How to get courses approved for transfer credit.

西方学生可以在其他学院或大学完成的课程中获得转学分, 尽管有一些重要的政策和限制适用. Please read the information on this page carefully.

Important Note: 本网页旨在提供有用的提示和有关政策的简明摘要. For the official policies, please see the Transfer Credit and Core Program sections of the Catalog.

Key Policies & Limitations


  • 该课程必须由地区认可的学院或大学提供,并且在与西方文科课程广泛兼容的研究领域内. 
  • The course should be approved in advance by the chair of the equivalent Occidental College department.
  • The course grade must be a C- or higher.


In addition, the following limitations apply:

  • 在毕业所需的128个学分中,最多64个学期的学分将被接受.
  • 在每个学术部门的自由裁量权下,接受在线课程转学分. When contacting a department chair, 一定要注明你计划参加的课程是否是面对面的, hybrid, or online.
  • Online courses are not accepted for fulfillment of Core Requirements.
  • 使用学分/无学分、及格/不及格或类似评分模式评分的课程可以 not be used to fulfill major, minor, or core requirements. 
  • Transfer courses taken by currently enrolled Oxy students 在秋季或春季学期开设的课程不能是十大正规网赌平台目前开设的课程,也不能用于满足核心要求. In addition, 这些课程将计入该学期注册的18或20个单元的上限. 
  • 在秋季或春季学期参加非oxy批准的海外学习项目的课程将不被批准转学分.
  • 体育活动类课程最多可获得4个学分, 包括在十大正规网赌平台和其他学院的课程. 此外,每学期的体育活动学分不得超过1个单元.


Do the Following Before Enrolling in a Course
  1. 确定你希望在另一所学院或大学学习的课程. 一定要保存每门课程的课程描述和/或教学大纲.  
  2. Fill out the Transfer Credit & Course Substitution Form which is available to download from the Registrar's Office webpage.
  3. Do you want the course to fulfill a major or minor requirement? 如果是,在表格上注明你希望课程满足哪些要求. You will need to get approval from the department chair 对于主修/辅修(这可能是需要在步骤4中签名的同一个人).
  4. For each course, contact the chair of the appropriate academic department at Occidental and provide them with your form, along with a course description and/or syllabus to review. 例如,在另一所大学修的一门生物学课程将由西方生物学院的系主任进行审查. 对于十大正规网赌平台没有开设的课程,学生应该联系学校的 Associate Dean for Curricular Affairs
  5. Do you want the course to fulfill a Core requirement? If so, indicate on the form which Core requirement (e.g. Arts, Lab Science, U.S. Diversity, etc.) you wish to fulfill with the course. 将表格连同课程描述一起发送至核心项目( for approval.
  6. Contact your faculty advisor to get approval. 如果你的指导老师不在,请联系指导中心(
  7. 你参加的留学项目是在夏季还是在1月份? If so, you'll also need to contact the International Programs Office for approval. 
  8. 将填妥的表格连同所有签署及批准声明一并交回注册主任办公室(
Do the Following After Completing a Course
  1. 完成课程后,你应该让另一所学校送一份 official transcript to Occidental's Registrars Office. Once your transcript is received and processed, 你的转学单元将被授予,任何批准的要求将被标记为完成学位课程. 

Frequently Asked Questions


绝大多数授予学位的学院和大学都符合这一要求. 通常,认证状态会在机构网站上列出. If you are unsure about whether an institution is accredited, please contact the Occidental Registrar's Office ( for additional guidance.

What's the difference between quarter and semester units?

学院和大学使用各种各样的系统来授予和跟踪学分. The most common systems are quarter units and semester units, 它们通常与一个机构的学术日历(e.g. 10 week quarters vs. 14 weeks semesters). 

Occidental uses semester units. 在其他采用学期制的学校学习的课程将不会被转换. 在使用四分之一单位的学校开设的课程将转换为a .66 multiplier. 例如,5个季度的课程将获得3个学期的学分转学.

Can I take business or marketing courses for transfer credit? 

商业和市场营销课程通常由西方经济系主任批准. The department's policy is as follows:

经济系的政策是,所有学生都可以在牛津大学或其他学术机构修习一门预专业商业或会计课程,并获得学分. 已经获得ECON 233:会计和财务分析学分的学生将不被批准获得额外商业或会计课程的转学分. Likewise, 获得商业或会计课程转学分的学生,如果没有通过特别考虑请愿书获得特别批准,将不允许参加ECON 233课程. 

Can I take an anthropology course for transfer credit?

Even though Occidental doesn't have an anthropology department, 人类学课程通常可以转学分. Students should contact the Associate Dean for Curricular Affairs to request approval. 


在完成另一所学院或大学的课程后,仍然可以通过提交转学分/课程替代表来获得转学分. Please note, however, that there is no guarantee that a course will be approved, 因此,最好提前获得课程批准,以确保你不会浪费时间和金钱在一个不会获得转学分的课程上.

How do I check to see if my transfer credits have been processed?

您可以通过myOxy→学术→成绩查看已添加到学习记录中的转学课程列表 & Academic Records → Transfer Courses. 只有在正式成绩单提交到注册办公室进行处理后,课程才能显示. 


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    Johnson Student Center

    First floor, Room 134