B.A., University of San Diego; Ph.D.加州大学圣巴巴拉分校
Thursday 4:30pm-5:30pm and Friday 10:30am-12:30pm

Shana Goffredi’s research interests concern beneficial symbiotic partnerships between bacteria and invertebrates.

读她的 Oxy故事简介

Research . Courses . Publications


Dr. Goffredi’s research interests concern beneficial symbiotic partnerships between bacteria and invertebrates.  Most of her career has so far been devoted to the study of beneficial associations between bacteria and deep-sea invertebrates,including marine polychaetes (Riftia and Osedax), 蛤蜊(Calyptogena), 螃蟹(雪人蟹Kiwa), 和水蛭. 在过去的几年里, she has begun to explore tropical insects which provide many promising new avenues for research with regard to bacterial involvement in their nutritional ecology. Dr. Goffredi was the recipient of the 2014 Linda and Tod White Teaching Prize

Dr. Goffredi’s funding has come from the National Science Foundation, and she has published in journals such as Frontiers in Microbiology, 环境微生物学与科学. 她的B.S. 她在大学攻读生物/海洋科学专业. 她是圣地亚哥大学的博士.D. is in Ecology, Evolution, and Marine 医学杂志ogy from UC Santa Barbara.



An introduction to the diversity, comparative anatomy, physiology, and ecology of 动物. 重点放在分类学上, 适应环境, and the evolutionary relationships between animal phyla. Together we build an understanding of animal life on this planet. Students learn to appreciate specific features in animal architecture, trends in the evolution of body design that are shared among animal groups, 和动物多样性的一般制作. Students gain the knowledge and curiosity to recognize that different 动物 are adapted to different circumstances with unique capabilities.


介绍微生物的世界, 包括病毒, 古生菌, 和细菌, and their role in shaping and sustaining life on Earth. 重点将放在结构上, 新陈代谢, physiological and biochemical adaptations to unusual environments, 系统发育分析, 生物技术, 微生物生态学和生物相互作用, 包括植物和动物的共生. Students will develop an appreciation for the ubiquity and necessity of microbes and will no longer consider experiences with disease as solely significant.  而, students will be able to discuss the ways in which microbes, through their enormous metabolic and genetic diversity, 让我们的星球适合居住. 在实验室里, students will consider and examine microbial growth and function and will select familiar environments from which to investigate microbial life.


Symbioses are intimate associations involving two or more species. Symbiotic associations are widespread in nature and we can expect to find them in every type of ecological niche. This course will cover the diversity of symbiotic interactions that exist between both microbes and fungi and various eukaryotic hosts, 包括植物, 动物, 和原生生物, 以及其他微生物. 主题将从分子到生态, including the specific molecular communication between partners, 不寻常寄主结构的演化, novel physiological and biochemical capabilities, and the unique ecological advantages that many symbioses confer. 这门Courses也包括写作, 展示, and reviewing of published work on various symbioses.

Publications(2010 - 2017)

(*) indicates Oxy undergraduate authors, (^) indicates Oxy masters student authors

Aronson, H.S.*, A.J. 泽尔默,戈弗雷迪,S.K, (2017). The specific and exclusive microbiome of the deep-sea bone-eating snail, Rubyspira osteovora. 微生物生态学. 93 (3): fiw250.

Pasulka,.L., S.K. Goffredi P.L. Tavormina K.S. 道森,L.A. 莱文,G.W. 维多利亚·劳斯. 孤儿. (2017). Colonial tube-dwelling ciliates influence methane cycling and microbial diversity within methane seep ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science - Aquatic Microbiology. 3:276. doi: 10.3389 / fmars.2016.00276.

克兰,J.*, A. 麦克亨利*. C. 蒙特隆戈*,戈弗雷迪,S.K, (2016). Decomposition of plant-sourced carbon compounds by heterotrophic Betaproteobacteria isolated from the tank of a tropical Costa Rican bromeliad. MicrobiologyOpen. doi: 10.1002 / mbo3.344.

Goffredi,年代.K., G. 张成泽,M. Haroom. (2015) Transcriptomics in the tropics: Total RNA-based profiling of Costa Rican bromeliad-associated communities. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 13: 18-23.

拉赫曼,N.A., D.H. 公园、维.L. 维尔纳,.L. Engelbrektson,年代.K. Goffredi F. Warnecke R.H. Scheffrahn和P. Hugenholtz. (新闻). A molecular survey of Australian and North American termite genera indicates that co-evolution is the primary force shaping termite gut microbiomes. 微生物组. 3:5 doi: 10.1186/s40168-015-0067-8.

Bistolas K.I.S.*, R. 坂本*. J.A.M. 费尔南德斯,戈弗雷迪,S.K, (2014). Symbiont polyphyly, co-evolution, and necessity in pentatomid stinkbugs from Costa Rica. 微生物学前沿. [05:34 . 49] doi: 10.3389 / fmicb.2014.00349

拉森,H.K.Goffredi,年代.K.帕拉,E.L.巴尔加斯,O.平托,A.McGlynn, T.P. (2014). Distribution and dietary regulation of an associated facultative Rhizobiales-related bacterium in the omnivorous Giant Tropical Ant, Paraponera clavata.自然科学期刊. 101(5): 397-406.

Goffredi,年代.K, W.J. 琼斯. 格里高利* N. Morella * R. 坂本*. (2014). Ontogenetic variation in epibiont community structure in the deep-sea yeti crab, Kiwa hirsuta:甲壳类动物的趋同. 分子生态学.23:1457-1472.

Goffredi,年代.K, H. 咦,问. 张,我. 克兰*,我. 特斯。特鲁夫* R.C. Virjenhoek C. 棕色(的). (2014). Genomic versatility and functional variation between two dominant heterotrophic symbionts of deep-sea Osedax worms. ISME期刊. 8: 908-924.

Goffredi年代.K., N. Morella *,米. Pulcrano *. (2012). Affiliations between bacteria and marine fish leeches (Piscicolidae), with emphasis on a new deep-sea species from Monterey Canyon, CA. 环境微生物学. 14:2429-2444.

Levin LA, 孤儿 VJ, Rouse GW, Rathburn AE, Ussler W III, Cook GS, Goffredi年代.K.等。. (2012). A hydrothermal seep on the Costa Rica margin: middle ground in a continuum of reducing ecosystems. Proc. R. Soc. B. 279: 2580-2588.

马丁•^.M. 和S.K. Goffredi. (2012). “Pliocardia” krylovata, a new species of vesicomyid clam from cold seeps along the Costa Rica Margin. 英国海洋生物协会杂志. 92:1127-1137.

Goffredi年代.K., G. 张成泽* W. T. 伍德赛德*和W. 永联三世..(2011). Bromeliad catchments as habitats for methanogenesis in tropical rainforest canopies. 微生物学前沿. 2:256. doi: 10.3389 / fmicb.2011.00256.

马丁•^.M. G. M. 马丁,R. 巴特勒和S.K. Goffredi. (2011). Synthesis of keyhole limpet hemocyanin by the rhogocytes of Megathura crenulata. 无脊椎动物生物学. 130: 302-312.

劳斯克.W., S.K. Goffredi,年代. B. 约翰逊和R. C. Vrijenhoek (2011) Not whale-fall specialists, Osedax worms also consume fishbones. 医学杂志. 列托语. 7:736-739.

Goffredi年代.K., A.H. W·坎特*,.T. 伍德赛德* (2011). Aquatic microbial habitats within a neotropical rainforest: bromeliads and pH-associated trends in bacterial diversity. 生态学报,26 (1):529-542.

Goffredi年代.K. (2010). Indigenous ectosymbiotic bacteria associated with diverse hydrothermal vent invertebrates.环境. Microbiol. 报告. 2: 479-488.

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