ziel4 D. (2021). 亲子间关于生物世界消极方面的对话. 认知科学学会第43届年会论文集, 714-720. [PDF]
  • 锣,T., & Shtulman,. (2020). 看似不可能:不同文化对不可能的分级观念. 认知科学学会第42届年会论文集, 2466-2472. [PDF]
  • 年轻的,. G.格迪斯,我.韦德尔,C., & Shtulman,. (2019). Tensions between science and intuition in school-aged children. 认知科学学会第41届年会论文集, 1234-1240. [PDF]
  • 年轻的,. G.拉卡,J.迪芬巴赫,G.侯赛因,E.曼恩,D., & Shtulman,. (2018). 科学能打败直觉吗? Increasing the accessibility of counterintuitive scientific ideas. 认知科学学会第40届年会论文集, 1238-1243. [PDF]
  • 年轻的,. G.幂幂A.朝圣者,L., & Shtulman,. (2018) Developing a cognitive reflection test for school-age children. 认知科学学会第40届年会论文集, 1232-1237. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,., & 年轻的,. G. (2017). 弥合概念鸿沟:同侪合作如何促进科学学习. 认知科学学会第39届年会论文集. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,., & 摩根,C. (2016). The plausible impossible: Causal constraints on magical reasoning. 认知科学学会第38届年会论文集. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,. (2014). 科学v. Intuition: Why it is difficult for scientific knowledge to take root. 怀疑论者,19, 46-50. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,., & McCallum K. (2014). Cognitive reflection predicts science understanding. 认知科学学会第36届年会论文集, 2937-2942. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,., & 林德曼,M. (2014). God can hear but does he have ears? 拟人论的心理和生理维度的分离. 认知科学学会第36届年会论文集, 2931-2936. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,., & Valcarcel J. (2011). 过去理论的幽灵:长期被抛弃的理论始终存在的影响. 认知科学学会第33届年会论文集, 213-218. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,. (2011). 为什么人们不理解进化:对完全掌握生命统一性的认知障碍的分析. 怀疑论者,16, 41-46. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,. (2010). Confidence without competence in the evaluation of scientific claims. 认知科学学会第32届年会论文集, 302-307. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,. (2010). Theories of God: Explanatory coherence in a non-scientific domain. 认知科学学会第32届年会论文集, 1295-1300. [PDF]
  • Shtulman,., & Calabi P. (2008). Learning, understanding, and acceptance: The case of evolution. 认知科学学会第30届年会论文集, 235-240. [PDF]



  • Shtulman,. (2024年6月5日). Why children are susceptible to online misinformation. 芝麻卡通工作室. (链接)
  • Shtulman,. (2023年12月18日). Imagination is a skill we develop, not a trait we lose. 今日心理学. (链接)
  • Shtulman,. (2021年3月31日). The best books on the cognitive foundations of science. 牧羊人. (链接)
  • Shtulman,. (2021年1月. 21). Violations of social norms stretch imagination. 今日心理学. (链接)
  • Shtulman,. (2020年6月12日). Ill-informed behavior is no safeguard against illness. 今日心理学. (链接)
  • Shtulman,. (2020年2月. 12). 浪漫的信仰是理性的吗?? 今日心理学. (链接)
  • Shtulman,. (2019年5月31日). Little League baseball needs a growth mindset. 今日心理学. (链接)
  • Shtulman,. (2018年11月29日). When do attempts to counter gender stereotypes backfire? 今日心理学. (链接)
  • Shtulman,. (2018年7月29日). Fake news exploits our obliviousness to proper sourcing. 今日心理学. (链接)
  • Shtulman,. (2017年11月. 22). This Thanksgiving, don't mistake getting along for giving in. 今日心理学. (链接)
  • Shtulman,. (2017年8月. 14). Do you have any idea what cases a solar eclipse? 今日心理学. (链接)
  • Shtulman,. (2017年5月29日). In public understanding of science, alternative facts are the norm. 美国国家公共电台:宇宙 & 文化. (链接)
  • Shtulman,. (2016年2月. 12). 为什么达尔文的生命之树是进化论的一个令人信服的认知标志. 这种人生观. (链接)
  • Shtulman,. (2015年12月. 4). My resolution: To be more attentive to advantageous inequity. 这种人生观. (链接)