
以下要求适用于获得a的学生 2023 - 2024年目录 一年. 学生须符合 大学政策 to follow the major (and minor) requirements found in the 目录 in effect at the time they declared their first major. To find your 目录 一年, please visit your Grades and Academic Records found in myOxy 然后访问 目录 与你的目录年份相符.



批判理论与社会正义 (CTSJ) is the only undergraduate academic department of its kind in the U.S. 自2006年以来, the CTSJ major has graduated students with rigorous training in critical theory and transformative political practice. At the heart of the program is an interrogation of intersecting structures of power. 我们研究的三大支柱是跨学科思维, 区间的分析, 关键干预. The department emphasizes the necessary relationship between critical thought and political action. 专业 will learn ethical tools to effectively work within formal structures of politics and grassroots activism, and employ creative and inventive approaches to seemingly intractable problems. 专业 will learn the functions and processes of formal political institutions, 以及彻底变革的抵抗模式, 什么先于压迫,又超越压迫. 随着学生在专业上的进步, they will study in academic disciplines as diverse as psychology, 政治科学, decolonial理论, 临界种族理论, 黑人研究, 本土研究, 女权主义理论, 酷儿理论, biopolitics, 后现代政治理论, 以及性别和性研究. 

这个专业非常强调实践. Students are required to participate in the 正义 Bootcamp and the 正义 Practicum. 课堂之外, students will be given the opportunity to engage in a clinical practicum, 参与编辑过程中的 批判理论与社会正义杂志出国留学,参加暑期研究项目. Past majors facilitated local development of a neighborhood museum in the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans, 撰写了月经初潮运动的基础工作, 后来成为了公共知识分子, 社区积极分子, and agents of political and social change at all levels of government and in non-governmental organizations.

该系的课程分为三个等级. Classes taught at the 100-level teach and train students how to think and act critically and rigorously across a wide range of topics, 包括种族, 性别, 性, 和国籍. Classes taught at the 200-level teach students how to think and write clearly and analytically about methodologies and concepts. Students will also learn to speak thoughtfully and cogently in the classroom and in public places. At the 300-level students will develop competency in the intersecting bodies of work that constitute critical theory and social justice. Students in 300-level classes will be expected to develop and write research papers that demonstrate a facility with transdisciplinarity.





CTSJ 100批判理论概论


CTSJ 390CTSJ青少年研讨会:干预


CTSJ 398社会公正实习


CTSJ 490批判理论高级研讨会-社会正义


初级研讨班将在春季学期开设. Students planning to travel abroad during their junior 一年 should do so in the fall semester and may seek approval of the department chair to have one study abroad class count as a CTSJ elective. 所有要求必须包括以下内容:课程大纲, 完成特定课程的所有作业, and the proper completed form from either IPO or the Registrar's Office.




Students majoring in CTSJ must be nominated during their senior 一年 by a CTSJ faculty member to be considered for Honors. Nominations will be reviewed by the CTSJ department faculty based on: a major GPA of 3.70 or higher, a “Pass with Distinction” comprehensive project, an “A” grade in CTSJ 398, and significant contributions to the life of the department and in activism in the community.

辅修批判理论 & 社会正义 requires five courses (20 units) taught in the CTSJ Department: 批判理论概论 (CTSJ 100)及另外四门选修课.


Students majoring in 批判理论与社会正义 satisfy the 阶段的写作 Requirement by completing the Junior Seminar (CTSJ 390).


大四的时候,批判理论专业的学生 & 社会正义 are required to complete a comprehensive project concerning a topic of the student's own particular interest. 学生将在…期间完成比赛 CTSJ 490:大四秋季学期的高级研讨会. Each student is directed to consult with at least one CTSJ professor in addition to the professor teaching the senior seminar. The final version of the comprehensive project is due on the last day of the week prior to Thanksgiving. 一个典型的项目最终会有25到30页的论文. The department is open to critical projects of comparable length that employ other media from students formally trained in those media with faculty approval. Designated CTSJ faculty will review the comps by the end of the 秋天 semester and provide ratings to students. There are three ratings: "Pass with Distinction," "Pass," and "No Pass." A comprehensive project earns the grade "Pass with Distinction" if all designated faculty agree that it meets the highest standards. 如果是"及格"等级,  students may work on their project to improve it to the level of "Pass with Distinction" by the start of the spring semester. 在没有通行证的情况下," the student works with faculty and the senior comps professor to complete the project to departmental satisfaction by the start of spring semester.


我们鼓励对CTSJ专业感兴趣的学生参加 CTSJ 100 在第一年.  Most 100- and 200-level courses are open to first-一年 students and have no prerequisites. 除了六门必修课, CTSJ专业的学生必须完成五门额外的选修课程.


No placement exams are specifically required for the 批判理论 & 社会公正专业. 





  • 秋季FYS课程

  • 核心需求

  • 核心要求(4个单元)

  • 普通选修课(4个学分)

  • 春季FYS课程

  • CTSJ 101 (CPGC)

  • 核心要求(4个单元)

  • 外语(4或5个单元)


  • CTSJ 102 (CPRF)

  • 核心需求

  • 普通选修课(4个学分)

  • 普通选修课(4个学分)

  • CTSJ 398

  • 核心需求

  • 核心需求

  • 普通选修课(4个学分)


  • CTSJ 300

  • CTSJ选修

  • 普通选修课(4个学分)

  • 普通选修课(4个学分)

  • CTSJ 390 (初级研讨会)

  • CTSJ选修

  • 普通选修课(4个学分)

  • 普通选修课(4个学分)


  • CTSJ 490 (高级研讨会)

  • CTSJ选修

  • 普通选修课(4个学分)

  • 普通选修课(4个学分)

  • CTSJ选修

  • CTSJ选修

  • 普通选修课(4个学分)

  • 普通选修课(4个学分)


从其他院校转学的学生 in their junior 一年 or students who have taken a leave of absence for more than 1 semester 可以申请 最多两门课程 from an accredited college or university toward the CTSJ 主要 requirements, 得到系主任的批准. Students should provide the department chair with a course name, description, and syllabus. The department does not apply transfer credits to satisfy the requirements for the CTSJ 小.  For more general college policies, students should reference the 转移信用 部分,以获取更多详细信息.





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