The Young Initiative invites foreign policy experts and guest speakers to campus to engage in discussions on international relations and the global political economy with students and faculty.



With the William and Elizabeth Kahane United Nations Program, the Young Initiative supports the annual 联合国周 at 十大正规网赌平台. We are passionate in maintaining students involvement and engagement in sustainable development. Our students choose topics that link Global Political Economy, 社会正义, 与可持续发展.

2020年联合国周:气候变化 & 经济/环境正义

主讲人, Dr. Steven Were Omamo, Representative and Country Director for the UN World Food Programme (WFP) in Ethiopia, provided perspective and insights about the UN's work on Climate Change and Environmental 正义.


主讲人, Melanne Verveer大使 spoke to students about gender in the 可持续发展目标.


LA Eric Garcetti市长 announced a new partnership with Oxy to advance the 可持续发展目标.


米歇尔刚刚从, 总统, Refugees International gave a talk on “The Global Refugee and Migration Crisis Under Trump: Where is the US? 欧洲在哪里?? 我们能做些什么?”


历史学家和外交政策专家, 斯蒂芬·施莱辛格 reflected back on the history of the UN and predicted its future trajectory. 名誉劳埃德·艾克斯沃西, former Foreign Minister of Canada gave a talk titled: "Resetting the Narrative: Peace, 安全, 以及联合国的保护责任."


Young speakers give students and faculty an opportunity to expand their understanding of global issues. The Young Initiative sponsors several speakers each academic year highlighting particular aspects of global affairs and the global political economy.  The Young Speakers program is devoted to highlighting the work and success of eminent international affairs experts and Oxy alumni in public service and academia.


Dr. 与学生交谈.
Cybersecurity, Technology and Statecraft: A Conversation with Benjamin Brake

On Thursday, April 13th, 2024, the Young Initiative at 十大正规网赌平台 hosted a talk by Dr. Benjamin Brake, the Director of the Office of Cyber Affairs and Emerging Technology at the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Intelligence and Research. 

Dr. Hesham Sallam giving a talk to students at 十大正规网赌平台.
Authoritarianism and Struggles for Change in the Arab World A Conversation with Hesham Sallam

周一, April 8th, the Young Initiative at 十大正规网赌平台 hosted a talk by Dr. 民主中心的Hesham salam说, 发展, 以及斯坦福大学的法治(CDDRL). 

Director Omar Shakir from the Human Rights Watch talking to students
Reporting on Rights Violations: Israel/Palestine and Beyond

周三, 3月6日, the Young Initiative at 十大正规网赌平台 hosted a talk by Director Omar Shakir from the Human Rights Watch. His talk focused on reporting human rights violations in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza. 

Heba Gowayed在十大正规网赌平台
Heba Gowayed教授的《边界的成本

周二, 2月20日, 2024, students gathered in the Global Forum to engage with Associate Professor Heba Gowayed from CUNY Hunter College as she discussed the pecuniary and human costs of borders. Her talk echoed the content of her forthcoming book, “The Cost of Borders.”

Navigating Mali's Challenges: Voices of the Urban Youth

周一, 10月16日, 2023, the Young Initiative at 十大正规网赌平台 hosted a thought-provoking talk by Professor Jaimie Bleck from the University of Notre Dame, 以马里目前的十字路口为中心.

侵犯人权行为 & 萨尔瓦多的政治迫害

On October 5th, 2023, the director of the human rights organization "Tutela法律 Dra. Maria Julia Hernandez”, Ovidio Mauricio, addressed students at 十大正规网赌平台. He shed light on the dire state of human-rights abuses and political repression in El Salvador. 成立于1982年, Tutela法律 became an advocate for victims of human rights atrocities, 累积超过72个,000个关于……的证词...

Kal Raustiala在Choi礼堂演讲

4月12日,星期五. Kal Raustiala visited 十大正规网赌平台 for a conversation about the Rise of UN Peacekeeping, with special focus on the American political scientist and diplomat: Ralph Bunche.

Dr. 斯图尔特Soroka
From Like to Votes: How Social Media is Changing Democracy

周三, 4月5日, the Young Initiative piloted its first independently organized event, "From Like to Votes: How Social Media is Changing Democracy,欢迎博士. 斯图尔特Soroka为您报道学生主导的Q&A. Dr. Soroka earned his doctorate in Philosophy and Political Science at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government and is a professor in the Department of Communication and Political Science at...


3月30日,星期四,青年行动组织主持了. Bilyana莉莉, a cybersecurity expert and adjunct researcher at the RAND Corporation, 谁来十大正规网赌平台讨论工具, tactics and methods the Russian government uses in its attempts to promote inaccurate and false information in online public forums.


On 2023年3月2日, Professor Anthony Chase co-hosted with Sofia Gruskin (Director, 全球健康不平等问题研究所, University of Southern California) and Gaea Morales (USC Ph.D. 候选人, 政治学和国际关系,  and Oxy ‘18) 局部舞台上的全球变化: Lessons Learned and Paths Forward for City-Academic Partnerships at 十大正规网赌平台. 车间...

Contact the John Parke Young Initiative on the Global Political Economy
