2022-23 Barack 奥巴马的学者 Selected for Re-Imagined Program

吉姆Tranquada Photos by Marc Campos

Occidental College has announced its 2022-23 cohort of Barack 奥巴马的学者, 这个久负盛名的领导力培训项目已经被重新设计,使更多的学生可以根据他们的本科表现和兴趣来参加.

这个已有5年历史的项目一直强调培养致力于公益事业的优秀学生, 延续了巴拉克·奥巴马总统在83年的一生中提出的原则, and its focus on first-generation students, 退伍军人, and community college transfers.

7名2022-23年度的奥巴马学者是来自全国各地的大三和大四学生, include first-generation and transfer students, and represent a wide range of academic majors, 从英语和经济到外交和世界事务以及城市和环境政策. "的y truly represent the living legacy of President Obama," says 奥巴马的学者 Advisory Council Co-Chair Hector De La Torre ’89. 

的 decision to start recruiting 奥巴马的学者 from among current Oxy students, rather than incoming first-year students, 这反映了该计划34名成员顾问委员会和西方石油公司总裁哈里. 拦,小., says De La Torre, the former California assemblyman who now heads Gasol Foundation US, a national nonprofit dedicated to children’s health and wellness.

“It’s the result of a thoughtful, year-long review, 我们一致认为,这种转变将为校园里任何有能力和意愿在任何学术领域提供公共服务的学生提供成为奥巴马学者的机会,他说.

这符合奥巴马总统对社区组织机会均等的强调, “we realized we may be missing some of the best and brightest people, particularly people of color, who maybe hadn’t had access to the same advantages as their peers,” says Advisory Council Co-Chair Sara El-Amine ’07. 

的 re-envisioned program, open to rising juniors and seniors, also is more in line with Oxy’s Kahane United Nations and study abroad programs, which also focus on students in their third and fourth years, 说El-Amine, 他是一位进步的高级战略家,也是奥巴马基层运动的设计师之一. 他说:“这样一个无障碍且跨学科的项目,在其他地方确实没有.”

这一转变使得该项目每年的学员人数增加了一倍以上. Ultimately, the goal is to have a cohort of 10 new 奥巴马的学者 each year.

During the academic year, 学员在常规课程表之外还参加奥巴马学者研讨会. All are mentored by 奥巴马的学者 faculty advisors and members of the Advisory Council,一群 各个领域的领袖共同致力于公共服务和奥巴马学者项目. 学者 同时参与与合作伙伴组织的网络和领导力发展机会.

All 学者 will participate in a new, 全额资助为期10周的暑期体验式学习和领导力培训项目. 大二入学的学生还将获得第二个暑假的独立实习资助, research project, or community service opportunity. All 学者 will receive up to $10,000 in postgraduate funding to launch their career in support of the public good.

预计1500万美元的项目捐赠已经筹集了大约一半, including a recent $1 million anonymous gift from 这个计划的长期支持者,他们希望激励其他人为这个计划捐款.  

2022-23 Barack 奥巴马的学者 是:

Sunari Weaver-Anderson ’24 is a first-generation college student from Richmond majoring in politics. A fifth-generation Bay Area resident, 她致力于为历史上服务不足的社区增加获得法律援助的机会. 苏纳里是加州大学洛杉矶分校的法律研究员,也是多元化和公平委员会和Oxy法律协会的成员. She is also active with the Center for Community-Based Learning. 她有兴趣在毕业后继续攻读法学院,以及其他职业前景.

Jaya Duckworth ’23 一个来自西雅图的外交和世界事务专业的学生是否致力于使我们的教育体系更加公平, especially for women and girls of color. Over the last three years, she has served as an education rights legal intern for Public Counsel, 她是华盛顿州女童正义联盟的政策研究和宣传实习生, 并担任石油公司多元化与公平委员会和公平与正义委员会的成员. She plans to pursue law school or a master’s in social work after Oxy. 

Deandre Ortiz ’24 is a politics major from Fitchburg, Mass. who wants to close the education gap between low-income and more affluent students. As senior intern for his state senator in Massachusetts, Deandre帮助低收入家庭更容易获得和公平地分发COVID-19疫苗,并为讲西班牙语的选民担任翻译和倡导者. Deandre还担任过Above the Rim Training的副主任和学术成就主任, 促进学生运动员的运动员和性格发展的组织. He plans to attend law school and run for public office after graduation. 

Zander Patent ’24 of Chicago plans to double major in politics and economics. He is committed to helping to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline. 在高中时, Zander创建了一个组织来支持与心理健康和成瘾作斗争的学生. At Oxy, he has served as an RA and as a summer intern for U.S. 代表. Mike Quigley (D-Ill.). He is currently Oxy’s sophomore class senator. He hopes to pursue law school and run for public office in the future. 

Will Powers ’23 is a diplomacy and world affairs major from Somerset, 肯塔基州决心改善全球小学入学危机. 高中时,威尔创立了一个致力于改善青少年心理健康的非营利组织. 他还曾担任肯塔基州教育专员的学生顾问, as a leader in the Kentucky Student Voice Team, as a development associate for the Greater 洛杉矶 Education Foundation, and as a board member for America’s Promise Alliance. 去年秋天, he interned at the Brookings Institution Center for Global Economy and Development, and is currently a junior class senator at Oxy. 你打算继续读研并专注于全球教育不平等的解决方案吗. 

谭弥敦23岁 是来自旧金山的城市和环境政策专业的学生,致力于结束针对亚太裔社区的暴力,使城市空间和资源更容易获得和公平. Nathan是Oxy多元化和公平委员会的成员,并参加了公平和正义委员会,致力于解决学生的问题. As an intern with the Asian Pacific Islander Forward Movement, Nathan conducted community-based research, 包括确定传统安全方案的替代方案,如当地公园的执法. 在尼泊尔留学期间,他还对种姓制度和对达利特人的种姓歧视进行了研究. Nathan plans to pursue a Ph.D. in social welfare and to continue his community-based research and leadership. 

Kami Kafka ’23: 卡米是来自洛杉矶的第一代英语专业和社区大学转校生,她希望为低收入家庭的学生创造公平的机会. 在进入东洛杉矶学院并加入约翰·德洛罗社会正义转学项目之前,卡米目睹了一家食品加工厂的危险工作条件. 在ELAC, Kami served as an unofficial tutor and mentor, managed a food pantry, 并在2021年秋季转入十大正规网赌平台之前成立了一个日语学习者俱乐部. Kami aspires to become an educator and mentor in the future, 帮助贫困家庭的学生获得良好的教育机会.


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