
迪克·安德森 凯文·伯克摄

From writing about a 19th-century French novelist to 20th-century rock 'n' roll pioneers, 这位西班牙语和法语研究的新名誉教授在为离开Oxy后的生活做准备时,同时处理多个项目

亚瑟F. Saint-Aubin
Professor of Spanish and French studies


What’s been your favorite class to teach and why? I teach three different categories of courses, and I have a favorite in each: first-year courses that target principally language acquisition; second-year courses that further develop students’ language skills with an increasing emphasis on exploring the diversity of Francophone cultures; and advanced seminars in literature and culture—courses aimed principally at majors, 未成年人, 以及母语人士.

我最喜欢教的课程也是对我来说最具挑战性的课程. 在高级研讨会中, I find teaching translation to be the most exacting but also the most rewarding. 教这门课的一个回报是,观察学生们如何发现我自己在翻译每本出版物时所体验到的同样的乐趣. 多年来, my students have produced professional-level translations of works by J.K. Rowling, Maya Angelou, John Lennon, and Nina Simone, among many others.

The Pleasures of Death, by 亚瑟 Saint-Aubin

Looking at your two most recent books, 库尔特·柯本(Kurt Cobain)(西雅图垃圾摇滚乐队)和杜桑(Toussaint)和艾萨克·卢维杜尔(Isaac Louverture)(海地革命的领导人)之间有什么共同点吗?? 几年来, I have been researching and writing about grief, 忧郁的, 以及哀悼的文化习俗. 我特别感兴趣的是,男性的经历如何影响和塑造悲伤的表达, 抑郁症, 和自杀. From this perspective, Toussaint Louverture and Kurt Cobain have much in common. Both men wrote compelling, personal narratives of despair.

The Memoirs of Toussaint and Isaac Louverture, by 亚瑟 Saint-Aubin

曾经被奴役的杜桑·卢维图(Toussaint louvertu)在法国军队中获得了将军军衔,但后来成为拿破仑的被俘战俘,他在1802年被隔离在法国的一个地牢里,写下了他的回忆录, 就在他死前几个月. 库尔特·科本(Kurt Cobain)在20世纪90年代写了一些日记,当时他与世隔绝,饱受一种似乎无法形容的沮丧之苦, 自杀前. Although the two men lived during different times and had vastly different experiences, 他们的故事, 不过, 可以串联阅读吗. Together, their writings tell us something provocative about death and despair. 

你现在在忙什么? Currently, I am working on two other topics that are, ostensibly, unrelated. 第一个, 我正在进行关于摇滚回忆录的研究,从2015年到2017年,我写了一些关于查克·贝里(Chuck Berry)和所谓的摇滚之父的短文,并将其写成一本书. 第二个, I am pursuing a project on Maxime Du Camp, considered a minor French novelist from the 19th century, one whose fiction anticipates some of the major tenets of 精神分析, including Freud’s theory on mourning and 忧郁的. Because I have a relatively short attention span, 当我可以同时在两个或更多不同的项目中交替工作时,我更成功!

What are you looking forward to most in retirement? Spending extended periods of time in the French-speaking Caribbean. 我已接受邀请,在海地国立大学担任至少一年的语言和文化研究客座教授. 随着不断加剧的暴力政治和社会混乱继续困扰着该国, it is very likely that my courses for the 2023-24 academic year will be online. Nevertheless, I hope to be able to return to Haiti and to visit Martinique on a regular basis. I also look forward to making progress in learning Baoulé, a language spoken in West Africa that I first studied in graduate school.

“I was touched by 亚瑟's unwavering faith in me.”

纳伯·曼苏里安' 97: 大约30年前,我第一次见到阿瑟·圣奥宾(亚瑟 Saint-Aubin)是在大一的时候,当时我上了他的法语翻译课. 在那个学期里, 他在巧妙地解读法国和英国文学和诗歌作品方面推动和挑战我. He showed me how to find the essence of a text, and ways to preserve the significance of each excerpt, without the beauty of the language being lost in translation.

Saint-Aubin on the steps next to Johnson Hall in a 1986 photo.
Saint-Aubin on the steps next to Johnson Hall in a 1986 photo.

我经常去他的办公室,从讨论如何解读兰波和卡萨伊,到寻求他的指导,了解生活的总体方向. 亚瑟 had become not only my academic adviser but a mentor during difficult times. 当我因为一些个人问题而几乎无法按时完成高中综合考试时,他耐心地站在我身边. 这就要求我把一年中读过的几十本法国小说记在日记里, 然后用这些知识写一篇关于这些文学作品共同主题的论文.

When I was ready to give in and throw in the towel at the prospect of such a daunting task, 亚瑟 sat with me and encouraged me on countless occasions. He gave me honest feedback on my work, 直到我成功地写了一篇关于所有小说的互文性的优秀论文. Beyond being ecstatic to receive my B.A. in French literature, I was touched by 亚瑟’s unwavering belief in me. 

多年来, 亚瑟和我保持通信, and our Socratic relationship turned into a lifelong friendship. We now often converse about different stages in our lives and our families. 今年是我从教的第22个年头, and my love for educating others was sparked in part by 亚瑟’s interest in me as a scholar.

While our shared love of linguistics and French literature brought us together, it was the human connection that he made with me that etched an impression in my heart. 谢谢你!, 亚瑟, 谢谢你在学业上支持我, for helping me find my voice as a leader, and for allowing me to rediscover that 生活乐趣. 谢谢,我亲爱的朋友!


“[He] recultivated my relationship to French language and translation.”

Thomas Robertson ' 20: When I entered Professor Saint-Aubin’s Advanced Grammar and Comprehension class, I was coming off of a less-than-ideal semester academically. French was a subject I formerly had so much excitement for, but it was fleeting fast. 圣奥宾教授支持我作为一个人和一个学生去追求我对法语翻译的热情. As a distinguished mind in French studies, 黑人研究, 精神分析, 性别研究, he exposed me to the vast interdisciplinary approaches of creative, 刺激奖学金. 


I am beyond humbled to have such an expert in French as an academic mentor. Whether by living in a French-speaking country or by doing volunteer translation work, I am constantly reminded of the joy that French language and translation gives me, and the person who recultivated my relationship to French language and translation. 谢谢你喜欢你cœur.

A diplomacy and world affairs and group language double major at Occidental, 罗伯逊利用他的富布赖特奖研究了布基纳法索农村的暴力如何影响瓦加杜古的政治和种族间社区关系, 这个西非国家的首都.

“I can only hope that others find a teacher as invested and inspiring.”

迪伦·瑞恩: My first class at Occidental was French 201 with Professor Saint-Aubin. I was nervous because I didn’t know what to expect from any college course, 更不用说高级的了. 这门课确实很有挑战性, but Professor Saint-Aubin kept us engaged, 通过创意项目一点一点地吸引我们,同时扩展我们的知识,培养对法国文化的热爱.

“How interesting could a class on French grammar really be?” 你可能会想, 尽管我要补充一点,他的课程不是为那些只为了学分的人设计的, 他成功地将纸上看似黑白分明的课程转化为对法国文化身临其境的一瞥, 所有这些都是在不离开校园的情况下完成的. 

His remarks would point out areas you could improve, but he would equally praise where it was deserved, 鼓励我不仅要在课堂上争取高分,还要追求和培养我的整体法语技能. 他的翻译理论与实践课程仍然是我毕业后最喜欢的课程之一, and I continue to use those skills on a regular basis. 他关于翻译实践的理论使我对所有语言及其细微差别有了更大的了解, 这让我修读了语言学和法语的双修,并将我的毕业论文集中在语言与思想的交集上.

研究语言的方方面面一直是我学习和职业选择的重点, a pathway that was heavily influenced by Professor Saint-Aubin’s theories and kind remarks. 我感到非常荣幸和感激能在西方有这样美好的法国经历,我只希望其他人能找到像圣奥宾教授一样投入和鼓舞人心的老师. 谢谢教授,  感谢你让我终生欣赏一门非母语的语言,也感谢你让我在十大正规网赌平台的职业生涯有了一个美好的开始.


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