以下要求适用于获得a的学生 2023 - 2024年目录 year. 学生须符合 college policy to follow the major (and minor) requirements found in the catalog in effect at the time they declared their first major. 要查找您的目录年份,请访问您的成绩和学术记录 myOxy and access the catalog 与你的目录年份相符.

Black Studies


Black Studies at 十大正规网赌平台 is a transnational and interdisciplinary study of the history, scholarship, 非洲侨民的艺术和文化. 作为一个异质性和多样化的学科, 《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》鼓励严谨的批判性思考和辩论. It engages with and expands upon the vibrant intellectual tradition of critical engagement already established at the college. Students of Black Studies learn to examine the world and their local communities with an eye to black people's important and sometimes overlooked contributions, and to understand the ways the experiences of people of African descent have shaped and continue to inform campaigns for human rights.

课程借鉴了教师在政治领域的专业知识, 国际关系, English, American Studies, History, Philosophy, Media Studies, Cultural Studies, and others. The program explores the conditions and experiences of race in the twenty-first century through a historical study of the enduring traditions of scholarship, activism, 以及整个非洲侨民社区. 学生参与黑人人口的交叉分析, 密切关注如何上课, location, gender, sexuality, 塑造了黑人的身份, 过去和现在的文化产品和政治参与形式.


  • Learn about the history and contemporary culture of people in African descent across the diaspora, including the development of foundational ideas and documents for our contemporary understanding of social justice and human rights;
  • Engage in interdisciplinary and intersectional analysis of black communities in the U.S. 在国外,无论是过去还是现在;
  • Contribute to longstanding discussions about the enduring effects of slavery and colonization, 种族在公民权和正义观念中的地位, 非洲人后裔在重大社会发展中的中心地位, artistic, political, 和科学)在世界各地;
  • 通过出国留学体验美国以外的黑人社区;
  • Have the opportunity to get involved in the local community through community-based partnerships in Los Angeles and surrounding communities;
  • 毕业生准备从事法律工作, medicine, education, entertainment, 国际业务, and several others that involve communicating with and understanding people across difference and within specific communities.



Core Courses

BLST 101黑人研究概论

4 units

BLST 490黑人研究高级研讨会

4 units


有三个跨学科集群:历史视角, 表达形式, 政治和理论. 学生需要完成三门课程(12个单元) 跨越这些跨学科集群, with a minimum of one course (4 units) in each of the three interdisciplinary clusters.

HIST 207/BLST 207非裔美国人的历史1:美国黑人和国家的形成

4 units

BLST 208/AMST 208African American History II: The Great Migration and the Transformation of American Culture

4 units

BLST 256/AMST 256种族妇女:非裔美国妇女的抗议文化

4 units

BLST 268/AMST 268风格政治:黑人女性历史上的美与时尚

4 units

BLST 376/AMST 376奴隶制、自由和美国记忆

4 units

Expressive Forms
BLST 230Black Britain

4 units

BLST 240黑人女性书写社会正义

4 units

BLST 268/AMST 268风格政治:黑人女性历史上的美与时尚

4 units

BLST 319Toni Morrison

4 units

BLST 329/AMST 329黑人酷儿思想

4 units

BLST 346/ENGL 346美丽的民主:19世纪非裔美国文学

4 units

BLST 360/ENGL 360Toni Morrison和U.S. 富有想象力的生产

4 units

ENGL 142/BLST 142Joyful Noise! 黑人文学与音乐性

4 units

ENGL 267Afro-Surrealism

4 units

ENGL 377/BLST 377Afrofuturism

4 units

BLST 218/SOC 218黑色生态思想

4 units

BLST 230Black Britain

4 units

BLST 240黑人女性书写社会正义

4 units

BLST 263/SOC 263杜波依斯社会理论与分析

4 units

BLST 315黑人女权运动

4 units

BLST 318任性、逃亡和黑人的无政府主义

4 units

BLST 329/AMST 329黑人酷儿思想

4 units

BLST 343黑色生态合作实验室

4 units


Students are expected to complete two 300 level Black Studies seminars (4 units) from the following list of courses. The completion of one of these research seminars will satisfy the second-stage writing requirement.

BLST 315黑人女权运动

4 units

BLST 318任性、逃亡和黑人的无政府主义

4 units

BLST 360/ENGL 360Toni Morrison和U.S. 富有想象力的生产

4 units

BLST 343黑色生态合作实验室

4 units

BLST 346/ENGL 346美丽的民主:19世纪非裔美国文学

4 units

BLST 376/AMST 376奴隶制、自由和美国记忆

4 units

BLST 377/ENGL 377Afrofuturism

4 units


Students must take three additional electives chosen from the list of approved outside electives below, 或者任何一个黑人研究跨学科集群.

CTSJ 280Rastafari

4 units

CTSJ 295批判理论与社会正义主题

4 units

DWA 335青年研讨会:来自非洲和散居非洲的革命理论

4 units

EDUC 215/BLST 215教育非裔美国人

4 units

EDUC 320/BLST 320教育中的批判种族理论

4 units

HIST 277/BLST 277妇女与社区卫生

4 units

POLS 206种族与美国政治

4 units

DWA 233/BLST 233非洲政治思想

4 units

DWA 234/BLST 234南非政治

4 units

HIST 21319世纪黑人废奴和平等运动

4 units

HIST 309/BLST 309南北战争前南方的奴隶制

4 units

HIST 312/BLST 312大西洋世界的种族、权利和革命

4 units

MUSC 104/BLST 104非洲和中东音乐

4 units

MUSC 111/BLST 111爵士历史主题

4 units

MUSC 116/BLST 116非裔美国人音乐:从奴隶制到现在

4 units

PHIL 321詹姆斯·鲍德温哲学

4 units

POLS 206种族与美国政治

4 units

POLS 352/BLST 352黑人政治思想

4 units

RELS 245/BLST 245非裔美国人的宗教传统

4 units

RELS 259/BLST 259Black Magic

4 units

RELS 302/BLST 302精神占有

4 units

THEA 201美国戏剧之声

4 units

学生亦可申请 CTSJ 295 to the additional electives cluster if they have enrolled in the "Black Popular Culture // The Black Digital Age" section of the course.

学生亦可申请 CTSJ 295 to the additional electives cluster if they have enrolled in the "Blackness, Gender, & “性”部分.

学生亦可申请 CTSJ 395 to the additional electives cluster if they have enrolled in the "Chattel Slavery and Its Afterlives" section of the course.

学生亦可申请 THEA 201 to the additional electives cluster if they have enrolled in "The Black Arts Movement" section of the course.

学生亦可申请 THEA 201 to the additional electives cluster if they have enrolled in "A Critical Exploration Into the Art, Life & 奥古斯特·威尔逊的遗产"部分.


要有资格获得荣誉,学生必须至少达到3分.总绩点25分,3分.专业平均绩点5分. Additionally, the student will be required to enroll in the senior seminar (currently BLST 490) in their senior year and complete a 40-page paper on a topic relevant to Black Studies. The paper must earn a grade of A- or above which is to be determined by the adviser in consultation with readers and the department chair.


The Black Studies minor is a five-course, 20-unit program consisting of one required core class (BLST 101); one elective from each interdisciplinary cluster (表达形式, 历史的视角, 政治和理论 (three courses /12 units); and one additional elective chosen from the approved Black Studies courses.


BLST 101黑人研究概论

4 units



HIST 207/BLST 207非裔美国人的历史1:美国黑人和国家的形成

4 units

BLST 208/AMST 208African American History II: The Great Migration and the Transformation of American Culture

4 units

BLST 256/AMST 256种族妇女:非裔美国妇女的抗议文化

4 units

BLST 268/AMST 268风格政治:黑人女性历史上的美与时尚

4 units

BLST 376/AMST 376奴隶制、自由和美国记忆

4 units

Expressive Forms


BLST 240黑人女性书写社会正义

4 units

BLST 268/AMST 268风格政治:黑人女性历史上的美与时尚

4 units

BLST 360/ENGL 360Toni Morrison和U.S. 富有想象力的生产

4 units

BLST 346/ENGL 346美丽的民主:19世纪非裔美国文学

4 units

BLST 360/ENGL 360Toni Morrison和U.S. 富有想象力的生产

4 units

BLST 377/ENGL 377Afrofuturism

4 units

ENGL 142/BLST 142Joyful Noise! 黑人文学与音乐性

4 units

ENGL 267Afro-Surrealism

4 units



BLST 218/SOC 218黑色生态思想

4 units

BLST 240黑人女性书写社会正义

4 units

BLST 263/SOC 263杜波依斯社会理论与分析

4 units

BLST 315黑人女权运动

4 units

BLST 318任性、逃亡和黑人的无政府主义

4 units

BLST 343黑色生态合作实验室

4 units


One course either from one of the above categories or from this list of approved outside electives.

CTSJ 280Rastafari

4 units

CTSJ 295批判理论与社会正义主题

4 units

EDUC 215/BLST 215教育非裔美国人

4 units

EDUC 320/BLST 320教育中的批判种族理论

4 units

DWA 233/BLST 233非洲政治思想

4 units

DWA 335青年研讨会:来自非洲和散居非洲的革命理论

4 units

HIST 21319世纪黑人废奴和平等运动

4 units

HIST 277/BLST 277妇女与社区卫生

4 units

HIST 309/BLST 309南北战争前南方的奴隶制

4 units

HIST 312/BLST 312大西洋世界的种族、权利和革命

4 units

MUSC 104/BLST 104非洲和中东音乐

4 units

MUSC 111/BLST 111爵士历史主题

4 units

MUSC 116/BLST 116非裔美国人音乐:从奴隶制到现在

4 units

PHIL 321詹姆斯·鲍德温哲学

4 units

POLS 206种族与美国政治

4 units

POLS 352/BLST 352黑人政治思想

4 units

RELS 245/BLST 245非裔美国人的宗教传统

4 units

RELS 259/BLST 259Black Magic

4 units

RELS 302/BLST 302精神占有

4 units

THEA 201美国戏剧之声

4 units

学生亦可申请 CTSJ 295 to the additional electives cluster if they have enrolled in the "Black Popular Culture // The Black Digital Age" section of the course.

学生亦可申请 CTSJ 295 to the additional electives cluster if they have enrolled in the "Blackness, Gender, & “性”部分.

学生亦可申请 CTSJ 395 to the additional electives cluster if they have enrolled in the "Chattel Slavery and Its Afterlives" section of the course.

学生亦可申请 THEA 201 to the additional electives cluster if they have enrolled in "The Black Arts Movement" section of the course.

学生亦可申请 THEA 201 to the additional electives cluster if they have enrolled in "A Critical Exploration Into the Art, Life & 奥古斯特·威尔逊的遗产"部分.



Option 1

A student may complete the 阶段的写作 Requirement in Black Studies by taking one of the following courses and receiving a grade of B- or better, 由记录教员决定, 一篇15页的期末论文,主题是与黑人研究相关的.

BLST 329/AMST 329黑人酷儿思想

4 units

BLST 352/POLS 352黑人政治思想

4 units

BLST 355/POLS 355关键Fanonism

4 units

BLST 360/ENGL 360Toni Morrison和U.S. 富有想象力的生产

4 units

BLST 376/AMST 376奴隶制、自由和美国记忆

4 units

Option 2

A student may complete the 阶段的写作 Requirement in Black Studies by submitting to the chair a portfolio consisting of fifteen pages of writing submitted as a final assignment in a 300-level Black Studies designated course or a course approved by the adviser in which the student has composed a final assignment addressed specifically to the topic of Black Studies. The portfolio may include more than one essay if a single essay is less than fifteen pages in length. 投资组合将由顾问与主席协商后进行评估.

为了顺利通过第二阶段的写作要求, 提交的论文必须展示以下证据: 

  • 正确使用美国学术散文的惯例,包括语法, punctuation, syntax, and vocabulary
  • 正确的引用格式,最好是MLA或芝加哥手册格式
  • 构建一个引人注目和清晰的论文或论点
  • 有说服力地使用证据(二手资料、数据等).)来支持论文和相关主张
  • Organization of the essay as a whole into a logical sequence with smooth transitions

Essays submitted as part of a portfolio will be assessed against these criteria and graded Acceptable/Unacceptable.

The course or portfolio must be completed by the end of the spring semester during the student's junior year.

Should a student not successfully complete the writing requirement by the end of their Junior year Spring semester, they will be required to submit a revised essay/portfolio to the adviser no later than the fourth week of their senior year fall semester.


学生必须参加高级研讨会(BLST 490),以便为他们的综合项目开展工作. Students will complete their comprehensive requirement by submitting a 25-page paper on a topic relevant to Black Studies.
