
作者:Rhea Borja 摄影:Kirby Lee

From Winter 2011: Mental conditioning professional 特雷福Moawad ’95 M’01 maximizes athletes’ potential by unlocking the power of the mind

编者按:特雷福Moawad '95 M'01于9月15日去世, 2021, 在与癌症抗争了两年之后. 这个故事最初发表在2011年冬季号 西方 杂志.

Growing找了一位知名的励志演说家做父亲鲍勃Moawad, former president of the National Association for Self-Esteem and an original contributor to the Chicken Soup for the Soul series—特雷福Moawad ’95 M’01 learned many important lessons at home. “My dad always told me that the problem with most people is that they live their lives as if they go into a grocery store without a shopping list,他回忆道. “So I learned quickly that where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do was going to depend largely on me.”

穆阿瓦德(站在阿拉巴马队后卫巴伦·休伯的左边). 40) cheers the Crimson Tide to their first national championship in 18 years in January 2009.
老穆阿瓦德, 谁在与癌症抗争了7年后于2007年去世, 对他儿子来说仍然是一个重要的存在. Cheering on the sidelines of the Rose Bowl last January when the University of Alabama Crimson Tide rolled over the Texas Longhorns to win their first national football championship in 18 years—the culmination of four years of work with coach Nick Saban’s squad—Trevor remembers looking up at the sky and thinking, “这是给你的, 爸爸.”

作为佛罗里达州布莱登顿IMG绩效研究所的主任., Moawad manages a squad of employees who boost both amateur and professional athletes’ leadership, 沟通, 以及心理调节技能, 以及调节他们的营养和视力, 改善他们的身体状况, 并保持他们的整体健康. “Our belief is that you don’t have to be sick to get better,他说.

Moawad采用了一系列正强化工具, 包括励志视频, 鼓舞人心的讲话, 浓度测试, 常识性的建议, 还有发短信, The long list of pro athletes he has helped in­cludes tennis great Serena Williams, 少年足球天才弗雷迪·阿杜, U.S. men’s national soccer team member Jozy Altidore, and the Miami Dolphins football team.

Seven months after the Crimson Tide won the Bowl Championship Series title game, Moawad told the Alabama players that it was time to get back to work—that last year’s champions are last year’s news. “You earned your right to be here; that’s great,” he said. “现在你必须争取你留在这里的权利.”

He encouraged them to concentrate on details that add up to a big payoff on the field: getting enough sleep, 正确的饮食, 评论游戏电影, 帮助队友, 努力工作. “成功,穆阿瓦德说, 看着坐在他前面的每个选手, 需要以更大的成功来维持自身.”

对于这位土生土长的西雅图人来说,学习并不容易, who spent so much time at 西方 studying in Clapp 图书馆 that he had his own carrel. “奥施康定对我来说是一所困难的学校,”穆阿瓦德说. “所以我比一般学生用功.”

他把同样的职业道德带到了运动场上. At basketball or soccer practice, he was often the first player to arrive and the last to leave. At 5'11", 他没有扣篮, outblock, 或者得分超过他的对手, 没有他的一些对手闪电般的速度, 他没有跑得过他们, 要么. But he asked his coaches to help mitigate his weaknesses and improve his strengths. He studied how pro players elevated their game and incorporated those skills into his own. 他试图保持积极的态度. “我尽我所能,”Moawad说. “我非常渴望成为最好的自己.”

投资银行部麦克菲力, the Tigers’ assistant soccer coach at the time, remembers Moawad’s unbridled enthusiasm. When Moawad first approached him and head coach Costa Nicolaou on the lower soccer field and said he’d like to play for the Tigers, 他注意到草地上有一个足球. “嗯, he took that ball and screamed toward the halfway line at 100 miles per hour,麦克菲利回忆道. “He jumped up in the air to kick the ball—and fell down on the flat of his back.”

由Moawad的游戏提供动力, center, 在1994年的会议上,Oxy获得了第二名.
尽管有第一印象, Moawad proved himself to be one of the most effective players on the team. He earned All-SCIAC honors in 1994 and 1995, and was runner-up for league MVP as a senior. 通过他的态度, 努力工作, 表演, 以及对这项运动的热爱, 他大大提高了自己,麦克菲利说. “他总是渴望学习.”

布莱恩·纽霍尔,83年, 西方大学篮球总教练兼体育副主任, 能和Moawad联系起来吗. 他说:“我们俩都是‘努力拼搏’的运动员。. “We had to work a little harder, do the little extras to make it on the basketball court.“作为一名球员, Moawad的突出不仅仅是因为他的职业道德, 但也因为他精神上的坚韧和对其他球员的支持, 纽霍尔说. “特雷弗代表了球队中所有积极的无形资产. 他有“它”的因素.”

International Management Group’s 400-acre training facility in Bradenton is a long way from the overcrowded 洛杉矶 high school where Moawad started his career. 在他以B的成绩从奥施康定毕业之后.A. 1995年获得比较政治学学位,1996年获得教育学硕士学位, Moawad taught for two years at John Marshall High School in Los Feliz—where some of his students couldn’t speak English, and his classes were often so crowded that some students had to share desks.

Moawad教授历史和心理学课程, 以及他开发的名为“释放你的潜力”的课程.他学会了如何应对学生注意力短暂的问题, 如何用视觉图像和其他工具吸引他们, 以及如何改变教学方向,更好地影响学生. “这就像哈佛的课堂管理,”莫阿瓦德说. “我在迈阿密海豚队面前的能力或1,500 athletes at the Under Armour Combine [an event open to high school freshmen, 二年级的学生, and juniors looking to measure their athletic potential] was shaped in large part by learning how to survive at John Marshall.”

Moawad offers encouragement on the sidelines to members of the Florida State football team. 作为IMG绩效咨询公司的负责人, Moawad在82所一级大学待命, 包括塞米诺尔人.
He taught for another two years at a private high school in Boca Raton, Fla.在那里,他还担任高尔夫球和足球教练. Moawad’s introduction to IMG Academies—which has grown into one of the top multi-sport training and educational institutions worldwide since its founding in 1978—came through an IMG coaching clinic. IMG的员工给他留下了深刻的印象, 教学方法, 以及他在公司实习的设施. That internship led to a full-time gig as a mental-conditioning consultant.

在IMG学院待了11年后, 最后三次担任IMG表演研究所所长, Moawad正在转变为一个更大的角色. 担任IMG绩效咨询公司的主管, he is on call to Division I universities and sports franchises such as Dutch pro soccer team Ajax Amsterdam and the Welsh Rugby Union national team.

除了, Moawad is helping IMG partner with sportswear manufacturer Under Armour and the Mayo Clinic to develop the Combine 360, a global measurement standard for sports 表演 for recreational and professional athletes alike. The 90-minute test measures mental and physical fitness, nutrition, mobility, and other factors. “It’s trying to help athletes more than just running faster and jumping higher,他说. “这是关于改善你的训练方式, 你吃什么, 以及你如何在心理上做好准备,以达到最佳状态.”

像他的父亲一样, Moawad lasers in on people’s untapped potential by helping them understand the power of the mind. “当你有一个内在的控制点, 然后你要牢牢抓住前进的方向,他说. His career trajectory brings to mind another piece of advice that his father imparted to Moawad long ago: “Your attitude, 不是你的天资, 最终决定了你的高度.”




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