我们将于5月19日(周日)上午9点为2024届毕业生举行现场毕业典礼.m. in Hillside Theater. 对于无法参加的家庭成员,将提供直播(随着日期的临近,请查看毕业典礼主页).

Commencement Ceremony Information

Admission to Commencement

毕业典礼当天进入希尔赛德剧院需要佩戴腕带. 两岁以下的儿童,坐在大腿上,不需要腕带. Please coordinate with your student, 因为在毕业典礼前一周,当他们拿起帽子和礼服时,他们会得到7个腕带. 请注意,腕带是不可转让的,没有腕带的人不允许进入影院.

在仪式和相关活动期间,将增派安保人员, with plans in place to address disruptions. 行李将在剧院入口处接受检查,所以请预留额外的时间办理登机手续. No weapons, strollers, umbrellas, balloons, 或大于24英寸× 36英寸的标牌将被允许进入影院.


2024届毕业生的现场毕业典礼将在网上进行直播,以方便那些无法参加的家庭成员. YouTube首映式的链接将在颁奖典礼前几天发布,并将于周日上线, May 19 at 8:30 a.m. (Pacific Daylight Time).

Additionally, 毕业典礼将在诺里斯化学大厅的Mosher 1现场直播, an ADA-accessible, air-conditioned auditorium. Mosher 1就在学术广场旁边,毕业典礼后的招待会就在那里举行. Wristbands are not required to watch the livestream in Mosher 1, and seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Theater Seating

The doors will open at 7:00 a.m. No one will be admitted before then. Everyone needs to be seated by 8:45 a.m. for Commencement to begin at 9:00 a.m. sharp.

请注意,山坡剧院的座位是混凝土的,没有背部支撑. Therefore, you may want to bring a blanket or seat cushion. 仪式开始前,人们可以在希尔赛德剧院的书店购买坐垫. 请勿携带婴儿车、雨伞、气球和大于24英寸× 36英寸的标牌进入影院.

Water Refill Stations

与书院致力减少废物及环境可持续发展的承诺一致, the College will be providing filtered, 在今年的毕业典礼上使用冷冻水补给站,而不是一次性塑料水瓶. Please bring your own reusable water bottle. Two refill stations will be located next to Keck Theater, accessible through Hillside Theater, 另外两站将设于学术广场,供毕业典礼后的酒会使用.


毕业典礼当天,在希尔赛德剧院附近的多个地点都可以买到鲜花. 商业公司“毕业典礼集团”提供新鲜的花束和兰花花环. For more information, please contact the Bookstore at bookstore@tbc007.net or (323) 259-2630.


请注意,山坡剧院不允许携带宠物入场(导盲犬和K-9辅助犬除外)。. Comfort animals are not allowed.

General Parking

出席毕业典礼的嘉宾可在校园泊车. Parking is on a first-come, first-served basis. 活动当天上午,校园安全人员将引导来宾到指定的停车场.


为了消除该区域的拥挤和混乱,不允许个人直接在平台前拍照或录像. Grad Images, a commercial firm, 你会在毕业典礼上为每个毕业生拍照吗. Several weeks after Commencement, 校样和订单将发送到学生的电子邮件地址,并与注册办公室存档.

Clothing Suggestions

校园的地形需要相当长的步行往返剧院和停车场. Comfortable shoes are a must. Because Hillside Theater is an open-air venue, 请谨慎行事并查看天气预报,因为剧院内的情况可能会使年幼的儿童和老年人感到不舒服. If the weather is unseasonably warm, you will appreciate having water, a hat, sunglasses, 在婚礼上要涂抹防晒霜,因为大多数座位都在阳光直射下. Should the weather be overcast, you should also bring a jacket. 

Special Assistance

要想在希尔赛德剧院选到最好的座位,提前到达是必不可少的, 但对于需要特殊帮助的人来说,安排在上午8点之前就座尤为重要.m. 为有特殊需要的人预留了一定数量的座位.

  • 需要特殊帮助的学生,将在毕业典礼当天以先到先得的方式分配座位, first-served basis.
  • You do not need to fill out a form to request special seating.
  • Occidental College is unable to furnish wheelchairs. 如果您来自较远的地方,无法携带轮椅, rental arrangements are possible but must be made in advance. Please contact Saraith Murillo at (323) 259-2558 or smurillo@tbc007.net for assistance.

ADA Parking

ADA parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis, 但你必须出示车管所的残疾人牌照才能进入《十大正规网赌平台》的校园停车位. When you arrive, 校园安全人员会指引你到最近的残疾人停车场. ADA停车场将提供班车,将您送到Hillside剧院的北入口,并在毕业典礼结束后返回ADA停车场.

Shuttles will run on designated routes from 7 a.m. until 8:45 a.m.,从毕业典礼结束到下午一点半.m.

如果您对ADA停车有任何疑问,请联系Saraith Murillo,电话:(323)259-2558或 smurillo@tbc007.net for assistance.

Travel & Transportation Information


There are two main airports that serve Occidental. 最近的是好莱坞伯班克机场,距离校园不到半小时. 洛杉矶国际机场距离学校大约一个小时的车程,取决于交通状况. 交通可从每个机场到帕萨迪纳地区的酒店和其他住宿.

Hotel Information

当地的旅馆住宿可以在鹰岩,格兰代尔,帕萨迪纳和南帕萨迪纳找到. 许多旅馆为十大正规网赌平台的游客提供特别折扣. Please inquire about discounts when making your reservation. 

View the hotel information page. 

Maps & Directions

View directions to campus and view the downloadable campus map.


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