十大正规网赌平台 Collaborates with Community Partners on Yosemite Drive Street Mural

劳拉·佩斯利 Marc Campos拍摄

以4,000 square feet of painted asphalt at a dangerous intersection near campus, “Boesche Way” is a street redesign and public safety project conceived in honor of the late Arthur G. 库恩思想史教授罗杰·博斯彻.


It was an unusually warm winter Saturday in 洛杉矶 as students and community members assembled on Yosemite Drive with their paint rollers and sun hats. Volunteers partnered with a professional artist team to paint the asphalt in front of Eagle Rock High School and Yosemite 娱乐 Center.

“Seeing people from so many different communities in the Eagle Rock and Highland Park area was an inspiring experience,十大正规网赌平台26岁的志愿者埃兰·卡蒙说. “鹰岩高中的学生们, 邻里社区成员, 牛的学生, and arts organizers in the area don't often cross paths in such a direct way, and it made me feel more connected to the community outside of Occidental.”

那么为什么是沥青艺术呢?? Locals have long considered the crosswalk at the intersection of Yosemite Drive and La Roda Avenue dangerous due to speeding, 研究表明,沥青壁画实际上可以 让十字路口更安全. The arts-driven street redesign was meant to address safety concerns and community needs while allowing for a partnership between neighbors and students to create the artwork. It also serves as a model for other neighborhoods in the city.

The Yosemite project represents a partnership between Occidental, 牛的艺术鹰岩高中和洛杉矶公园 & 娱乐. Additional support came from the LA Department of Transportation (LADOT) and 彭博社的同事 在纽约市. 过去一年里, 该倡议的工作包括实地考察, surveys within the community and formal reviews of street safety plans with the city.

“‘Boesche Way’ serves as a model for the most meaningful type of College and community partnership, 这里的居民, institutions and public agencies collaborate to address community-wide issues, 分享资源,改善福祉,西方石油公司总裁哈里. 拦,小.

珍妮特·萨迪克·汗,82年, a NYC transportation commissioner and principal with 彭博社的同事, led the effort to create ‘Boesche Way’ (pronounced “Bo-shay way”) as a Boesche Society co-chair. 教授. Boesche inspired generations of Occidental students, including President Barack Obama. 

本来教授 除了教政治,他还挑战学生吗, 的同事们, families and friends to practice active democracy and to engage in the public ideas, 塑造生活的政策和辩论,她说。. “This project places Roger’s message at the intersection of education and public life, 他的作品和价值观一直属于哪里.”

的工作, 由十大正规网赌平台和博斯彻协会资助, borrows from Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Asphalt Art Initiative, 一个国际项目, 到目前为止, has helped 90 cities around the world implement arts-driven street designs.

After soliciting feedback regarding the neighborhood’s preferred artistic vision, 该团队与当地艺术家安德鲁·阿姆斯特朗合作, 他也 在加州卡莱西科创作街头艺术品. The result was a design that includes a silhouette of an eagle, evoking the neighborhood of Eagle Rock and the mascot of nearby Eagle Rock High School. 该设计还以罂粟为特色, 加州的州花, 还有虎爪印, 向西方的老虎吉祥物致敬. 

“My hope is that the project creates a safer pedestrian experience and is welcomed by the neighborhood so that we can recreate this community magic in more places across the city and beyond,阿姆斯特朗说.

LADOT is also studying feasibility for additional traffic safety improvements, 包括行人过马路的时间, a lower speed limit and increased visibility at crosswalks with new red-painted curbs. The asphalt mural was designed to designate access for pick-up and drop-off, 停车和其他社区通道需求. 

前进, the street redesign team will analyze the traffic safety and mobility impacts of the Yosemite project to ensure its goals were achieved and to consider locations for similar projects in the future.

牛的艺术 Director Meldia Yesayan says that as a local resident deeply rooted in the community and a parent with connections to the high school, 优胜美地项目与她产生了明确的共鸣.

“It captures the essence of community spirit and embodies the vital intersection of art and civic engagement that lies at the heart of 牛的艺术 mission.”

President Elam emphasized the College’s pride in supporting this project, which does even more than honor the legacy of a distinguished and beloved faculty member.

“It also exemplifies the College's commitment to reciprocal community interaction and to strengthening our mutually beneficial relationship with 洛杉矶.”

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