By Koko Butcher '25, Kamea Quetti-Hall '22, Nathan Tam '23, Julia Henry '24 马克·坎波斯摄
homecoming parade photo

Every path to Occidental is unique. 我们很高兴能聚焦我们的一些学生,因为他们反映了他们的旅程选择氧! And remember, you can always connect with current students on our “问学生”网页. Io Triumphe! 

“Oxy is interested in what will make you stand out.”

I chose Oxy because I was looking for a new sense of community. Though I’ve only been at Oxy for around six months, I have found a multitude of communities through athletics, 俱乐部, 学者, and in my friend groups. When I was looking for colleges, 我知道我想要的是一所文理学院,它有一支水球队,而且在西海岸. As I started to learn more about Oxy, I fell in love with the tight-knit community, the beautiful campus and, 最重要的是, 全新的泳池. Conversations that I had with my coach, 心理学教授, 还有很多学生, 真的帮助我了解到Oxy社区是多么愿意支持和指导你度过任何困难. 

我申请了Oxy作为早期决定I的申请人,这是我做过的最好的决定. Oxy is interested in what will make you stand out from other people, whether it’s a super cool hobby or just a fun talent you have. I’m so sure that I made the right decision to come here. Oxy has provided me with 社区 that I’ve always sought, and has grown to become a place I call home. Oxy blew my expectations away and has really taught me a lot—not just academically, 也是关于生命的.

- Koko Butcher ‘25, Aiea, Hawaii 

“The sense of connectedness I felt to the student body was special.”

在高中四年级的秋季学期,我向大学顾问出示了我的学校名单后,我找到了十大正规网赌平台. 基于我所寻找的——一所能进入大城市的加州小学校——我的顾问建议我申请Oxy. Upon visiting the campus, 尽管我还没有进入这所学校,但我与学生群体之间的联系感很特别,这也是最终说服我选择就读这所学校的原因. 除了优秀的学术文化,令人惊叹的教授和引人入胜的课程, Oxy为我提供了一个重要的社区,帮助我适应了在全国各地上大学的生活.

Kamea’ 22 with the volleyball team

Reflecting back on my experience now as a college senior, 我非常感激我在奥施康定的四年,并为未来做好了充分的准备. 在大学里,我遇到了一些最好的朋友,留下了一些最美好的回忆, 但我认为我最感激的是我从教授那里得到的联系和指导. Best of luck and enjoy the college process, it goes by faster than you realize!

-Kamea Quetti-Hall ‘22, Pittsfield, MA 


I knew a couple of things going into the college application process. The factors that helped me narrow my search included location, 天气, 大小, 学校类型, 社区, 整体氛围. Coming from San Francisco, I wanted to venture beyond the wet fog and bask in some sunshine and warmth. 我把重点放在南加州,尤其是洛杉矶附近,因为我希望在一个大的, urban city to which I had already been accustomed. As the youngest in my family, 我也跟随我的两个哥哥在较小的文理学院的旅程,我认为我会在类似的环境中做得最好. 

Knowing my learning style and preference for smaller, interactive classes where I could engage with my peers and professors, 我想要一个亲密的学习环境,可以接触到学术和专业导师. I was also hoping to find a collaborative, 而不是竞争激烈的学术氛围,在那里我可以看到自己参与学习小组,通过与同龄人一起做作业找到社区. This narrowed down my search to a collection of about ten small, liberal arts colleges and universities in Southern California. 

I watched all the Youtube videos that I could find about Oxy, searched many of the pages of the extensive parts of the website, and visited Oxy in the spring of my junior year of high school. 我报名参加了一个应届毕业生的面试,他告诉我,如果我参加的话,Dance Pro和Peer Health Exchange可能是我感兴趣的机会. When I came to Oxy in April for Admitted Students Weekend, 我能够旁听一门我觉得特别有趣和吸引人的课. The instructor was Professor of Politics Regina Freer, who is now teaching one of my current courses, “Community Planning and Politics Practicum.” (I would highly recommend Professor Freer to any student attending Oxy, even if you are not planning on a politics major!) 

Nathan Tam and friend Marissa hiking in Arches National Park, UT

After shadowing Professor Freer's class, 我和妈妈决定长途跋涉去上校区的城市与环境政策研究所. 我对这个琅琅上口的系名很感兴趣,想了解更多关于这个专业的知识,看看我是否适合这个项目. 我记得下午早些时候走进那间安静的房子,问西尔维亚·奇科(Sylvia Chico,你见过的最好的人之一)是否有教授可以让我谈谈城市与环境政策(UEP)专业. 她把玛莎·松冈副教授从楼上的办公室叫了下来,我和妈妈坐了半个小时,聊了聊这个项目的内容,以及适合这个项目的学生类型. 刚开始申请大学的时候,我想学政治专业, but after this short conversation with Professor Matsuoka, I was drawn to and compelled by the UEP program.

一旦进入校园, 我参加了松冈教授的UEP 101课程“环境与社会”,并在Oxy的第一学期宣布了我的专业. Matsuoka教授现在是我的指导老师,我们定期见面讨论从规划我的UEP高级综合研究课题的所有事情, post-Oxy计划, what shows we’re currently watching, or our weekly tai chi class with a few other students. 我很感激能来到奥施康定,并在社区中找到了与我建立了深厚关系的人!

-Nathan Tam ‘23, San Francisco, CA


和大多数高中生一样,我的大学录取过程令人困惑、费力、压力重重. 浏览通用应用程序和不同学校的各种申请网站是多么不必要的困难,这让我感到沮丧. I ended up applying to 17 schools, and I felt drained after submitting my last application, in addition to handling my rigorous course load and extracurriculars. Being a California native, I felt it necessary to apply to one CSU school and three UCs, but I also applied to several liberal arts colleges around the country, 包括含氧的. I had learned about Oxy from my high school counselor, who suggested that I might like a smaller college experience. I applied to Oxy Regular Decision, 参观后我知道我想去一所像十大正规网赌平台这样的学校:一所致力于公平和包容的小型文理学院. 在我的旅行中, 我们的导游向我兜售了她在奥施康定的经历,让我觉得我可以在校园里看到自己, and find like-minded people who I could learn well with. 

Like most Class of 2020 grads, I felt shortchanged by my senior year, and even after getting into Oxy, which was my top choice, I knew that COVID would have a permanent effect on my college experience, 这是毁灭性的. As acceptances and rejections started rolling in, I thought about what I wanted my college experience to feel like, especially considering the unique circumstances of the pandemic. After being admitted to Oxy, I accepted my offer and began planning my first year. 我在家里度过了大学的第一年,全职工作,虚拟学习. 虽然我不在校园里,但我确实觉得自己融入了一个新的社区. 我的教授们承担了一项艰巨的任务,帮助我们在虚拟环境中有宾至如归的感觉, and I didn't feel shortchanged by my academic endeavors, 因为我的教授们竭尽全力地照顾每个学生的独特情况. 

Since coming to campus, 我觉得Oxy在学术上改变了我的世界观,让我看到了从事国际关系职业的各种可能性. The people I've met at Oxy, 包括教师, 工作人员, and amongst the student body, are interesting and dynamic folks who want to change the world for the better, and they inspire me everyday. Although I expected to be happy on Oxy's campus, I truly love my college experience and am so glad I chose to be a Tiger. 

-Julia Henry ‘24, Laguna Beach, CA

Julia ‘24 and friends on the JSC Academic quad





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