

十大正规网赌平台’s facilities exist to serve the College’s mission. 十大正规网赌平台允许内部和外部团体和个人为符合和支持学院使命的目的负责任地使用其设施. This policy establishes guidelines for scheduling events using campus facilities, 包括如何分配可预订空间. The goal of this policy is to minimize scheduling conflicts and overlaps, provide information about the College’s event approval processes, 确定活动策划者可用的资源. 校园内所有空间的使用必须符合此政策.


本政策适用于所有希望使用校园设施举办活动或活动的内部和外部各方.  这里提供的指导方针管理学年和夏季学期的空间分配和使用, ensuring a consistent and fair process throughout the entire year.


Academic Year - per the dates outlined in the applicable academic calendar.

行政行为 (第4类)-会议, workshops, events and programs hosted by an administrative department of the College. These activities generally occur during regular business hours, 会议通常在会议室举行, classrooms, 或者校园里更大的公共空间.

体育部活动 (第5类)-包括所有sciac批准的赛事和NCAA三级校际比赛和团队训练.

Credit-Bearing活动 (第一类)-在指定教室和实验室进行的与学院教学任务直接相关的活动,例如:为入学学生提供学分的课程, 与课堂有关的实验室, and programmatic activities directly related to credit-bearing classes.

非学分教学活动 (第3类)-由教职员或院系主办并经学院院长/教务处副院长批准的与学分课程没有直接关系的活动, but are related to the College’s instructional mission. 这些活动包括研讨会等活动, 内部会议, lectures, 要求的电影放映, 学生电影活动, 以及访问学者的演讲.

外部活动 (Category 8) – on-campus events: (1) for groups and individuals that exist primarily outside of the College; (2) that do not have a direct programmatic relationship with the College or its departments; or (3) that do not fall within one of the other event categories.

内部活动 (Category 4) – on-campus events where the participants are mostly Oxy students, faculty, and/or staff. 一些非奥施康定的客人是可以接受的.

认可的学生团体活动 (Category 6) - events related to 学生领导、参与 & 社区参与 (SLICE)-recognized student clubs and organizations. These include meetings, workshops, conferences, games, shows, concerts, movies, and dances.

高级职员活动 (第2类)-年度, College-wide activities authorized by the 总统办公室 or a College Vice President including, 但不限于, Orientation, Convocation, Homecoming & Family Weekend, Commencement, 校友聚会周末, 校董会会议, and major events hosted by the Offices of Admission and Institutional Advancement. 这些还包括校长办公室或学院副校长决定的任何活动或项目,这些活动或项目将服务于学院的使命或将使学院受益, including use of facilities as voting centers and programs of interest to the community. 

赞助活动 (7类)-涉及校外个人或团体的校园活动,并与同意赞助该活动的学院部门有直接的项目关系.

Summer Term -根据适用的学历,夏季学期是标准学年之外的日期.


A. 调度概述和优先级

所有的西方设施都归学院所有, 加州一家私人非营利性公司, 它们的使用是集中管理的. 校长将安排学院设施的权力委托给注册主任办公室和主日历办公室.

1. Academic Year

During the Academic Year, facilities are scheduled in the following order of priority:

  1. 产生信贷的活动(第一类)
  2. 高级职员活动(第二类)
  3. 非学分教学活动(第三类)
  4. 内部活动(第4类)
  5. 体育部活动(第5类)
  6. 认可学生团体活动(第六类)
  7. 赞助活动(第七类)
  8. 对外活动(第8类)

除了课程安排, 只有主日历办公室可以提供具有机构约束力的设施空间预订确认.

2. Summer Term

在夏季学期, facilities are scheduled subject to availability and may prioritize different activities, such as Category 8 activities (summer programs and external conferences), 第4类活动, 以及维护项目. During the Summer, all activity scheduling should be first directed to Conference Services (conference@tbc007.net) in accordance with the timeline and procedures outlined in Section IV.C.4 of this policy. 如果活动的性质需要, 活动组织者将被提交给相应的办公室安排日程,并将被要求遵循第IV条中概述的时间表和程序.C.2 of this policy.


B. 保险需求

Category 1-7 activities may require insurance and/or permitting depending on risk factors including, 但不限于:人群规模, 演讲嘉宾及娱乐活动, vendors, fire safety, alcohol, and live animals. All Category 8 activities will require insurance and may require permitting.

It is the responsibility of the activity coordinator/organizer(s) to submit a 事件服务请求 as soon as possible (but no later than fifteen [15] business days) before the activity. The submission of this form will alert the College to potential risk factors, so that a determination can be made about what insurance or permitting is required, if any.

为活动获得的所有保险单必须将十大正规网赌平台列为额外被保险人,并满足总法律顾问/风险管理办公室的所有现行要求 保险及减低风险指引. 活动协调员/组织者必须在活动计划开始前不迟于十(10)个工作日向风险管理办公室提供任何所需保险单的副本.

C. Requesting Space; Scheduling and Approval of Events

任何希望安排活动的人都应该查看 活动策划资源 web page. 这包含了根据学院和法律要求策划活动的有用信息.



Individual College employees (including faculty members whose event is not Category 1 or 3), students, 希望安排校园活动的校友要么需要获得学院部门的赞助,要么将其申请作为第8类(外部)活动处理.  

1. 第一类活动

All Category 1 activities are scheduled by the Office of the Registrar.

2. 第2-7类活动

All Category 2-7 events must be pre-approved by at least one of the following offices:

  1. CEAC (校园活动谘询委员会)
    1. 由CEAC审核是获得学院批准和确保您的活动符合学院政策的最方便的方式. During the Academic Year, CEAC meets weekly on Tuesdays from 11:30 to 12:30. 在夏季学期,CEAC根据需要召开会议. To schedule a 15-minute appointment with CEAC, contact committee chair Marcus Rodriguez in SLICE. 使CEAC能够适当地协助策划活动, plan to meet with CEAC 4-6 weeks in advance of major events, 小型活动至少要提前3周.
  2. 学院院长办公室
    1. For Category 3 events, requestors may work with CEAC and/or the Dean’s Office. For the Dean’s Office, contact Paolo Velasco, Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs: pvelasco@tbc007.net.
  3. 总统办公室
    1. 第二类活动请联系劳拉·克雷森索, 学院活动副主任, 总统办公室: crescenzo@tbc007.net.

所有教职员工都可以申请25Live的空间. 重复发生的事件不需要重新批准,除非该事件出现新的或具有挑战性的情况(如.g., large audiences, catering, alcohol, security, significant parking needs):


a. 第7类活动的附加步骤


  • 如上一节所述,获得事件批准.
  • Provide staff member(s) to plan and implement the proposed event with internal resource providers, as well as for hands-on oversight for the duration of the event.
  • Submit the 事件服务请求 在校园资源部门和受影响的个人之间进行及时沟通, 或需要支持的事件.
  • Provide an IDC account number for any fiscal responsibility and/or unpaid fees related to the event.
  • Comply with relevant College events scheduling and space use policies and procedures.

3. 第六类活动

学生活动必须通过 学生领导、参与 & 社区参与 (SLICE) office. A representative from SLICE will request space through the Master Calendar.

4. 第八类活动

所有第8类活动必须加以协调, reserved, 并与以下办公室之一签约:

External event clients must follow all relevant College policies and procedures, 签订学院合同, provide event insurance coverage as determined by the Office of Risk Management, 并按承包方的规定支付费用.

D. 具体地点的指导方针

E. 禁止事件

维持其非牟利地位, 十大正规网赌平台必须禁止任何外部团体或个人使用其设施,这将构成十大正规网赌平台对政治候选人的支持, or a religious, partisan, 或者政治立场.

G. 搬迁、重新安排或取消的权利

将尽一切合理努力提供经总日历办公室批准的设施和服务. However, 情况可能需要学院搬迁, reschedule, or cancel an approved event with or without prior verbal or written notice, and at the sole discretion and judgment of College officials. 搬迁可能由于各种原因而发生, including, 但不限于:最大化房间/空间容量, 家具和媒体设备设置的时间安排, 空间接近高优先级事件, 餐饮订单的周转时间, 声音和噪音冲突, 保密事项的隐私, exceeding maximum capacity of campus resources such as parking, 人群控制和大的团队规模, 有限的人员配备,以支持竞争事件, etc.

如果(1)活动或其负责人不符合学院的相关政策和程序,学院保留取消活动的权利, 或学院官员的指示, 包括校园安全主任, (2) the event would create an unreasonable risk or potential for liability for the College, (3) the College or governmental officials cannot ensure the safety of event participants, (4) event fees are not paid according to deadlines identified in the College contract, (五)有下列情形之一的:自然灾害, 战争或恐怖主义威胁, or inability to provide approved services for reasons outside the College's reasonable control. 这些取消标准由学院官员自行决定,并可适用于任何活动(包括正在进行的活动),无需事先书面或口头通知.

Generally, 如果对同一空间提交了更高优先类别的请求,则不会重新分配已批准的空间预订. In such cases, 主日历办公室将提供适当的, available space alternative(s) for the higher priority category activity. Nevertheless, on occasion, relocation of the lower priority category activity is the best alternative, 学院保留这样做的权利.

主日历办公室将尽一切合理努力,在这种情况下尽可能及时地通知受影响的各方. The Office of Master Calendar will make every reasonable effort to find an alternative location, or to reschedule a previously scheduled event in the same location on an alternative date.

作为安排活动的条件, the scheduling party accepts the possibility that their activity could be relocated, rescheduled, 或者没有事先通知就取消了, and agrees that the College will have no financial or other responsibility for any such relocation, cancelation, or rescheduling.


负责人员: COO; Risk Manager

最后修订日期: April 29, 2024

VI.  相关政策及资源.

Cannon Plaza

Carl F. 学术公地的布朗精品图书室


杜姆克公共休息室在亚瑟G. 库恩斯行政中心


Gilman Fountain







Oxy Arts



学生领导、参与 & 社区参与

Sycamore Glen