通讯处 马克·坎波斯摄

Each year, 学生教务长会表彰那些, 通过他们在校内外的参与, 体现Oxy的四大公平支柱, Excellence, 社区及服务.

如上图所示, 左起:克里斯·哈里伯顿, 学生事务主任罗布·弗洛特说, 苏Zalazar, Aani Sinnott, 和Yareimy Patrocinio. 图中没有:马什利·马丁内斯.

The Dean’s Award winners are selected by 学生事务主任罗布·弗洛特说 in consultation with others at the College, and they recognize a small and select number of exceptional seniors who through their involvement on and off-campus have been the embodiment of the College’s four cornerstones of Equity, Excellence, Community, and Service. It's among the most prestigious awards that a student can receive at the College regarding leadership and involvement outside of the classroom.

学院认可这些杰出的本科生的热情, dedication, 辛勤的工作和对Oxy社区及其他地方的承诺. 今年,从2024届学生中选出了五位获奖者.

Community: 土豆泥马丁内斯 
Service: 苏Zalazar
Equity: Aani Sinnott
Excellence: 克里斯托弗·哈利伯顿
Community: Yareimy Patrocinio



Majors: 运动学和西班牙语
Hometown: 北好莱坞,加州

作为第一代拉丁裔,马什利喜欢为她的社区服务. She has been a coordinator for the Neighborhood Partnership Program (NPP) since her sophomore year, 教育K-12低收入, first-gen, 少数族裔家庭对高等教育的关注. 她通过为游客提供便利来做到这一点, shadow days, 以及NPP最大的活动:职业和大学入学日(CAAD). 她也是COMPARTE的协调员, 她对在奥施康定员工和学生之间架起一座桥梁充满热情. It was important to her to create a space where Oxy staff and students could share their knowledge and facilitate English learning workshops. 

她在奥施康定的时候, she also worked in Professor Andrew Udit’s research lab starting the summer after her first year, continuously working and guiding young lab members on testing the binding parameters of heparin and a protein to reverse the negative effects of heparin used in the medical field. 氧之外, Mashly热情地与PALS合作, a non-profit organization that promotes a welcoming environment for individuals with or without Down syndrome. 在毕业后的夏天, 她将再次以项目协调员的身份与PALS合作.

Mashly’s accomplishments at Oxy wouldn’t have been possible without the support of her family, friends, 指导教授. She is excited for her next step after Oxy; this fall she will be attending a doctoral program in occupational therapy at USC. Her goal is to bring occupational therapy to low-income families as she has seen a lack of proper aid in her community.




Major: 城市与环境政策(UEP)
Hometown: 亚松森,巴拉圭

Sueli对创造包容性的热情, nurturing spaces has been a driving force since she was very young and has continued throughout her college career at Oxy. 作为一名来自巴拉圭的国际学生,主修UEP, 她积极寻求机会捍卫社会正义. For four years, she served as an Equity Ambassador at the Intercultural Community Center (ICC.) This role allowed her to create collective care spaces for other students and community members, and witnessing the power of belonging fueled her desire to keep working to foster these relationships. This led her to work for the Multicultural Summer Institute (MSI) program for the past three years, 支持其他学生从他们的大学之旅开始. 

Sueli对社会正义的承诺超越了校园. Participating in the Young Initiative Program allowed her to collaborate directly with the Mayor's office in the creation of a racial equity hub, and my internship at CHIRLA (Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles) provided invaluable experience in advocating for the rights of immigrants.


Aani Sinnott:公平


Major: biology
Hometown: San Diego, CA

Aani Sinnott来自加州圣地亚哥,主修生物学,辅修公共卫生. On campus, 她曾担任常驻顾问, ASOC多样性和公平委员会学生生活联络员, 校董会学生代表, 她与克里·汤普森教授的神经生物学实验室进行了研究. 通过她在多元化和公平委员会的工作, she organized a school-wide initiative to provide fully-funded summer storage for low-income students and international students.

在校外,Aani通过UEPI暑期实习项目在Every Woman Counts实习. There, she provided education on breast and cervical cancer prevention for low-income and uninsured women in Los Angeles County while advocating for accessible cancer detection services. 在她工作的第一年,那是一个偏远的地方,她在J. 圣地亚哥克雷格文特尔研究所,研究SARS-CoV-2和COVID-19疫苗保护.




Major: 外交与世界事务
Hometown: Fontana, CA

克里斯决定在大三的时候更多地参与Oxy, 希望能认识更多的人,建立联系. Over the last four years, he has been a member of the track and field team, a resident advisor, a J.E.D.I. committee member, a summer admissions intern, a senior fellow, and a member of the 2020 MSI cohort. 在田径比赛中,他获得了2023年全美学术运动员奖、2024年全美sciac奖和2024年乔·皮帕尔奖. 作为常驻顾问, Chris received the Make A Difference award for advocating on behalf of students and making changes in residential halls.

克里斯很感激奥施康定的社区, which has provided him with the tools and resources to grow not only as a student but as a person. He would also like to thank his family, friends, coaches, and professors for their love and support. Upon graduating Oxy, Chris plans on taking a gap year and entering law school in the fall of 2025.


Yareimy Patrocinio:社区

Yareimy Patrocinio爆头

Major: psychology
Hometown: Linden, NJ

Yareimy was born and raised in New York City and grew up in a low-income immigrant community. 有机会在全国各地上大学, she knows how hard it is to enter these spaces that were not built for people like her: a queer, 工人阶级拉丁裔第一代大学生. She recognized that her community was a big support in helping her get to where she is today. 

The importance of community and giving back is something that Yareimy has always carried with her throughout her time at Oxy. For example, 从她踏上校园的那一刻起,一直到大三结束, she was a tutor; college ambassador; and an administrative coordinator for the Neighborhood Partnership Program, a program that works with local LAUSD high school students to make college a more accessible option. 她和孔帕特一起工作, 帮助Oxy员工以适合日常生活的方式学习英语, 并参与了帕特里夏·卡布拉尔教授的心理学研究实验室, 关注拉丁裔女性健康的组织. 她也是Azucar和拉丁学生会的一员.

As a senior, Yareimy saw the perfect opportunity to combine her psychology major and her interest in working for the community when she became a peer health educator. As a first-generation Latina who has Mexican immigrant parents that stigmatize mental health, she hopes to become a bilingual mental health therapist that works with the Latinx community. 作为一个同伴健康教育者, she prioritized doing outreach requests for workshops about imposter syndrome and self-care with groups of Oxy students with similar backgrounds to her. 她还创建并帮助了“治疗101”等活动, where students are taught about how to access therapy at Emmons Wellness Center or off campus. 来自一个不寻求心理健康护理的家庭, this is something that Yareimy had to learn and she realized that other students might have similar needs.


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