
作者:Andy Faught |摄影:Max S. 美国格柏公司

Seven members of the Class of 2026—and a 23-year-old sophomore transfer—open up about their aspirations for their Oxy experience


进入秋季学期一周, 汉娜·塔沃德劳斯热切地参观了西方的参与博览会, 报名参加了一些激发她兴趣的团体. A Coptic Egyptian—the largest Christian group in the predominantly Muslim country—Hannah says being part of Oxy’s Middle Eastern Club is vital to her college experience. 

“我刚才在和院子里的那个女孩说话, 我意识到我们都是科普特埃及人,汉娜说。, who led a Middle East/North African affinity group at the Urban School of San Francisco, 和学生们分享她家族的塔博勒食谱, 教师, 还有去年春天派对上的工作人员. “怎么可能呢? 所以,我已经感觉和人们有了联系,这真是太棒了.”

社区烙印在汉娜的DNA里. In 2016, she and a group of friends started the Noe Valley Girls Film Festival to give young female filmmakers a venue to screen their own shorts. (她的电影, Pinky Spinky香水是6-8年级的决赛选手.这个节日引起了……的注意 旧金山纪事报 一直延续到今天. 

Hannah was drawn to 西方 for its diversity—both ethnically and for the range of experiences she hopes to have: “I’m very excited to hopefully get good at ultimate Frisbee. 我以前从未打过球.”

她也很想在Tiger Cooler找到一份工作. “I’ll be the friendly person behind the counter making people drinks,她说。 with a laugh. “我喜欢大家都在一个公共场所的想法.”

现在,汉娜要把她的大学经历喝完. “我没有申报,实际上我不知道我想做什么. 但这让它变得很有趣.”


雷蒙德·阿里亚斯(雷蒙德·阿里亚斯)在俄勒冈州图瓦拉丁读高中一年级的中途.他的父亲住在加利福尼亚,因为没有合法身份而被驱逐到墨西哥. 直到大流行开始后,雷蒙德才完全处理好自己的情绪. “Both my mom and stepdad were having to work a lot more to keep us afloat,” he explains. “我当时是我弟弟和表弟的看护人, the rigor of this responsibility showed me what it means to care for someone beyond yourself. 它让我更有同情心,教会了我很多适应力.”

高中毕业后, 雷蒙德休了一年空档年, during which time he had an internship with the Coalition of Oregon School Administrators in developing legislative measures that sought to improve Oregon’s public schools. 这段经历激发了他对政策制定的兴趣, 雷蒙德说, 他之前是俄勒冈州学生会的主席, 它代表了全州120多所学校. 这也给了他培养人际交往和领导能力的机会. 

Raymond enrolled at Oxy because it’s the “perfect place for me to grow academically and personally.“他打算主修经济学, 希望能在民权领域从事法律工作, 公司法, 或者知识产权. 

“I want to go into law to use the privileges and opportunities that I have received in life, 那些我父母负担不起的东西,雷蒙德说, noting that it also plays to his cerebral side: The digital age has forced legal debates in new directions. 法律是辩论和调查的舞台. 在科技时代,它在很大程度上仍未经检验. 我的希望是成为这个领域的一员,为客户提供公正的结果.”  


关注美国2021年从阿富汗撤军这一备受争议的计划, 奥利弗Holoubek-Sebek决定要为自己的国家做得更好. 他在康涅狄格州韦斯特波特高中的政府和社会研究老师.这已经点燃了他对国际关系的热情. The next step was finding a college that would put him on a path to working for a consulate or a non-governmental organization. 

西方’s diplomacy and world affairs major—coupled with the chance to take part in the highly regarded Kahane United Nations program—cinched Oliver’s decision to come to Eagle Rock. “我们现在正处于一个决定性的时期, 与一些重要的新兴大国,他说, 指向中国. “整个国际格局将很快发生变化, 研究世界事务以预测未来发展是很重要的, 然后决定最好的行动方案.”

在课外活动方面, Oliver was a member of Junior Olympic Archery Development—he first picked up the bow at age 11—and also was active in chorus, 管弦乐队, 和戏剧(他在高中的舞台剧《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》中饰演野兽王) 的后代,根据迪斯尼频道音乐剧改编).

随着国际关系持续升温, Oliver’s early impressions of Oxy were similarly toasty: He arrived on campus in the midst of a historic heat wave. “It’s a lot hotter than I was expecting it to be, so it was a rough first week,他说. “但我的课很吸引人,我的教授也很棒,很平易近人. 到目前为止,这真是几个星期的梦想. 读书是我的首要任务.”


帕洛玛Benach was raised a Yankees fan, her parents enrolled her in a baseball camp at 4. “我爱上了它,我从未停止过玩,”她说. 

帕洛玛是华盛顿特区高中棒球队中唯一的女性.C.今年秋天,她将参加奥施康定历来全是男性的队伍. The left-handed pitcher relies on breaking balls over speed to keep batters off balance. 

“One of the ways I’ve been able to play with the guys is mental domination and mental toughness,帕洛玛说。, 谁在考虑心理学专业, 辅修神经科学, 在通往运动心理学的道路上. “You should train your brain as hard as you train the rest of your body when you play a sport.”

她的父亲, 她在帕洛玛11岁时变性为女性,并从2014年开始指导她的女儿, 在帕洛玛展望未来的时候扮演了重要的角色. “I hope to feel as comfortable and as brave as she did with her decision,” Paloma says. 

她补充说,在社交和学术方面,十大正规网赌平台绝对是言出必行. “It’s a kind and supportive place, I have a new interaction with a person every day. 我在这里感到很受关心和支持.” 


23岁的亚历克斯·罗曼诺夫(亚历克斯•罗曼诺夫)不是典型的大学二年级学生. 他在海军陆战队服役四年后来到Oxy, 然后在圣莫尼卡城市学院学习了一年. 

在妻子朋友的建议下,这位维克多维尔居民转学到奥施康定, 谁曾在十大正规网赌平台学习并称赞其紧密的社区. 他一直打算终身从军, 但亚历克斯说,对写作的热爱促使他攻读英语学位. 

开学一个月后,他称奥施康定及其教授“非同寻常”.“我很高兴能在这样的环境中成长,”亚历克斯说. 他已经在报社找到一份写作工作 西方 学生报纸. 

Alex “despised” writing in high school but gained a passion for the written word as a Marine, 他休息的时候经常在哪里看书, 重点是类型小说. 我特别喜欢查克·帕拉尼克, 他的搏击俱乐部被认为是对男性心理的经典探索. 

亚历克斯希望有一天能自己写小说,或者从事编辑工作. 他对鹰岩的计划? “我绝对想向我周围的人学习并利用他们, 从我周围那些聪明的孩子那里.”

但他也希望向年轻的同龄人传授人生经验. “我带来了生活经验, 这有很大的帮助吗,亚历克斯说, 谁和他结婚近两年的妻子住在一起, 阿丽莎挤, 在校外. “越来越多的传统学生从高中来到这里, 他们还在努力解决所有问题.”


一个在华盛顿长大的害羞的孩子.C., Mickayla “MJ” Jones found her voice in the theater—acting in productions that included 线索, 吸血鬼, 好奇的野蛮人. “My mom will talk about how my sister used to speak for me when I was younger,” MJ says. “Somehow, being on the stage dissolved all of that—the shyness and wanting to stay back.” 

对艺术和量子物理充满热情, MJ从梅里特·摩尔身上找到了灵感, 他是一位量子物理学家,曾在苏黎世和波士顿芭蕾舞团担任专业舞蹈演员. MJ is setting her sights high: She ultimately wants to get a doctorate in physics and become a college professor. 

在Oxy, MJ计划寻找榜样来帮助指导她的道路. “身为黑人和女性, 并成为LGBTQ社区的一员, 在科学界很难找到另一个人, 更不用说物理了, 谁也符合其他类别,她说。. “But I can always find people who fit into one of those categories, I can get support there.”

我来自一个压力很大的寄宿学校, MJ says she enrolled at Oxy for its challenging academics but also because of the laid-back Southern California ethos. 尽管一开始有些紧张,但她很享受这种友好的气氛. “当我上飞机的时候,感觉很奇怪, ‘Oh, 我暂时不回家了,’”MJ说. “但现在奇怪的是,我不觉得我的家人离我那么远. 我可以随时打电话给他们,没关系.”


从他的家乡伊丽莎白角来到十大正规网赌平台, 缅因州, 伊桑•史密斯 has found undeniable perks to his decision to study in 洛杉矶: “There’s really good food here.”

撇开味觉上的愉悦不谈,伊森对周围世界的思考高于一切. “我对政治和社会正义很感兴趣,伊桑说, 谁在考虑主修外交和世界事务或经济学. 无论哪种情况,他的意图都很明确. “我们的政府现在发生了很多事情, 我只想成为解决问题的一部分,他说.  

缓解一天的压力, Ethan turns to meditating (an interest he developed in response to the “bombardment” of information from school, 社交媒体, 和数字娱乐), 他计划今年秋天为老虎队游泳. He set high school swim records in 缅因州 in the butterfly and was one of 56 swimmers nationwide selected to attend a leadership training camp to advance diversity in the sport (he identifies as Latino/white). 尽管被一级学校征召参加游泳比赛, 史密斯说, “这不是我想要的学校. 有点太过分了.”

不太具有政治色彩, Ethan has worked in recent years as a line cook and server at his uncle’s lobster restaurant.

事实证明,食物本身就具有教育作用. “The main thing that working at the restaurant taught me was to be able to hold down work responsibilities while having a good time,伊桑说. “我学到的是,如果你把事情搞砸了,就承认并从中吸取教训.” 


在阿尔罕布拉长大, 维维安Ko申请的大多是东部的大学, 像许多年轻人一样渴望与家人保持舒适的距离. But in exploring her options—she was accepted to seven schools—the first-generation Chinese American found little across the map that could replicate the mélange of human experience at Oxy and in 洛杉矶. 

最后,“我意识到我在L还是可以独立的.A.尽管我和家人很亲近,”薇薇安说,她是三个孩子中的老二. “我真的很喜欢加州的多样性. So many of my friends here are people of color, I can relate to their experiences and struggles.”

薇薇安 is tackling her first year of college with a self-imposed mandate: She’s taking classes she wouldn’t ordinarily consider. 这一体验旨在挑战她对世界的假设, 用意想不到的方式激发她的求知欲. 她说:“我通常不是一个搞科学的人,但我正在上动物学课。. “这真的很难,但也很有趣.”

开学几周后,她加入了 西方她的第一份作业是为一对奥施康定学生运动员撰写简介. 薇薇安, 她在高中时就是花样滑冰选手, 是否考虑主修批判理论与社会正义, 并可能涉足新闻业或教育业. 

她说,学院是她自我发现之旅中的重要伙伴. “我真的很喜欢Oxy鼓励跨学科学习的方式,”薇薇安说. “Especially in the first two years, because it allows me to take classes that just sound interesting. 也许有一天他们会成为我想要追求的主要或次要的东西.” 

安迪·费特写道 "健康移民" 在春季杂志上.