The Communications Office Photos by Sarahi Apaez
Choi Auditorium filled with people and a guest speaker up front

Organized by faculty and students from the Department of Diplomacy & World Affairs, 今年的年度活动将于3月25日至29日举行,其中包括一系列突出全球社会问题的动态活动.

Schedule of Events

The Department of Diplomacy & World Affairs (DWA) presents an exciting lineup of events, world-class speakers, 还有一场艺术展览,旨在提高人们对全球问题的认识. This year's UN Week theme is “Human Rights Defenders.“这九项活动都在校园的各个地点举行,都是免费向公众开放的.

外交学教授说,世界妇女事务部组织一年一度的联合国周已经有近20年的历史了 & World Affairs Laura Hebert. In earlier years, 节目安排主要限于一位主讲人和一个由十大正规网赌平台校友参加的小组活动 Kahane UN Program. Beginning in the spring of 2017, the Kahane endowment allowed DWA to expand UN Week considerably, 该系还试图在全校范围内围绕与联合国有关的想法开展对话, norms, and practices—particularly related to social justice issues.

“This year, 在美国和世界各地,即使是公认的人权原则也受到威胁, 联合国方案咨询委员会决定突出“人权维护者”,即那些单独或与他人一起积极参与确保尊重人权的人, protection, and fulfillment of human rights,” Hebert says.

The advisory committee, 其中包括联合国规划署的主任和助理主任, led the planning of several of the week’s events. This includes the March 25 keynote event with Victor Madrigal-Borloz, 她是联合国人权理事会任命的首位性取向和性别认同问题独立专家.

             –Molly Sparrow ’24

近年来,Oxy的学生也被授权自己组织活动. The planning of the art exhibition and panel discussion on ‘Art, Truth, and Memorialization,’ the UN trivia night, the screening of How to Survive a Plague, the model UN mini-conference, 以及“探索人权捍卫”圆桌会议都是由学生主导的.

Molly Sparrow ’24, a member of the DWA Majors Association, has assisted with planning UN Week for the past two years. 她说,她总是对同学们想出的点子印象深刻.

“规划联合国周让我有了很强的时间管理能力, communication, 以及委派的技巧,这些都将在我未来的职业生涯中用到,” she says. “我很享受我和其他学生与人权和联合国领域的人建立的联系,以及事件如何综合和扩展了我和其他学生的兴趣.


three seated students, one holding a mic and asking a question

Schedule of Events

Monday, March 25

12–1 p.m., Choi Auditorium: “Art, Truth, & Memorialization”
与盖尔·肯纳德(Gail Kennard)就艺术在讲真话和反抗中的作用进行对话, 洛杉矶市文化遗产委员会副主席, and Brenda Perez, founder of Restorative Justice for the Arts. 在约翰逊大厅全球论坛和图书馆入口处,还将举行为期一周的艺术展览,展示过去的学生抗议活动.

5:15–6 p.m., Johnson Hall Global Forum: Pre-keynote Reception

6–7:30 p.m., Choi Auditorium: Keynote event – “Fundamentalisms, “酷儿”和联合国的其他棘手问题:在危机时期推进人权
哥斯达黎加律师Victor Madrigal-Borloz的演讲和谈话, 前联合国性取向和性别认同问题独立专家, 联合国防止酷刑和残忍行为小组委员会前成员, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment. 马德里加尔-博尔罗兹也是哈佛大学的高级访问研究员,曾任美洲人权法院的法务部主任.

Tuesday, March 26

6 p.m., Choi Auditorium: UN Trivia Night!
DWA专业协会(DWAMA)举办了一个联合国主题的琐事之夜,向所有Oxy学生开放. Prizes will be given to the winning teams!

Wednesday, March 27

12–1:15 p.m.:“反对极端主义的捍卫者:“多边”空间中的行动主义”
Zoom Event - Meeting ID: 817 0017 0298, Passcode: 232540

这一远程活动将以反对联合国努力的人权维护者为特色, the African Commission, and the Inter-American Commission to control bodily autonomy, reproductive and sexual rights, and the rights of women and LGBTIQ people (among others), 并试图关闭公民社会空间,促进专制治理. The event will be moderated by Cynthia Rothschild, director of the Kahane United Nations Program at Occidental.

  • Mirta Moragas: (Paraguay) Lawyer, feminist activist and human rights advocate; director of policy and advocacy, Synergia Initiatives for Human Rights; regional coordinator of the Campaign for an Inter-American Convention on Human Rights and Reproductive Rights 
  • Varyanne Sika: (Kenya) Feminist, writer and researcher; expert in development, human rights and gender. Focuses on advocacy at the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights; formerly of the Coalition of African Lesbians
  • Naureen Shameem: (Canada/US/Pakistan) Feminist activist and human rights lawyer; executive director, The Noor Network; board member, Women Living Under Muslim Laws. 专注于调查和挑战全球反权利和反民主运动

6 p.m., Choi Auditorium: Film Screening,How to Survive a Plague
《十大正规网赌平台》是一部感人而有力的纪录片,讲述了艾滋病毒/艾滋病流行的早期,以及关键活动团体ACT UP和TAG的工作.

Thursday, March 28

12–1:15 p.m., Johnson 203: Model UN Mini-Conference
来与其他学生合作和竞争,解决冲突地区人道主义工作者安全的紧迫问题. Open to all majors. No prior Model UN experience necessary!

5–7 p.m., Johnson Hall Global Forum: UN Program Alumni Panel
以2023年秋季Kahane联合国项目参与者和前几年的校友为特色. The panel will be followed by a reception in the Global Forum.

Friday, March 29

12–1:15 p.m., 约翰逊霍尔全球论坛:“探索人权捍卫:来自西方社会的视角”
这次小组讨论将重点介绍来自Oxy社区的人权维护者,他们努力解决发展的交叉点, local and global norms, and human rights.