来看看我们的一些批判理论 & 社会公正专业.


家乡: TN克拉克斯维尔
专业: 音乐(声乐表演)CTSJ

你选择CTSJ专业的动机是什么? 有没有什么特别的鼓舞人心的时刻或经历?

我到Oxy的时候从来没有听说过“批判理论”这个词.“然而, a late registration time and a need to fulfill core requirements put me in “Intro to 批判理论” my first semester. 正是在那门课的第一周,我的眼界开阔了,看到了一种全新的思维方式, of interrogating ideas and questioning why power structures exist the way that they do in our communities. 第一次, 我被要求积极参与课堂阅读, 所有这些都集中在打击不同程度的压迫结构上. 我充满激情,在那个学期我选择了我的专业. 


我在系里最喜欢的课是“鹅妈妈到mashup”,,研究批评理论在儿童文学体裁中的应用, 包括从书籍到电影和音乐视频的一切. 这门课, 和系里的其他人一样, 允许替代项目选项, 写论文也是如此, 我创作了一本儿童读物, 创作了一首新的民谣,还写了一些理论性的同人小说. This class broadened my understanding of how deeply integrated socially constructed ideologies are in our everyday lives.  

[在一个过程中]...还有写论文, 我创作了一本儿童读物, 创作了一首新的民谣,还写了一些理论性的同人小说.


给我的高级公司, I am exposing the arbitrarity of the social construction of normative gender and explicating the force of its grip on society, which lays the foundation for a discussion of genderqueer youth as uniquely positioned within this social force. I develop this idea into an exploration of modern genderqueer youth actively engaging in subversive gender discourse to try to understand what barriers are inhibiting their access to free exploration of gender expression. 


上班时间! Some of the best learning I experienced came from stepping into my professor's office with a list of questions. 即使你在课堂上没有遇到困难(尤其是当你遇到困难时), make a point to have one-on-one time with the professors because the CTSJ professors truly do care about your goals and how they might be able to help you develop inside and outside of the classroom. Office hours is where I really got to see into the personalities of my professors beyond their lecture mode, 我了解到,如果我给他们机会,他们会对我的生活产生多大的兴趣.


我们的部门是令人难以置信的和多样化的激情的完美结合, 高度严谨和支持性协作. 真的是一群很酷的狐狸精, 没人把自己太当回事, 但每个人都非常关心与他们互动的材料. 我们有很多以对话为基础的课程, 我们的教授把我们当作知识分子来对待. 该系拥有国际上享有盛誉的批判理论 & 社会公正大学生研究杂志, 同类唯一的学术出版物, 但我们也有悠闲的万圣节派对,还有很多零食和咖啡可供大家享用.


家乡: 丰塔纳,
主要: CTSJ; minor: Gender, Women & 性研究


我选了《十大正规网赌平台》 & 教育,我在Oxy的第一个学期, 这是我第一次觉得自己被纳入了历史叙事. 我是第一代墨西哥裔美国人,也是第一代大学生, and working through how immigration status as well as racial and ethnic identity systemically impact our route to education made clear the systems of power at play in my life thus far. The class put to words things that I've experienced but never knew how to describe—the end of that class was when I knew I wanted to stay in the CTSJ department.

你能描述一下你和CTSJ教授的工作关系吗? 你上过什么优秀的课程吗?

“抵抗运动 & “法律”(字面意思是教授的任何课程León), “社会正义训练营”(Moazzam-Doulat教授) & Heldman), “白”(格里芬教授), “定居者殖民主义”(斯莫尔教授), 和“交叉性”(Intersectionality). Heldman)是迄今为止我上过的最丰富的课程. 我现在在“语言” & Power” with 教授essor Christianakis and I can tell this will be one of my most memorable classes as well.

As for the professors, I've never met people as passionate about their specialties as I have in CTSJ. 他们的关系都很好, and they'll do what they can to connect you to someone who knows someone related to a thing you're interested in. 尤其是Christianakis教授在OxyGen项目上做了惊人的工作, which connects students (of all majors) with internship/work opportunities via alumni in a variety of fields. 所有的教授都非常支持学生提出的任何问题, 无论是开始讨论无障碍环境还是校园里的肥胖运动, 或者为毕业后的道路提供建议. 我知道我可以找他们中的任何一个谈谈, 他们总是会不厌其烦地帮助你.


你参加过Oxy或其他地方的学生研究机会吗? 你能描述一下你的高级竞赛项目吗?

在过去的两个夏天,我参加了暑期研究计划, 由本科生研究中心主办. In 2020 I interned through the UEP/I Affordable 住房 Summer Internship Program with East Yard Communities for Environmental 正义. 我研究了洛杉矶九个非建制城市的警察预算.A. 在大流行期间,县以及租金/抵押贷款暂停. 刚刚过去的这个夏天,我开始为我的高级竞争对手做研究. I created a dataset of 300 TikTokers with an interest in the demographic breakdown of the American fat activist movement on TikTok as well as the topics being pursued by various activists according to their intersectional identities. 我在大二的时候偶然发现了我的比较主题“抵抗运动” & 《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》,之后我就能在课堂上讨论这个话题,这真的很酷.


CTSJ本质上是多个部门结合在一起,以社会正义为中心, so you'll learn how to apply a variety of different frameworks to whatever social justice issue you're passionate about. 这项技能对于找到解决这些问题的方法至关重要. 例如,在我的作文中,我用的是福柯 & 来解释在全球大流行期间研究恐胖症的重要性. 您可以将在CTSJ中学到的任何概念应用到实际问题中, 如果你打算在奥施康定之外从事社会正义工作,这一点真的很有用.


不要让CTSJ的“批判理论”部分把你吓跑. 理论可能令人生畏, especially to someone who (like me) didn't have access to these sorts of rigorous academic texts before college. All of the professors will do whatever they can to help you understand something; don't underestimate what you can do when you have an entire department supporting you.


家乡: 萨克拉门托,
主要: CTSJ; minor: politics


刚来奥施康定的时候,我以为自己的专业是人体运动学, 然后上了斯莫尔教授的课, 黑人女权主义文本,” I had a revelation that my passion for learning comes from me being able to think critically about different topics and how they relate to everyday life. 我进一步了解了CTSJ系和它的课程, 我发现他们教授的话题和课程实际上让我对学习感到兴奋. 

我觉得这些课程真的让我看到了世界是如何运作的. 我喜欢挑战自己的思维方式.

你能描述一下你和CTSJ教授的工作关系吗? 你上过什么优秀的课程吗?

我喜欢CTSJ的所有教授. 我相信他们是非常了不起的人,有着丰富的知识. 如果你上过CTSJ的课, 你会对他们的热情感到震惊, 以及他们对这个话题了解多少. They are super accommodating and conscious when it comes to their students which I greatly appreciate. My favorite classes so far have been “Black Popular Culture” with 教授essor Small and “Afterlives of Chattel Slavery” with 教授essor Crawford.


我喜欢不断学习新事物. 我觉得这些课程真的让我看到了世界是如何运作的. 我喜欢挑战自己的思维方式,CTSJ在这方面做得很好. 这些都是相关的概念, 它们会改变和扩展你对现实世界的思考和知识——无论是过去, 现在还是将来.

离开奥施康定后,你的抱负是什么 and how has the liberal arts approach helped to shape these ambitions?

目前我的计划是读研,拿到博士学位.D. 希望有一天能成为一名教授. The liberal arts approach opened my eyes to what I actually love to do and what I can see myself doing for the rest of my life. 我想有所作为,改变人们看待世界的方式. 这就是CTSJ和Oxy为我所做的,所以我渴望有一天成为其他人的那个人. 


我的建议是与教授们建立联系. 去他们的办公时间,了解他们. 我知道这很可怕,我自己也在为此挣扎, 但他们真的是很好的人,值得去认识和建立联系.


家乡: 韦斯顿,马
主要: CTSJ

你选择CTSJ专业的动机是什么? 有没有什么特别的鼓舞人心的时刻或经历? 

在疫情期间,我决定在2020年成为CTSJ专业的学生. I think many of us had time to pause and take a look at the world around us and ask ourselves what part we are playing in our community. I decided I wanted to be more active in my community and beyond and CTSJ is a wonderful major to help teach students about how we can help make an impact through activism work and fighting for social justice. 

你能描述一下你和CTSJ教授的工作关系吗? 你上过什么优秀的课程吗? 

赫德曼教授和莫阿扎姆-杜拉特教授对我在Oxy的学习都很有帮助. 在我大三的时候,教授. Moazzam-Doulat helped me carve out my senior thesis by introducing me to theorists that are pertinent to my subject. 教授. Heldman理解我对CTSJ工作的热情,以及我对媒体和娱乐的热爱. 她允许我在整个夏天帮助她写书,这是一次美妙的经历.

CTSJ is a wonderful major to help teach students about how we can help make an impact through activism work and fighting for social justice. 


我喜欢在高级竞赛中工作! It is a project that I can really dive into with more depth than I have ever been able to do before. I love knowing that all of the seniors are experiencing this together and we can really be there to support one another.


I hope to combine my passion for activism work and the education I have received from the CTSJ department with my passion for the entertainment industry. 我希望在一家制作公司工作, 发人深省的, 可以影响社会的对话开始和变革性的艺术作品. 


每个人都很好! I transferred into Oxy last year and felt a warm welcome from all of my peers in the CTSJ department. 我被每个人的智慧和他们对工作的关心所震撼.


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