Like most educational institutions, Occidental College permits the use of its facilities on an impartial basis for political activities, on the following conditions.

Use of Facilities

College-recognized student organizations may use the College’s facilities consistent with this policy 和 the Campus Events Coordinated by Students policy 和 Space Usage Guidelines.  然而, to the extent outside organizations (including those with members who are students of the College) wish to avail themselves of College facilities or services, the College requires that appropriate charges are made 和 collected for all facilities 和 services provided. Extraordinary or prolonged use of College facilities, particularly by nonmembers of the College community, even with reimbursement, is inappropriate.

College-owned equipment 和 facilities, including the Copy Center 和 the College computer system, may not be used for the preparation 和 reproduction of materials to be distributed beyond campus. To the extent College-owned equipment 和 facilities, including the Copy Center 和 the College computer system, are used for the preparation, reproduction 和/or dissemination of such materials for on-campus distribution, proper 和 appropriate charges shall be made 和 collected for all facilities 和 services provided.

Political Campaigns

In light of existing federal regulations 和 legislation passed by Congress, it is necessary to make clear the intent to which certain types of activities may render the College liable under the law. 具体地说, the exemption of colleges 和 universities from federal income taxes is predicated on the assumption that they are organized 和 operated exclusively for religious, charitable or educational purposes, as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Legislation passed as part of the Tax Reform Act of 1969 extends the limitation on political activities by tax-exempt institutions, 和 absolutely proscribes participation in or intervention by such institutions in any political campaign on behalf of any c和idate for public office. Organizations are prohibited from soliciting funds in the name of the College to be used in off-campus political campaigns.

澄清一下, all members of the community may participate or not, as they see fit, in the election process, 和 their rights as a private citizen will in no way be impaired by the College. In addition, this policy requires the following:

  • No member of the College community may speak or act in the name of the College in a political campaign or demonstration. 那些, in their official capacity, frequently speak for the College should specifically undertake to make it clear, when expressing individual views, that they are not stating the position of the College. Those holding elective or appointive office in organizations affiliated with the College should similarly exercise appropriate caution, both with respect to their expression of individual views 和 with respect to the position of the organizations within the College that they may represent.
  • Student body funds, assessed 和 collected by the College, may not be used for contributions to any political party, for support or opposition of any ballot proposition, or for support or opposition to any c和idate for public office.
  • Student organizations that use social media or other means to communicate about political issues must include the following statement in a location readily available to viewers 和 followers:
    • “The opinions expressed on this social media account do not reflect those of, 和 are not sanctioned by, Occidental College."

This policy applies to students, faculty, 和 all other members of the College community.