B.A., UC Riverside; M.A., Ph.D., University of Notre Dame


My work focuses mainly on immigration and 移民政策. 我研究移民政策对移民、他们的家庭和社区的影响. I've written on the ways that U.S. 移民执法影响儿童的学业进展,以及混合身份家庭中个人的政治参与和入籍模式. I have also explored questions related to immigrant detention, immigrant entrepreneurship, as well as immigrant retirement and social security claiming behavior. My recent work looks at how U.S. 管理移民流入的战略影响到无人陪伴的移民儿童与家人团聚的速度. 

In addition to my work on immigration, 我目前正在评估面对面的监狱大学项目对在押人员生活的影响. 我和我的合著者利用这些项目的扩展,遵循加州的一项法律,该法律允许公立学院和大学接受国家资助,用于在监狱里教授的课程. We examine how the programs shape incarcerated individuals’ preparation for release. 

我还写过一篇关于为经济学本科生创造归属感的文章, 以及如何将种族和种族主义的讨论纳入经济学入门.

I am a member of the American Society for Hispanic Economists (ASHE), 我目前任职于论文评奖委员会我是少数群体在经济学专业地位委员会(CSMGEP)的董事会成员.

目前, 作为行为科学高级研究中心(CASBS)的2023-24年度核心研究员,我正在休假, Stanford University where I am working on the enCOREage 项目. 

研究 | 教学


Published and Forthcoming Papers

《十大正规网赌平台》,与哈里斯合著, 即将到来的 Journal of Economic Education.

与Kirsten Wandschneider合著的《十大正规网赌平台》, 即将到来的 Journal of Economic Education

"Addressing the Surge in Unaccompanied Migrant Children" with Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and Jose Bucheli. AEA Papers and Proceedings (2023)

"Creating an Anti-Racist Pedagogy in Principles of Microeconomics," with Fernando Lozano in Phil Ruder and Mark Maier (eds.) 教学 Principles of Microeconomics, Edward Elgar Publishing (2023)

"The Role of Global Perceptions on International Student Enrollments" with Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and Ashley Muchow  in K. 咖啡和C. 玻璃(eds.) Studies in Global Student Mobility,劳特利奇(2022)

"Immigration Policy, Immigrant Detention, and the U.S. 监狱系统," with Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Criminology and Public Policy (2022)

Immigration, Sanctuary Policies, and Public Safety” with Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and Thitima Puttitanun, International Migration Review (2021)

“Recent Changes in Immigration Policy and U.S. Naturalization Patterns” with Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Review of Economics of the Household (2021)

“Do Immigrants Delay Retirement and Social Security Claiming?” 和Sita Slavov, 应用经济学(2020).

洛杉矶的墨西哥移民企业家:社区贫困和(再)生产劣势中的隔离, 德洛丽丝·特雷维佐 Palgrave Macmillan (2018)

“Interior Immigration Enforcement and the Political Participation of U.S. Citizens in Mixed-Status Households” with Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, 人口(2017)

“The Hidden Educational 成本 of Intensified Immigration Enforcement” with Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Southern Economic Journal (2017)

社区隔离与商业成果:洛杉矶县的墨西哥移民企业家 德洛丽丝·特雷维佐 Sociological Perspectives (2016)

“Falling through the Cracks? 可能是非法移民的孩子的年级保留和辍学 with Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, AEA Papers and Proceedings  (2015)

“Poverty Among Hispanics in the United States” 在玛丽T. Mora and Alberto Davila (eds.) The Economic Status of the Hispanic Population (2013)

“Border Enforcement and Selection of Mexican Immigrants in the United States” 费尔南多·洛萨诺 女性主义经济学 (2013)

“Skilled Immigrant Women in the U.S. and the Double Earnings Penalty” 女性主义经济学 (2012)

"Antipoverty Policy: The Role of Individualist and Structural Perspectives," with Gbenga Ajilore, William Darity, Jr., and Leslie Wallace, in the Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Poverty (2012)

"The Reality of Reality Television," 与赵丽娟, 经济学的信件 (2010)

美国移民的劳动力供给:改变来源国特征的作用," 费尔南多·洛萨诺 AEA Papers and Proceedings (2009)

"Incorporating Service Learning Into the Economics Curriculum," Review of Black Political Economy (2009)

洛杉矶的墨西哥移民创业:创业结果的决定因素分析,” with Dolores Trevizo in Alfonso Morales, David Torres and John Sibley Butler (eds.) An American Story: Mexican American Entrepreneurship & 创造财富, Purdue University Press (2009)


Principles of Economics II (Econ 102)

经济学101的延续,通过结合更复杂的分析工具的发展来完成经济学原理的覆盖. Microeconomic topics include production costs, the behavior of firms under different market structures (competition, 垄断, 和寡头垄断), taxation and income distribution, 投入市场. Macroeconomic topics include the Keynesian model of output determination, 货币体系, and the effects of fiscal and monetary policies. 先决条件经济学101.

Economics of Immigration (Econ 324)

本课程探讨移民经济学的理论和实证模型. 该课程考察了在美国和其他接收国主导移民政策辩论的各种经济问题. These issues include the rate of economic assimilation experienced by immigrants; the impact of immigrants on the wage and employment opportunities of native-born workers; the fiscal impact of immigration; undocumented immigration; immigrant access to public programs; the source and magnitude of the economic benefits generated by immigration; and immigrant remittances. 该课程还考察了移民对经济的影响在多大程度上跨越几代人,并比较了一些最大的移民接收国所奉行的不同移民政策的后果. 先决条件经济学101.

Labor Economics (Econ 325)

劳动经济学的目标是使你能够使用经济分析和推理来理解美国工资和就业的决定.S. 劳动力市场. 本课程将使您了解该学科内当前的理论和实证辩论. We will cover such topics as labor force participation, labor demand unemployment, 劳动力流动, 工资结构, 工会, human capital investments (education and training), 国内劳动力市场, and labor market discrimination. Relevant public policy issues such as the minimum wage, 生活工资条例, compensating 工资差距, 移民政策, 反歧视行动, 收入不平等, and welfare programs also will be addressed in this course. 先决条件经济学250.

Economics of Race and Gender (Econ 328)

对美国妇女和代表性不足群体的历史和当代经济地位的考察. Primarily this course is designed as an overview of major theories, 趋势, and debates on the topic of race, 性别, and economic inequality in the labor market. Specific topics include racial and sexual discrimination, labor market segmentation, 工资差距, labor force participation, 注销, 教育的差异, and income and wealth inequality. 相关的公共政策问题,如平权行动和福利也将得到解决. 先决条件:经济学102.


ASSETS是为对经济和社会问题感兴趣的学生提供的独特的综合第一年学习社区. The ASSETS program combines Econ 101 (Principles of Economics I), Econ 102 (Principles of Economics II), 以及两门与经济学相关的CSP课程(CSP 5:经济学实例和CSP 5:增加规模回报), letting students complete their two required first-year College-writing courses, as well as the year-long economics introductory sequence. ASSETS integrates theory and application through the use of analytical models, data, and public policy analysis. ASSETS将为学生提供定性和定量推理方面的训练,这将有助于加强他们的思维和写作方式. 这个项目为学生在Oxy学习的任何专业奠定了良好的基础. 因为参加ASSETS计划的学生将这些课程作为学习社区的一部分,他们形成了强大的学习社区, positive relationships with their classmates and instructors; engage more deeply with the course content; and have an academic and social support network to achieve academic success. To enhance the first-year learning experience, ASSETS is supplemented by a rich set of co-curricular activities, including advising and mentoring by the ASSETS faculty, peer mentoring by junior and senior Occidental students, and individual and group tutoring sessions. ASSETS还与学生服务中心和西方哈梅特曼职业中心合作,赞助研讨会,帮助学生适应大学生活,帮助学生为未来的职业道路做好准备. (Program last offered in 2019-2020)

我教的其他课程: Principles of Economics I (101年经济学), 应用计量经济学 (272年经济学), MSI: Multicultural Summer Insitute