Meet some of our Black Studies students.

Mikayla Woods ’25
Esther Karpilow ’22
Jazz Henry ’23
Kamea Quetti-Hall ’22 

Mikayla Woods ’25

Hometown: San Francisco, CA
Majors: Black Studies, American Studies; minor: English

Read her Oxy Story



Esther Karpilow ’22

Hometown: Oakland, CA
Major: Black Studies; minor: religious studies; emphasis: psychology

What was your motivation to major in BLST?

Coming to Oxy as a first-year, 我对黑人研究很好奇,但从没想过自己会选择这个专业. After taking Professor [Erica] Ball“种族女性:非裔美国女性的抗议文化”是我第一学期的课程, 我对周围世界的看法和对自己身份的看法都发生了变化, and I knew I wanted to continue taking classes in the department.

Can you describe your working relationships with BLST professors? Are there any standout classes you’ve taken?

There is such a wide variety of classes it’s hard to pick favorites! They range from music courses (“Topics in Jazz History” with Prof. Pillich) to science fiction (“Afrofuturism” with Prof. Ford) to critical theory (“Blackness, Gender, and Sexuality” with Prof. Small). 我遇到的所有教授都是独特的鼓舞人心、善良和热情. 特别感谢Ball教授,她是一位如此敬业的顾问/教授/导师/作者/主席,并且总是关心她的学生!

What do you find most compelling about studying BLST?

I really love the interdisciplinary aspect of Black Studies. 它使我能够探索我不同的兴趣,并向我展示它们是如何真正联系在一起的. Most importantly, 这个部门给了我一个机会,通过一个以我为中心的人的镜头来学习各种各样的学科.

What are your ambitions post-Oxy?

After Oxy, 我计划申请社会工作或心理学的硕士课程,以便从事治疗或心理健康咨询方面的职业. 我希望为服务不足的社区提供治疗服务,并倡导黑人社区的心理健康去污名化.

Do you have any advice for a student considering a major in BLST?

You won’t regret it! 一开始,我担心这个专业的就业机会不会像黑人研究专业那么多, 但是这个部门给了我很多工具,这些工具将使我在很多领域受益. 主修黑人研究是我大学经历中最好的部分之一,它给了我信心,让我在社区中做出真正的改变.

Jazz Henry ’23

Hometown: Lakeland, FL
Major: Urban & Environmental Policy; minors: Black Studies, politics


After taking “Black Feminist Text” with Professor [Kai] Small my first year, I was exposed to a whole different side of academia. 我发现自己处在一个安全的环境中,在那里我受到挑战,重新思考我对黑人的认识, 最重要的是,对黑人女权主义的话题有了更深入的理解和新的视角. This motivated me to explore the department and all it has to offer.

Can you describe your working relationships with BLST professors? Are there any standout classes you’ve taken?

这个系的教授们真的很了不起,他们把这个系变成了一个鼓舞人心的部门. 具有本系专业和辅修课程的独特要求, 我可以扩大范围,选修其他系黑人教授的课程, too. In particular, I enjoyed “Rastafari” with Professor [Elmer] Griffin and “African American History” with Professor [Erica] Ball.

What do you find most compelling about studying BLST?

Looking back at my high school experience, 我从来没有机会被黑人老师教授黑人研究和相关话题. 结果,我没能像我希望的那样深入研究这些话题. The BLST department has allowed me to do just that, 这里有很多很棒的课程和黑人教授,他们推动我更深入地研究有关黑人的话题,这是我在其他地方做不到的.

What are your ambitions after Oxy?

I hope to pursue a career in urban planning and housing policy. I have moved many times throughout my life, 体验国内外的城市和郊区社区. 我看到了不公平的住房政策是如何持续地、不成比例地影响低收入有色人种社区的, 我希望在未来推动更好的住房政策,帮助支持我们的城市社区. 

Do you have any advice for a student considering a major in BLST?

Minoring in Black Studies is one of the best decisions I have made. 我在这个部门的经历告诉我,它可以如何挑战和教育你成为一个更好的人,并以我从未想象过的方式理解有关种族的话题. 这个系可以让你接触到一些有史以来最聪明最有天赋的教授, 能够开放地向他们近距离学习比你想象的更有价值. Even if you do not pursue a major or minor with Black Studies, 我鼓励每个学生都支持这个部门,至少上一门课,看看它有多有益.

Kamea Quetti-Hall ’22

Hometown: Pittsfield, MA
Major: economics; minor: Black Studies


作为一名高三学生,我正在决定是上十大正规网赌平台还是霍华德大学. 接受深深植根于我们民族历史和文化的教育对我来说非常重要,所以当我最终进入奥施康定时, 我知道黑人研究系会允许我继续深造,尽管我就读的是一所以白人为主的学校.

Can you describe your working relationships with BLST professors?

BLST的教授们是我有幸向他们学习的最鼓舞人心和最有能力的人. 他们既关心自己的研究领域,也关心自己的学生,这是这些教授们做到的平衡. I highly recommend taking any course with Professor [Erica] Ball because she is an amazing educator, mentor and person. 

What do you find most compelling about studying BLST?

Personally, 我真的很喜欢我不是唯一的黑人学生的课堂(这在我的专业课程中很常见)。. Coming from a diverse high school, 我的BLST课程非常充实,因为我能够与我的同龄人和教授一起学习和学习.


我希望加入和平队,因为我对旅行和建立跨文化联系充满热情. 我还想建立自己的非营利组织,专注于帮助移民和受到驱逐影响的第一代美国人. 奥施康定不仅向我展示了这些对我的未来是有效的可能性, 但它也给了我教育背景和机会,让我更有信心去追求这些梦想.

Do you have any advice for a student considering a major in BLST?

If you are considering majoring or minoring in BLST… DO IT! The department is so supportive and really listens to its students. 辅修BLST是我在Oxy做过的最好的决定之一.

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Johnson Hall 113