所有学生在十大正规网赌平台的前三年都必须住在学院拥有的宿舍/房屋里. Seniors are 不 guaranteed on-campus housing, and 将 need to apply if they are interested in living on campus. 本页提供了Oxy学生所有住房选择过程的概述.

Information about 房间里画 for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

All rising sophomore, junior, and 批准 计划在2024年秋季进入Oxy的高年级学生必须参加房间抽签,以选择他们的新房间分配. Detailed information about 房间里画 将 be emailed directly to all students, which 将 explain all the steps in the process, as 房间里画 is done online via our eRezlife housing management system. 这个过程的一部分将是让学生在eRezlife中完成他们的房间绘制申请, 学生必须具备哪些条件,才能在指定的房间抽签日期和时间选择他们喜欢的房间. 

All rising seniors must complete the Rising Senior 房间里画 Request Form by Tuesday, February 27, 4pm PT if they are interested in living ON-CAMPUS for the 2024-2025 academic year.  Any rising seniors who 不 complete the Rising Senior 房间里画 Request Formparticipate in room draw, 我们假设他们将在2024-2025学年住在校外. Completion of this form does 不 guarantee housing, and REHS 将 try to best honor as many requests as possible. If there are more requests than bed spaces for rising seniors, 决定将由我们收到学生提交的表格的日期和时间决定. This means the sooner a student completes this form, the better their chance of living on-campus for next year. Information about this process was emailed to all rising seniors on February 7.

每年, REHS允许少数即将升学的三年级学生住在校外,并且免除他们在校内居住的第三年的要求. Rising juniors interested in living off-campus for 2024-2025 must complete the Third Year Live Off Form by Tuesday, February 27, 4pm PT.  Please 不e that the completion of the Third Year Live Off Form does NOT guarantee your approval, 在获得住宿教育和住房服务部门的书面许可之前,不得签署租约或签订任何校外住房协议. 没有书面许可住在校外的学生有义务住在学校, 并支付, room and board on campus in accordance with the College’s housing policies.

  • 3月4日: 房间里画 住房 Application Opens
  • March 25: 房间里画 Application Closes. 任何被要求住在校园宿舍的学生,如果在截止日期前没有完成申请, or students who missed the deadline, 在房间抽签结束后会收到2024年秋季学期的自动房间分配吗. 我们无法将错过截止日期的学生添加到正式的房间抽签过程中. We anticipate housing students who miss room draw in May or June. 
  • March 28, April 3, and April 9: 房间里画 Information Sessions
  • 4月11日: 三人间抽签 (reserved for students who are interested in living in a triple-occupancy room)
  • April 12: Rising Senior 房间里画 
  • April 16: Rising Junior 房间里画
  • April 18: Rising Sophomore 房间里画 

正规博彩十大网站排名推荐,回答您可能有关于您的房间抽取经验的任何问题. 所有会议都是虚拟的,报名信息将通过电子邮件发送给所有学生.

  • 3月28日星期二
  • 4月3日星期三
  • 4月9日星期二

的med Living Communities (TLC) TLCs旨在通过围绕共同的兴趣或身份提供教育节目,在学生之间建立牢固的联系. 虽然对我们的tlc感兴趣的学生不必特别认同社区的特定主题, 期望学生支持和提升每个社区的精神和价值观.

申请期间: Monday, January 29, 2024, to Friday, February 23, 2024.

如何申请: 登录您的eRezLife帐户并完成主题生活社区申请.

Information Sessions:

      1. 签入会议 - 2月6日: 

  • 时间:下午5点至6点.m.
  • Location: Stewie Lounge
  • If you have questions or need clarification before submitting your application, this session is the perfect opportunity. 我们的团队将在那里指导您完成整个过程并提供有价值的见解

      2. 虚拟会议 - 2月8日:

  • 时间:1 - 2点.m.
  • Platform: Google Meet
  • Unable to attend in person? 正规博彩十大网站排名推荐的虚拟会议,在自己舒适的空间里回答您的问题. 我们将涵盖您需要了解的关于主题生活社区和申请流程的一切. (Meeting details 将 be sent out in a later email)

所有即将升学的二年级,三年级和四年级学生都有资格申请住在诺里斯的“四方”. A "Quad" is a suite-style housing, located in E. 诺里斯宿舍,学生们住在一起,共用一个浴室和一个小客厅. 这是学生与一群朋友或有共同兴趣的人住在一起的机会.  Living in a Quad is a year-long commitment, 因此,计划出国留学或休假的学生不符合申请资格.

支持6名、8名和16名学生的quad数量有限. If students are interested in applying for a Quad, they 将 designate a "leader" to submit an application on behalf of the group. Once the application is received by the deadline, REHS将审查所有申请,并核实所有学生都完成了住房申请. 领导必须确保所有有兴趣住在Quad的学生都完成了他们的住房申请,否则他们的整个申请将被拒绝.

If there are more applications received than available spaces, REHS 将 randomly award Quads to student groups.

如果一个小组被选中住在四方宿舍,所有学生都将收到确认表格. 每个学生都必须在规定的截止日期前确认他们对住在四方宿舍的兴趣和承诺. If any student within a Quad does 不 confirm their housing by the deadline, all students in the group 将 lose the ability to live in the Quad, and the Quad 将 be offered to a不her group of applicants.

Any students who 不 receive a Quad 将 need to participate in 房间里画.

详细信息,包括截止日期,将直接通过电子邮件发送给学生. Please contact REHS at resed@oxy.edu with any questions about the Norris Quad Selection Process.

  • REHS将为学生提供虚拟机会,让他们在下一学年联系并确定室友. 的 Oxy室友查找器 是否有一个学生可以搜索其他学生寻找室友的过程, and learn more about their living habits to determine a best fit.  学生将在3月份房间抽签之前通过电子邮件收到有关此过程的更多信息.

请审阅这个 Roommate Group Infographic to learn how to create a roommate group in eRezlife.

有兴趣寻找2024-2025年住宿的学生必须访问 残疾人服务 住房 Accommodations Website. This website contains all information about the application process. Please 不e that Residential Education and 住房服务 does 不 approve housing accommodations; only the Office of 残疾人服务 makes such approvals. Any questions about housing accommodations should be directed to their team. 如果得到批准, 残疾人服务 informs Residential Education and 住房服务, REHS的团队成员将与您联系,了解可用的选择. 如果得到批准 by the Office of 残疾人服务, REHS的代表将于3月22日至4月5日与学生联系,选择他们的房间. 

如果你计划出国留学或在2024年秋季休假,那么你就需要提前做好准备 need to complete any housing processes. Once you have completed the process to return to campus for Spring 2024, 关于春季学期的住宿,你应该在秋季与住宿教育和住房服务部门联系. Should you change your plans to study abroad or a leave for Fall, you should 不ify REHS, and we 将 add you to a housing waitlist.  我们在每年6月审查我们的住房等候名单,并在空间可用时提供住房.

第一年和转学生的住房选择在夏季完成, 有关这一过程的信息将于6月与学生和家庭分享.This information 将 be emailed directly to students.

Contact Residential Education & 住房服务

办公时间:上午9点.m. - 5 p.m.