
Ilah Richardson, 23岁 and 贾登·伯, 22岁 were deeply immersed in the Oxy community—and their deaths three weeks apart left a hole in our hearts


校园里心情沉重 with the deaths of two students in three weeks on the Oxy campus—less than a month into the spring 2020 semester.

Ilah Richardson, 23岁 grew up in 洛杉矶 and enrolled at Occidental from the Loomis Chaffee School in Windsor, Conn. She was looking at a group language major, with a focus on studying Chinese and linguistics. Richardson hit the ground running upon arriving on campus last fall, serving on the Associated Students of 十大正规网赌平台 Senate as a first-year class senator and working as a program assistant for the International Programs Office (IPO).

Richardson participated in Oxy’s Multicultural Summer Institute prior to the start of school, during which time she got to know Julie Kimiko Santos, IPO副董事. “When I met her, I instantly knew she was special,” Santos told 西方的 报纸. Together with classmate Hannah Pearlman ’23, Richardson also attended Chai Chats, a series of weekly teas produced by L.A.-based artist and traveler April Banks and sponsored by Oxy 艺术 on York Boulevard last semester. Richardson and Pearlman called the event their “grounding activity” each week, 里弗·利修斯22年写道 西方的.

Richardson reportedly contacted 校园安全 and was found in the Pauley Hall common room in medical distress shortly after noon on Jan. 27. Emergency services were called and she was transported to the hospital via ambulance—and was joined there by Erica O’Neal-Howard and Vivian Santiago from 学生事务—but she died shortly after her arrival at the hospital. While the exact cause of Richardson’s death has yet to be determined, “We have no reason to believe that the circumstances were anything but a catastrophic medical event,“温迪·斯滕伯格, vice president for academic affairs, 在一封电子邮件中写道. 27.

“It is impossible to find the right words to honor all that Ilah was and to express how much she will be missed by her 家庭, 朋友, 以及我们社区的成员,” wrote Nina Srdić Hadži-Nešić ’21, ASOC总统, 在一封给校园的电子邮件中. 30.

A celebration of life service for Richardson was held Feb. 3在赫里克教堂. “我被她的思想打动了, 她的世界主义政治, her interest in the cultures of the world,雅各布·麦基说, assistant professor of comparative studies in literature and culture. “She participated out of a love of discussion, bringing along everyone else in the class with her. In our last conversation, she said, ‘I have so much more to say about that.’ ”

贾登·伯, 22岁 “came to Occidental with a desire to become an attorney and to follow in the footsteps of Barack Obama ’83 in a career of public service,” President Jonathan Veitch wrote in an email to campus Feb. 20.

An undeclared major from Smyrna, Ga., Burris was found unconscious in his residence hall room Feb. 16 “after attempting to take his own life,” Veitch wrote. “Emergency services were immediately called and he was transported to the hospital via ambulance.” His parents arrived from Atlanta and Louisiana the next day and made the decision to remove Burris from life support Feb. 20.

2月. 21, the organization Harambee—a group of Black male students who strive to empower and support their peers at the College—arranged for a group photo in the Quad in memory of “Jaden and his radiating spirit,” as they wrote in a message to campus. “我们祈祷前进, knowing his spirit continues on in us, is that we create more moments of love and togetherness throughout the community.”

At a celebration of life service in Herrick Chapel on Feb. 25, 家庭, 朋友, and faculty wearing red—Burris’ favorite color—remembered the sophomore as loud, 喧闹的, 聪明的, 勤奋工作的, 和热情的. Burris was a Dean’s List student and a sprinter on the track and field team—always in motion, 总是唱歌, with a joy and optimism that drew people to him.

“Jaden’s spirit was infectious,” his mother, Lisa Alvelo, said at the memorial service. 他的微笑照亮了整个房间. He could change the vibe entirely. He had that much power … you could feel him. He was a beautiful young Black man.”

泰勒山口, 伯里斯的短跑教练, recounted the first time he met Burris as a high school senior during a visit to campus. “Jaden stood up tall and said, ‘I am definitely coming to Oxy next year.’我问他,‘为什么是奥施康定?’ And he said, ‘Coach, I want to be the next Barack Obama.’ I knew then and there I wanted 贾登·伯 on our track team.”

在一封给校园的电子邮件中. 21, Rob Flot, vice president for student affairs, wrote: “This a time of extreme anguish and pain for all of us, but I believe the pain is especially poignant and raw for the Black community at Oxy. … We will persevere and manage, in time. However, we’re not at that time. We are at a time for community and togetherness.”