访问. 为区别. 为校园. 今天的.

迪克·安德森 插图:Taylor Callery

奥施康定公益运动 checked all the boxes—and the College is already realizing its benefits

Since拉贾·贝拉·希克斯25岁转到西方大学读大二, 她没有浪费时间沉浸在社区中. She has worked with local high school 学生 as an Upward Bound mentor; she volunteered on the campaign of 洛杉矶’ first female mayor, Karen Bass; and she has taught community dance classes to fourth and fifth graders through Oxy 艺术.

Obama Scholar Raja Bella Hicks ’25, 他来自盐湖城,主修外交和世界事务, 犹他州.

“很高兴向这些孩子们展示舞蹈可以增强他们的信心,希克斯说。, 他来自盐湖城,主修外交和世界事务, 犹他州, who worked with artist-in-residence Yasmine Nasser Diaz as an archivist research fellow last spring on a show titled 为了在街上跳舞. “这是我最喜欢的两件事的融合——外交、世界事务和舞蹈.从奥施康定毕业后,她计划进入法学院或攻读国际事务硕士学位.

“西方石油公司一直非常欢迎我,希克斯补充道。, who was selected last spring as one of eight Obama Scholars for the 2023-24 academic year (and interned in the office of the British Consulate-General in 洛杉矶 last summer). “我的想法受到欢迎,我的身份也受到欢迎. 奥施康定的位置让它很特别.”

Opportunities such as Hicks’ are a testament to the impact of 奥施康定公益运动—the largest fundraising initiative in College 历史. 七年竞选, 6月30日闭幕, 比最初的目标高出2700多万美元, 筹集252美元.来自15000多名个人捐赠者的800万美元. 通过直接支持和遗产规划, that extraordinary generosity will grow the College’s endowment by more than $150 million—including more than $1500万年 in unrestricted support—and preserve the Oxy experience for generations to come.

“这场运动所产生的能量和热情将推动西方石油公司走向未来, 使我们能够执行我们的愿景,并继续致力于学院的使命,Harry J. 拦,小. “我们收到了小礼物,也收到了大礼物. What matters is that sense that we’ve all come together, that we represent what Oxy can and will be.”


从各方面来看,这场运动都显示了西方社会的奉献精神. 校友, 父母, 学生, 教师, 工作人员, and friends stepped up to support the cause—demonstrating their resilience even in the face of the pandemic. 三分之二的捐款来自校友,过去和现在的Oxy家长捐赠了12美元.500万美元用于竞选. 这些家长中有许多人把礼物指定给了体育运动,每人7美元.筹集了800万美元用于支持Oxy的团队和设施.

礼物策划是另一个成功案例. A pair of Legacy Gift Challenges secured 55 newly documented planned gifts totaling more than $1500万年—and another $550,透过配对奖励计划,向Oxy基金捐款10,000元, 这是2004年竞选联合主席吉尔·坎普的创意.


“每年, 西方大学的优秀学生流失到了加州大学洛杉矶分校, 加州大学伯克利分校, 加州大学圣地亚哥分校, 和加州大学其他校区,因为他们的家庭没有资格获得Oxy的大多数形式的经济援助,前受托人路易斯·D. 67年到69年. 增加加州中等收入家庭的捐赠奖学金, in 2020 Louise and husband Brad created the Edgerton-Occidental Merit Scholarship Challenge with a $1.600万竞选捐款. 匹配$1.该挑战赛筹集了600万美元,创造了10个新的捐赠奖学金.

Occidental is dedicated to giving promising scholars access to a transformative education by committing to meet 100 percent of a student’s demonstrated financial need. 在奥施康定运动期间, 社区为此筹集了9700万美元, 设立69个新的捐赠奖学金和1美元.700万美元的实习和学生研究经费.

其中一项努力是研究早期访问计划(REAP)。, 2021年推出,为期三年, $247,谢尔曼·费尔柴尔德基金会拨款500美元. REAP aims to increase the number of academically talented underrepresented and first-generation 学生 pursuing degrees in the sciences by recruiting first-year 学生 and pairing them directly with a 教师 mentor for an immersive summer research experience. 学院致力于采购慈善支持,以在2024年之后继续该计划. “Early hands-on research opportunities give 学生 the chance to participate in science as it is truly practiced,哲学教授克莱尔·莫里西说, who as 教师 director of the Undergraduate Research Center is leading the program with Professor of Chemistry Emmanuelle Despagnet-Ayoub.

从该活动中受益的其他学生体验是Oxy标志性的沉浸式课程. 由81届邦尼·米尔斯的主要礼物和专门委员会支持, 安迪·贝蒂75年竞选捐款达到了500美元,000年的目标. And campaign co-chair Bill Kahane ’70’s continuing support of the William and Elizabeth Kahane United Nations Program—now in its 38th year—will ensure the future of the nation’s only full-time residential internship program at the United Nations at a time when its mission has never been more important.


One of Jonathan Veitch’s final construction projects as president was the reimagining of Taylor Pool, 完工于1930年, 变成了Oxy社区的多功能户外空间. Trustee and campaign co-chair Anne Wilson Cannon ’74 provided the lead gift for the construction of Cannon Plaza, 它恢复了Myron Hunt最初设计的地中海复兴风格.

Matthew O’Connor ’23 finished his senior year ranked 13th among all Division III men’s tennis players in the country.

在竞选期间,亨特的指纹在校园里到处都是, 包括对梧桐谷的改造和重新设计, 弗莱彻·琼斯基金会计算机教室, 以及在展位厅新建的打击乐工作室和崔氏音乐制作中心.

通过这次运动,西方大学的体育综合设施得到了扩展和加强. 同时,De Mandel水上运动中心将于2020年完工, the newly expanded McKinnon Family Tennis Center and Robinson Family Terrace were realized with the support of campaign co-chair Ian McKinnon ’89 and steering committee member Steve Robinson ’77. Not only did their generosity allow the Tigers to play their matches at home in front of supportive crowds, 新设施促进了Oxy的招聘工作. 来自弗吉尼亚州奥克顿的23岁经济学专业学生马修·奥康纳(Matthew O ' connor)就是一个很好的例子.他在高中毕业时,在全国所有三级联赛球员中排名第13位.

值得注意的是, the completion of the Oxy 艺术 building on York Boulevard in 2019 expanded the College’s outreach into the Highland Park community. 至今已举办12场展览及超过125场活动,包括舞蹈表演, 音乐会, 电影放映, 研讨会, 和Oxy工作室专业的高级公司, 都对公众开放. 支持 from donors such as Linda and Tod White ’59 and the Kathryn Caine Wanlass Charitable Foundation were instrumental in the construction of the building.

Fundraising priorities coming out of the campaign include the expansion and modernization of Norris Hall of Chemistry, 到目前为止,它已经筹集了近1400万美元, 以及未来对Oxy蓬勃发展的音乐业务的支持, 媒体艺术与文化, 和计算机科学系.


奥施康定开幕日, 4月20日, 2020, was conceived as a largely virtual endeavor to generate community spirit and philanthropic support. 在校园因新冠肺炎疫情而关闭之后, 这个事件完全是远程的, 他的目标是在创始人日筹集420份礼物. 出乎所有人的意料,这场36小时的马拉松比赛共收到了2594份礼物,总价值超过1美元.600万年. 在过去的四年里,每年的捐赠日已经筹集了超过6美元.500万来支持学生体验.

Nick Lee ' 10

Oxy基金的影响可以在各个领域感受到, 从经济援助和学术到学生生活和体育. 在疫情最严重的时候, gifts to the Oxy Fund were instrumental in supporting the shift to online learning; funding technology requests from 学生 and 教师, 包括笔记本电脑, wi - fi热点, and software needs; and providing daily COVID testing, 个人防护用品, 以及向奥施康定社区分发疫苗.

在竞选过程中, Oxy基金收到的捐款共计3700万美元, 所有这些都支持了学院的底线. 无限制的年度捐赠约占Oxy运营预算的4%.

Day For Oxy has provided a rallying cry to support everything from Oxy athletics to reunion gift challenges to new scholarship endeavors, 比如Nick Lee ' 10捐资资助基金. 在奥施康定社区,李的声音对成千上万的人来说都很熟悉. 工商管理专业的经济学, 他筹集了220多美元,000名陌生校友, 父母, 以及代表学院的各位家长. Lee’s unexpected death in August 2019 prompted his Oxy friends to create an endowed scholarship fund in his memory, 五年目标是100美元,000元才能完全赋予它. 感谢Day For Oxy和李氏家族在2023年的匹配礼物挑战, 现在在5美元以内,这一目标实现了1000万美元.


作为十大正规网赌平台的学生, 71岁的加里·卡普兰(Gary Kaplan)是将惠灵顿·K.K. 陈以历史教授的身份来到校园. 陈在Oxy任教39年,于2010年退休. And now Kaplan has made a deferred gift to create the Gary Kaplan ’71 Endowed 教师 Research Fund and complete the funding of the Wellington Chan Endowed Chair in Chinese Studies.

从左, 普里西拉-陈, 总统以拦, 和71岁的加里·卡普兰在10月的竞选庆典上.

总计, eight endowed professorships and directorships were established or fully realized during the campaign across a range of disciplines, 包括黑人研究, 化学, 计算机科学, 历史, 辅助活动, 宗教生活, 和科学. 这种支持吸引了顶尖人才,使教学和研究具有吸引力, 所有这些都有助于学院最有价值的商品的成功.

“没有哪一种学生会被奥施康定所吸引,也没有哪一种学生能在这里茁壮成长,温迪·斯滕伯格评论道, 教务副院长兼学院院长. “从自然科学到社会科学,再到艺术和人文科学, 奥施康定公益运动 will shape the academic future—and the student-教师 relationship at the heart of the student experience will be  preserved for generations to come.”