Students and faculty expand their role as civically engaged scholars through community-based projects.

What is the 教育在行动 (EIA) Program?

The 教育在行动 program hires and trains 学生 to work with faculty that are teaching a CBL class or conducting community based research. 教师, 学生, 社区合作伙伴, and the CCBL work together to develop CBL projects.

What is the role of an 教育在行动 (EIA) Facilitator?

通过环境影响评估项目, facilitators expand their role as 学生, 培养领导能力, and further develop their understanding of social justice and responsibility. 教育在行动 Student Facilitators work with faculty teaching CBL classes and conducting community based research across a range of disciplines.

The role of an EIA facilitator is complex and demanding and may include:

  • Development of the course syllabus and the community based learning/research project
  • Leading trainings and workshops to prepare 学生 to engage with off-campus community members, 领导反思讨论, assisted 学生 in the course with research projects
  • Providing faculty with a student perspective on the course readings and writing prompts for writing assignments or final exams
  • Assisting with logistics such as arranging speaker panels and organizing events

EIA Facilitators are expected to develop reciprocal relationships with faculty, 学生, 社区合作伙伴, 及CCBL职员. Many student facilitators have recognized their own voice and agency within their education while in the EIA program. Students often develop leadership and professional skills that influence and contribute to their work after college.

ay2023 -2022环评课程



BIO 395:定向研究
ECON 301: Environmental Economic and Policy
EDUC 300: 社区参与 in Education
MAC 244: Asian American Film and Media
MAC 250: Media Activism Through Participatory Video
RELS/ARTH 278: Islamic Art, Architecture, and Visual Culture
SOC 270:城市社会学
UEP 101:城市入门 & 环境政策
UEP 247: Sustainable Oxy: Urban Agriculture and Sustainable Landscape Practicum



BIO 395: Research; Community Partner: Arroyos and Foothills Conservancy
EDUC 101: A History of Urban Schooling in the United States
EDUC 140: Community Literacy: Elementary Level
EDUC 300: 社区参与 in Education
MAC 244: From Cyborgs to Siri: Gender, Technology and Media
SPAN 342: Spanish in the United States
UEP 246:可持续氧
UEP 306:粮食与环境

ay2022 -2021环评课程



ARTH 390: Seminar in Art History: Performance, Embodiment and the Dematerialization of Contemporary Art    
ARTH 287:摄影史 
ARTH 203: Community Partner: Desert Test Sites - Dineo Seshee Bopape
EDUC 215: Educating African America; 社区合作伙伴: CalEarth; Doula Academy; GreenStone Farm and Sanctuary
EDUC 300: 社区参与 in Education
Ethics Bowl: Community Partner: 洛杉矶 Unified School District
UEP 247: Sustainable Oxy: Urban Agriculture and Sustainable Landscape Practicum; Community Partner: LA Compost
UEP 395:(NE)LA故事
MAC 250: Topic in Media Theory and Practice: Media Activism through Participatory Video
Wanlass Oxy 艺术: Community Partner: E.J. 山


ARTH 295: Topics in Art History: Encoding 股本: Art, AI, and the Aesthetics of Algorithmic 正义; Community Partner: Encoding Futures
COMP 295: Topics in Computer Science: Computing in Real Life Internship
CORE 96: Experiencing Mathematics and Science 
EDUC 300: 社区参与 in Education    
HIST 219: Topics in California History; Community Partner: (NE)LA Stories
UEP 246: Applied Projects in 可持续性    
UEP 306:粮食与环境    


ay2021 -2020环评课程



CSP 64: 社区合作伙伴: Sandra de la Loza, 士卒就Saldamando, 路易斯·盖纳罗·加西亚, 保罗Pescador, 约翰Valadez, 何塞·拉米雷斯
EDUC 201: Sociocultural Foundations of Education; 社区合作伙伴: Andii Holloway, 2814工作室, Taima戴维斯, Kagel摩尔, Aalyiah戴维斯, 伊甸园Mekonen, 黑人校友会(BAO), Dr. 安东尼Tróchez,欧内斯特哈迪博士. 诺拉·西斯内罗斯,雅·蒂芬妮·玛丽
EDUC 300: 社区参与 in Education    
ISLA: Community Partner: (NE)LA Stories
MAC 250: Topic in Media Theory and Practice: Media Activism through Participatory Video; Community Partner: International Women's Network Against Militarism
SOC 270:城市社会学; Community Partner: Ave. 50
UEP/HIST 205: Urban History; Community Partner: (NE)LA Stories
UEP 247: Sustainable Oxy: Urban Agriculture and Sustainable Landscape Practicum; Community Partner: Feast


ARTS 290: Art Outside the Bounds: A Sustained Environment- Understanding and Caring for Bio-Cultural Diversity    
CTSJ 105: Immigration and Education    
EDUC 300: 社区参与 in Education; 社区合作伙伴: New Economics for Women, MALDEF, CHIRLA, 学校家庭, 高中公园高中
Immersive ARTS Course: 社区合作伙伴: Debra Scacco, 项目X, Autry博物馆, 鲍勃·贝克木偶剧院, “诱导多能性”
Immersive Comp Sci Course: 社区合作伙伴
“诱导多能性”/牛的艺术: Community Partner: “诱导多能性”
ISLA: Community Partner: (NE)LA Stories 
MAC 250: Topic in Media Theory and Practice: The Video Essay    
UEP 246: Applied Projects in 可持续性; 社区合作伙伴: Occidental Students United Against Gentrification (OSUAG)
UEP 306:粮食与环境; 社区合作伙伴: Hunger Action LA, 洛杉矶食品政策委员会, 食物链工人联盟, 拉康, 南中央农场
For a listing of previous EIA courses please email
Contact Center for Community Based Learning

洛杉矶,CA 90041

Executive Director, Center for Community Based Learning
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