蕾切尔Warecki 马克·坎波斯摄
A view facing the Obama Steps next to AGC building on campus

十大正规网赌平台 has announced its 2024–25 cohort of Barack 奥巴马的学者, 久负盛名的领导力培训项目,旨在培养致力于公益事业的优秀学生.

奥巴马的学者, who can pursue any field of study Occidental offers, 是基于良好的学术成就和对公共利益的承诺而被选中的吗, with an emphasis on first-generation students, 退伍军人, and community college transfers. 这个项目, inspired and informed by the President’s own experience at Occidental, 在两年的课程中,为学生提供一系列精心策划的经历,帮助他们走向具有领导力和影响力的职业.

所有的学者在入选后的夏天都要参加一个为期10周的全额资助的体验式学习和领导力培训项目. 大二入学的学生还可以获得第二个暑假的独立实习资助, 研究项目, or community service opportunity, domestic or international. 另外, all participants will receive up to $10,000 in postgraduate funding to launch their career in support of the public good.

年内, 学员在常规课程表之外还参加奥巴马学者研讨会. They receive mentorship from 奥巴马的学者 faculty advisors and members of the 咨询委员会,并参与与合作伙伴组织的网络和领导力发展机会.

The 2024–25 奥巴马的学者 are:


Sehan Adan, 25岁, a biochemistry major and transfer student from Augsburg University in Minnesota, 致力于纠正奴隶制和歧视的历史不公正通过卫生公平倡议作为一个医生和科学家. Sehan参与了多项倡议,以促进有色人种社区的健康成果,并参与了各种研究项目, including at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. 在西方, she works with the biology department as a Biology 股本 and Action Representative, with Oxy’s Neighborhood Partnership Program as a college ambassador, and serves as president of the Student Health 股本 Initiative.

Raymond Arias headshot

雷蒙德·阿里亚斯,26岁 is a pre-law economics major originally from La Habra, 加州, and more recently from Tualatin, 俄勒冈州. As a first-generation Mexican American and college student, 他热衷于研究经济不平等,并研究如何利用政策和法律来抵消经济不平等对社会最弱势群体的影响. Raymond has interned at the Coalition of 俄勒冈州 School Administrators, the 俄勒冈州 Legislative Assembly, and the Riverside County District Attorney's Office. 在西方, 他在经济学助理教授乔根·哈里斯的指导下担任经济学研究助理, 在经济背景下研究美国法律和刑事司法系统的各个方面. He also serves as the co-president of the 十大正规网赌平台 Law Society, acts as a consultant for the Occidental Consulting Group, and is a Hispanic Scholarship Fund Scholar. 毕业后, Raymond plans to attend law school to further research links between law and economics.

Aminah Gassama headshot

Aminah Gassama, 25岁, a first-generation transfer student, 她计划毕业时获得批判理论和社会正义的学位,并辅修黑人研究和媒体的双学位, 艺术, 和文化. Drawing inspiration from her Gambian heritage and upbringing in Atlanta, 乔治亚州, she is passionate about community organizing through decolonized storytelling. 在校园, Aminah serves as historian for the African 学生 Association, 《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》本科研究期刊编委会成员, newsletter editor for The Occidental student newspaper, and vice president of the 转学 Union. 校外, she collaborates with the UndocuBlack Network's narrative and media team, providing support to both current and former undocumented Black communities. 她渴望获得视觉人类学硕士学位,以创建多媒体项目,涵盖选集、实验教科书、电视连续剧和纪录片.

Cecilia Grane headshot

塞西莉亚·格兰瑟26岁 is a politics major and public health minor from Pasadena, CA. 致力于通过社会正义政策和社区组织发挥作用, she interned with Pasadena City Council, 她在会上介绍了她关于公私伙伴关系的研究成果,并就发展地方空间以提供住房和保健服务提出了建议. She is passionate about her involvement in the Oxy community, 包括成为拉丁学生会的积极成员,并担任十大正规网赌平台参议院主席的联合学生. As an intern at the Collective for Liberatory Lawyering, 她目前正致力于为公立学校的家庭和照顾者制定一份指南,以了解他们在学生纪律方面的权利. 从Oxy毕业后,她计划学习法律,并探索运动律师的途径.


欧文·李26岁他来自华盛顿州埃德蒙兹,主修美国研究,辅修城市与环境政策. 作为埃德蒙兹青年委员会主席和2021-22贝索斯学者团队成员, 欧文试图回馈他们的社区,在埃德蒙兹市建立互助基础设施和更广泛的互惠文化. 这些经验直接影响了他们作为西方多元化和公平委员会社区联络员的社区建设和反中产阶级化的努力, as well as their interest in regenerative agriculture. 欧文希望促进以社区为基础的倡议,促进环境正义, community sovereignty, and reciprocal interdependence.

Liliana Madrid Larranaga headshot

Liliana Madrid Larrañaga ’26 你是新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基的生物化学专业辅修公共卫生专业的医学预科生吗. As a woman of color with profound hearing loss, 她热衷于改善健康公平,并努力为那些在医疗保健中代表性不足的人提供服务. She has worked closely with New Mexico School-Based Health Centers, her district health council, and the University of New Mexico Office for Diversity, 股本, and Inclusion to investigate and address barriers to accessing health care. 在含氧的, Liliana has interned with Essential Access Health, where she was certified as a family planning health worker, providing equitable reproductive health care to her community. 在校园, she is a peer health educator with Emmons 健康 Center, a residential advisor, and president of Newman Catholic Community. She plans to pursue a career in rural New Mexico, specifically providing prenatal and postnatal care to women of color.

Jhozibel Medina headshot

Jhozibel Medina Gonzalez ’26 is an economics major and critical theory and social justice minor from 洛杉矶. Having grown up in a predominantly immigrant working-class community, 她致力于使无证移民能够获得法律援助和资源. As an intern at CHIRLA, 约洗别协助法务人员翻译证据文件和客户-律师会议, 她在哪里目睹了在存在语言障碍的情况下在法律体系中穿行的困难. 在校园, 她是Comparte的语言导师,也是邻里合作计划的行政协调员. 约齐贝尔计划上法学院,成为无证移民社区的法律资源和政治倡导者.

Tram Nguyen headshot

Tram Nguyen 26岁, 来自新奥尔良, 路易斯安那州, 是否主修城市与环境政策,辅修公共卫生与教育双学位. 以她所在社区应对卡特里娜飓风后公立学校系统挑战的经验为指导, she is deeply committed to fostering equity and justice within the education system. 在高中时, she worked with young children as an ESL tutor, 强调识字和语言技能在增强服务不足社区能力方面的重要性. As an intern at CANext, 她致力于为最近的高中毕业生建立支持网络,以确保他们能够公平地获得基本资源和机会. 在校园, she is an office assistant for the Office of the President. Tram旨在推动有影响力的政策举措,促进投资不足地区学生的公平和机会. 


七月二十六日, 生物学专业, is a refugee from Myanmar who grew up in Milwaukee, 威斯康辛州, and is now a first-generation college student at Occidental. July has participated in social justice organizations such as Voces de la Frontera, Youth Empowered in the Struggle, and Alliance for the Climate Emergency. Currently, she is an executive board member of the Sustainable Oxy Citizens Club. 毕业后, 她计划通过医师助理课程获得硕士学位,并在医疗保健领域谋求职业发展.