Students look over the lights of 洛杉矶 at night from the Griffith Park Observatory

的 city of 洛杉矶 is one of the most dynamic metropolitan environments in the world and is an unparalleled place to study the intersection of the natural and cultural spheres.


We are now accepting proposal for trips during the Spring 2024 semester. Please note that we receive a large number of proposals at the beginning of each semester, 因此,我们可能需要比平时更长的时间才能做出反应. 

请参阅我们的 校园COVID指南 在提交提案之前. 

我们的使命:  L.A. 遇到 program supports initiatives within Occidental’s academic program that expand the depth and breadth of opportunities for students to engage with the community, 文化, 和大洛杉矶地区的环境.

L.A. 遇到 program supports this mission by providing funding for faculty members who wish to enhance their courses by taking advantage of resources within the greater 洛杉矶 area. 过去的旅行包括参观博物馆, 库, 电影放映, 戏剧, 歌剧, 音乐会, 步行参观, 讲座, 植物园和动物园, 文化节庆, 当地的学校, 政府机构和非政府组织, 社区活动, 和更多的. 在所有情况下, these trips are intended to connect with the academic experience and to allow students to more fully engage with the city and people of 洛杉矶 .
Proposals can be submitted using the online form linked below. 的re is no deadline for funding requests; proposals will be reviewed as they come in. While we try to respond to all requests within one week, during busy periods it may take longer. If you have questions about the status of a request, please contact

学生学习成果 & 评估

L有很多不同的方式.A. 遇到-sponsored trip might complement or add to a course's learning outcomes. 当你提议旅行时, we ask you to indicate whether any of the outcomes listed below are applicable. You also have the option of providing your own learning outcomes. 跟随你的旅程, we will provide you with an anonymous survey to distribute to trip participants containing questions linked to your indicated outcomes. 


  1. 参加者将会 更好地理解主题/概念 课程内容.
  2. 参加者将会 感觉和洛杉矶的联系更紧密了 和/或周围的区域.
  3. 参加者将会 培养社区意识 和其他同学一起学习.
  4. 参加者将会 connect with a community organization or community partner.


Funding is limited, so we may not be able to approve all requests. 在某些情况下, we will be able to offer partial funding with the hope that the remaining costs might be covered from other sources (departmental budgets, 等.). 我们会尽可能多地支持他们的旅行, priority will be given to proposals that clearly articulate a connection between the proposed field trip and a course's learning objectives.

的 primary objective of the LA 遇到 program is to support field trips that are directly linked to an academic course (or, 在某些情况下, 多个课程). Requests for funding for course-related trips should be submitted by a faculty member. In rare cases we may be able to support proposals from other members of the college community, though typically only in cases where the proposed trip has a strong connection with the college curriculum or can be demonstrated as providing a significant benefit to the cultural and intellectual life of the campus.

Due to our limited resources, we are not able to provide logistical support. While we may be able to provide some advice regarding the planning of a trip, the person requesting funding is ultimately responsible for organizing and overseeing the excursion.

在某些情况下 社区学习中心 may be able to provide additional guidance and support.

的 most common requests are for funding for transportation and admission costs. For longer field trips, we may able to provide funding for a snack or meal. If there are other costs associated with your planned trip, 请务必把它们包括在你的提案中.

No. LA 遇到 program exclusively supports off-campus activities.

L .最常见的交通方式.A. 交通工具是拼车工具.g. Lyft or Uber); college-owned货车; chartered busses; and 公共交通. Here is some brief information about each of these options:

  • college-owned货车 方便又经济, though the trip organizer must identify an authorized driver for each van before a van reservation can be made. 要了解更多信息,请参阅 授权司机程序 网页.
  • 随意组合服务 such as Uber or Lyft are becoming an increasingly popular option. 对于使用此选项的旅行, the person(s) requesting the rideshare would submit their receipt (usually an printed email) for reimbursement. Please note that we can only reimburse costs for a base-level service; premium services like UberLux, UberBLACK, Lyft勒克斯, 等. 不包括在内.
  • 特许公交车 are available in a variety sizes ranging from a 24-passenger mini-bus to a 58-passenger coach. 租一辆公共汽车的费用相当可观, 但对于较大的团队来说,这可能是最好的选择, 更远的距离, or in cases where authorized van drivers are not available.
  • 对于一些旅行, 公共交通 也许是个不错的选择. 到校园最近的两条公交路线是 地铁83路这条街沿着约克大道延伸 地铁28号巴士它沿着鹰岩大道延伸. Both busses travel to Downtown LA in approximately 40 minutes. 此外,LADOT 高地公园/鹰岩巴士 stops at the intersection of Campus Road and Avenue 51. All three of these busses have connections with the 地铁黄金线 轻轨, providing convenient access to areas such as Pasadena, 唐人街, 联合车站, 洛杉矶的村庄, 小东京, 和东洛杉矶. 取决于所需的运输方式, either bus tokens or TAP cards preloaded with one-day travel passes can be arranged. 的 地铁行程规划 is a useful tool for planning journeys via 公共交通.

一旦你的建议被批准, we can provide more information to assist you in making necessary transportation reservations.

联络我们: 我们很乐意帮忙!



Director of Advising, 核心程序 Coordinator, Affiliated 教师 in Music