Merit scholarships are awarded to a limited number of incoming students who have demonstrated the highest level of academic achievement and will continue this success at Oxy.

All applicants are automatically reviewed for merit scholarships; there is not a separate application process. Merit scholarships are awarded at the time of admission and are final.

Academic merit scholarships are determined and awarded to students separate from any need-based aid they may receive. Students not applying for need-based aid do not need to complete a FAFSA or CSS profile. Learn more about how the financial aid process works.

Our merit scholarships fall into two categories: general merit scholarships and specialized merit scholarships.

General Merit 奖学金 (for Fall 2024 Entry)

1887年奖学金 获得最高10美元的奖励,000 per year and are renewable for three additional years for a total of up to $40,000.

荣誉奖学金 获得最高15美元的奖励,000 per year and are renewable for three additional years for a total of up to $60,000. 

社区影响奖学金 获得17美元的奖金,500 per year and are renewable for three additional years for a total of up to $70,000.

总统奖学金 获得20美元的奖金,000 per year and are renewable for three additional years for a total of up to $80,000.

受托人 奖学金 获得25美元的奖金,000 per year and are renewable for three additional years for a total of up to $100,000.

玛格丽特邦迪斯科特奖学金 是35美元吗,000 per year and are renewable for three additional years for a total of up to $140,000. 


纪念奖学金 can be awarded to one student from each of the following 洛杉矶 high schools: Eagle Rock Senior, 本杰明•富兰克林, 詹姆斯一. 加菲猫和西奥多·罗斯福. This scholarship is awarded to students with outstanding academic records who demonstrate a strong commitment to their community. The scholarship covers tuition, required fees, a double room, and Meal Plan B. The scholarship is renewable for three additional years provided the student maintains satisfactory academic progress. Centennial Scholars must be enrolled full-time to be eligible for this award. If the student chooses to live off-campus, this scholarship will only cover tuition and required fees.

艾哲顿-西方优秀奖学金 was established in 2020 by Louise and Bradford Edgerton, 埃杰顿基金会的负责人, as a way for talented middle-class students, who otherwise could not afford a private liberal arts college, to be able to choose the school that best fits their needs and aspirations without tuition being the deciding factor. Louise Edgerton served ten years on the Occidental Board of 受托人s and was involved in board conversations regarding the shrinking population of middle-class students on liberal arts campuses across the nation. The Edgerton-Occidental Merit Scholarship is awarded annually in the amount of $50,000 to outstanding entering students who reside in California. 在这个项目下, students selected as Edgerton-Occidental Merit Scholars are able to keep their prestigious scholarships—as long as they maintain a record of good standing—for each year of their Occidental education (for a total of up to $200,000). 

西方国家优秀奖学金 are awarded to honor scholastically talented high school students through an annual competition. 被考虑获得奖项, students must have taken the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) in their junior year of high school. 每年的奖金从500美元到2000美元不等. The scholarship is renewable for three additional years provided the student maintains satisfactory academic progress. National Merit Scholars must be enrolled full-time to be eligible for this award.


  1. Renewal of our merit scholarships requires recipients to be making satisfactory academic progress defined as:
  • Enrollment in at least six units at 十大正规网赌平台 (at least 12 units for the Centennial Scholarship and Occidental National Merit Scholarship)
  • 累积平均绩点2分.1887年的奖学金, 荣誉奖学金, Edgerton-Occidental Merit Scholarship and 西方国家优秀奖学金
  • 累积平均绩点3分.00 for the Community Impact and 总统奖学金
  • 累积平均绩点3分.为受托人奖学金
  • 累积平均绩点3分.25 for the 玛格丽特邦迪斯科特奖学金
  1. Recipients that fall below the required cumulative GPA for their scholarship will be given a one-year probation period in order to meet the GPA to regain eligibility. If the required cumulative GPA for their scholarship is not attained at the end of the one-year probation period, 不再批准进一步的延期.
  2. Merit scholarships are pro-rated if you do not attend for the entire academic year. With the exception of the Centennial Scholarship and Occidental National Merit Scholarship, merit scholarships are also prorated for students enrolled less than full-time (12 units). Recipients must be enrolled in at least 6 units to receive a pro-rated scholarship.
  3. Merit scholarships for transfer students are pro-rated based upon the transfer student’s grade level and number of financial aid semesters offered determined at the time of admission.
  4. For information on merit scholarships that were available and awarded in prior years, please see the 财政援助政策指引 获奖的那一年. 
请浏览我们的 政策 webpage and download the policy guide for more details.

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