Hameetman职业中心为学生和校友提供个人关注, helping to connect classroom learning to life after Oxy. Whether speaking with a first-year or a graduate, Career ServicesNational and International Fellowships and Pre-Health Advising 辅导员帮助学生明确学业和职业目标,并制定实现这些目标的策略.

I have heard about the Hameetman Career Center. Where is it located and how is it organized?

Hameetman职业中心(HCC)位于Arthur G. Coons (AGC) building. AGC大楼是位于校园中心的主要行政大楼. The HCC is organized into three different departments: Career Services; Pre-Health Advising; and National & International Awards and Fellowship Advising. The largest of the departments is Career Services.

Career Services provides six core services: (1) career education and career advice; (2) access to internships; (3) pre-law advice; (4) employer, alumni, and parent engagement; (5) job search; and (6) employer recruiting events.


The Hameetman Career Center的年度调查显示,Oxy学生在毕业一年内找到工作的人数达到95%. This percentage includes full time employment, part-time employment, national service, and volunteering.

How many students are served by Career Services annually?



经验丰富的职业顾问可以为所有有兴趣追求秋季的学生提供指导, spring, or summer internships. 学生可以通过Handshake(我们的新职业管理系统)与职业顾问预约,也可以在预约时间内直接来到HCC. Students can search, 全年通过Handshake审核并申请数百个实习机会.

Throughout each semester, 职业服务中心还提供各种职业发展研讨会,重点是实习项目, including Conducting an Internship SearchInternship Search Bootcamp, Making the Most of Your Summer Internships, Resume Writing and Interviewing Skills. 学生还可以通过他们的Handshake帐户24/7访问广泛的在线资源.

带薪实习机会也可通过Oxy的InternLA暑期实习项目获得, and various degree programs. 学生还可以通过与教师或学生交流了解各种实习和研究机会 International Programs Office, Undergraduate Research Center, or Center for Community Based Learning.

Where are Oxy graduates employed?

Oxy grads work across all sectors and industries, including business, law, entertainment, financial services, medicine, art, technology, policy, government and more. There are alumni at major corporations such as Google, Facebook, Apple, Human Rights Watch, Goldman Sachs, Deloitte, Bain & Company, UN organizations, law firms and a variety of not for profit organizations, foundations and in higher education. 你还可以找到在地方、州和联邦政府担任各种职务的校友.

How many Oxy graduates attend graduate school?

据估计,70-75%的牛津大学校友在毕业后获得了研究生学位.  Many alumni pursue a master's degree or Ph.D. 毕业几年后,甚至10年或15年后,你都可以拿到学位. 总体而言,Oxy的研究生平均入学率比全国平均水平高20-25%. In 2015, 在所有美国高校中,奥斯康辛大学培养出获得博士学位的毕业生的比率排在第26位.D.s in economics.

What are some of the graduate schools attend by Oxy alumni?


  • Columbia University
  • Duke University
  • Georgetown University
  • Harvard University
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • Lewis and Clark
  • Loyola Marymount University
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • New York University
  • Queen's University Belfast
  • Stanford Graduate School of Business
  • Stanford Law School
  • Stanford University
  • Syracuse University
  • Rhode Island School of Design
  • University of California, Berkeley
  • University of California, Los Angeles
  • University of Southern California
  • University of Washington
  • Yale University


Yes. 家庭是每个学生的奥施康定经历的重要组成部分. 就业服务中心欢迎家长和家庭成员为奥施康定学生提供就业机会, especially internships, and full-time, entry level employment opportunities for seniors. Family members, 谁有兴趣和学生谈论他们的职业经历, should contact Career Services at careers@tbc007.net.

我的学生应该申请国内和/或国际奖学金吗, scholarships or other funded awards?

十大正规网赌平台的学生和校友都有赢得激烈竞争的历史, 为服务计划及学术研究而提供的外部资助助学金及奖学金.  有学术成就和课外成就记录的学生,包括领导能力, community work, on-campus involvement, or research experience—are encouraged to apply.

每个奖学金或奖学金都有自己的申请流程. Most awards require a research or study proposal, a personal statement or essay, academic transcripts, and letters of recommendations. Some also require an interview.  Students may apply for certain awards directly, 但许多奖项需要学院认可或提名候选人.  因此,通常在国家截止日期之前有一个内部的Oxy截止日期.

学生通常在他们还是本科生的时候就申请奖学金, though opportunities are also available to alumni.


The Office of National and International Fellowships, 在整个申请过程中,指导老师和学院工作人员都会帮助Oxy学生. 奖学金主任进行个人咨询预约, provides application feedback, 管理提名程序,并帮助候选人准备任何预定的面试.  

安排一个时间来讨论这些丰富而宝贵的机会,越早越好. 学生可能从第一学期就有资格获得奖学金, until several years after graduation.  

其他校园资源可以帮助学生在申请过程中 Writing CenterCareer Services and the Office of Community Engagement.

How does Oxy prepare students for a career in medicine?

The Office of Pre-Health Advising (OPHA) at Occidental College provides information, resources, 并为有兴趣进入各种卫生专业专业研究生课程的学生和校友提供深入的咨询. 

十大正规网赌平台严格的文科课程帮助学生为进入医学院和其他相关健康领域打下良好的基础. Oxy offers excellent research opportunities for students to work closely with faculty of 10:1, 学生有充足的机会在课堂内外与教师互动和合作. Through those interactions, 教职员工了解我们的学生,并成为学生未来努力的支持者.

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Career Services 
Phone: (323) 259-2623
Email: careers@tbc007.net

National and International Fellowships 
Phone: (323) 259-2742
Email: jlocke@tbc007.net

Pre-Health Advising 
Phone: (323) 259-2955
Email: prehealthadvising@tbc007.net

Pre-Law Advising
Email: mleon@tbc007.net


Contact the Office of Parent Engagement
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