

在奥施康定工作了45年, 选择一个最喜欢的班级就像选择你最喜欢的孩子,这位运动机能学和心理学教授说

是什么吸引你来奥施康定的? "While in graduate school at USC, I got to know three different faculty members who had ties to Oxy. 在他们的鼓励下,我申请了学院的一个职位. After stepping on the campus and meeting the students, I knew that I wanted to be here."

你最喜欢的课是什么? “这就像选择你最喜欢的孩子一样. Over the course of 45 years I have taught a wide range of courses in both kinesiology and psychology. My favorites have been those crossed listed which has allowed for an interdisciplinary perspective. Developmental Motor Behavior (or some variation of the course title) has been taught since I first arrived. 在儿童发展中心成立之前, I used to recruit infants and children of my Oxy faculty and staff colleagues to visit class for ‘active’ learning. 我的女儿和孙子都是这个班的常客.”

你的退休计划是什么? “计划仍处于早期阶段,但将包括旅行, 和我在北卡罗来纳州的孙子和家人在一起, 并与优秀的朋友和同事重新建立联系.  在大后方, I intend to continue and expand my involvement in nonprofit community-based organizations."

你在奥施康定还有什么要补充的吗? “我很自豪能成为这个社区的一员."

万斯·穆勒86年: 首先,我要祝贺林恩出色的职业生涯. Her work as a professor of kinesiology and psychology at Occidental has influenced countless young minds to challenge themselves to push and expand the boundaries of learning in an attempt to find what the body and mind are truly capable of achieving. 

Her commitment to athletics and 第九条 at the College have had an incredible impact on the growth and sustainability of our existing sports programs. Her efforts on the panel to reestablish the football program greatly contributed to football being brought back and to be seen as an asset to the College that should be fought for. I will forever be grateful for her positive encouragement in that very challenging debate.

最重要的是, I will be forever grateful for Lynn’s mentoring and guidance when I was a struggling young student looking for direction. 林恩向我介绍了人体运动学,并永远地改变了我的生活. My passion for learning accelerated tremendously and I found a field of study that has positively influenced my life and career choices over three decades. 林恩,谢谢你为我个人和其他人所做的一切. 我很自豪地称您为我的导师和朋友. Enjoy your retirement, even though I don’t really see you not staying very busy in retirement!

穆勒在洛杉矶突袭者队打了六个赛季的职业橄榄球. 他是杰克逊米勒精英训练的老板.

苏·贝瑟尼斯1982年: 林恩来奥施康定后不久,我也来了,从那以后我一直和她保持联系. What a treat this has been for nearly 45 years (and by the way, that’s a crazy amount of time). 我不仅在奥施康定和林恩一起学习, I have had the pleasure of working with her in my role with Tiger Club just four years ago.

林恩在很多方面都给了我真正的启发. She combined the psychological and the physical in her 教学 and research; and she was an athletics coach and administrator. 在我职业生涯的早期,我在科罗拉多学院和南加州大学也做过同样的事情. 在这些机构里, my staunch dedication to what it really meant to be a “scholar student-athlete” comes from Lynn, 首先也是最重要的. 同样的, knowing I could go for a doctoral degree in education while I was also coaching a Division I sport—no problem, 前学者学生运动员就是这么做的. 林恩又一次浮现在我的脑海里. 

现在,作为马里波萨领导力公司首席执行官的职责之一.在美国,我有幸为高科技公司的高管提供培训. 领导我的公司, 在培训领导者方面, 我可以运用多年的心理和生理知识. 是的,又是林恩. Her mentorship has been invaluable; I am so grateful for her presence in my life and proud of all she has accomplished at Oxy. 她对我的生活和事业产生了深远的影响. 你好,我的朋友!

伯大尼在西方大学打排球和篮球. 她曾担任老虎俱乐部主席.

Jennifer (Wright) 1996年: Dr. Lynn Mehl was a part of my college experience from day one and has had a huge influence on my career and life since graduation. What made Lynn such a special instructor and mentor is that she cared about me as a whole person, 不仅仅是教室里的一个座位. 奥施康定就是这样神奇的,而林恩就是其中不可或缺的一部分. 确定, 她确保我选对了课程, 理解科学概念, and applied my learning (never forget the rotor pursuit project and bilateral transfer!这样我就会成功. 但她也参加了合唱团的音乐会, 赞助啦啦队, 还会出现在比赛现场为我加油. 我知道她也为许多人在他们不同的兴趣领域做了同样的事情.

我对教学和指导的大部分了解都可以追溯到Dr. 梅尔:关心整个人,提供各种各样的机会. 她的课上充满了各种各样的活动, 从视频, 去阅读, 小型和大型小组讨论, 实践项目, 和更多的. 每一种学习方式都有发展的机会. 林恩也为人类创造了空间,并与我们分享她的生活. 她是平衡专业人员、教师和家长的榜样. I have such fond memories of her young teen daughter wandering in at the start of class to check in with mom before heading out to “hang” on campus with the athletic trainer’s daughter. As our friendship grew, Lynn offered me a job babysitting her daughter Krissy when she would travel. 

这是林恩给我的最重要的建议之一, 我把它放在这里是为了让别人受益, 你不需要花钱读博士吗.D. 有助学金可以支付学费和工资. 我不仅能够利用这个建议, 但我现在自己也在学术界,能够资助其他人,并把林恩的建议传递出去. 

作为一名副教授, 我还得平衡我的研究, 教学, 服务, 和母亲, 就像林恩那样. 林恩仍然是我的良师益友. 她在我转行的时候给我提供建议, 送学生参加我的癌症预防和控制暑期研究项目, 还会寄节日贺卡,上面有她和孙子们的照片. 看着Krissy长大,结婚,生孩子是多么幸福啊. Seeing photos of Lynn with her grandchildren in various locations across the country brings a smile to my face every time. 我希望退休能带来更多的微笑和家庭冒险.

很难相信为Oxy服务的45年已经过去了. 我们都能有这样的毅力来激发科学的好奇心吗, 努力工作, 终身导师.

Bea is associate professor of health promotion sciences at the University of Arizona.

Kirk Bentzen ' 91: 作为一个大开眼界的第一代大学生,我穿越了整个国家, 我不知道自己在做什么. I had hit a huge roadblock in organic chemistry the same semester I had discovered kinesiology. 林恩·梅尔温柔的影响极大地帮助了我. My double major of kinesiology and psychology became the perfect launch point into a profession of 服务 and caring as a physical therapist. From observing elementary school children in motor development to mirror tracing tasks in motor learning to advising my senior comps research on bilateral transfer of learning, 林恩的课程很基础,很有趣!

Lynn’s own 服务 and caring of myself as one of her students became a model of mentoring compassion that I carried through my master’s and doctoral education as a physical therapist, 在我的临床实践中, and eventually into my current leadership role as the clinical manager and residency program director at Adventist Health Therapy and 健康 Center in Glendale, 离奥施康定只有一英里远.

意料之中的是, Lynn continued to be a significant influence on my professional endeavors when she invited me to become a community member on Oxy’s Human Subjects Institutional Review Board. 在IRB重新连接的几年内, Lynn and I developed together the incredibly successful physical therapy internship within the kinesiology department as a partnership between Oxy and the Therapy and 健康 Center. Lynn then invited me to join her as a part-time professor in kinesiology 教学 anatomy, 实验室, 当系里有需要的时候,我还开设了人体运动学入门课程. 成为这个部门的同事(和导师在一起)是一件多么快乐的事!)这句话长久以来对我意义重大.

即使是在我作为治疗师和教育家的职业生涯中期, 林恩鼓励我回去完成博士学位.D. 我在20岁出头的时候就跟她说过我想做的事. 在她的指导下, 这个梦想在去年八月达到顶峰,我成功地为我的论文辩护. My life has had Lynn’s handprint on it every step of the way since my first year at Oxy. 她已经不仅仅是一位教授或导师了. 她是一个很好的朋友.
