艺术助理教授 & 艺术历史
BFA, New York University; MFA, University of California, 洛杉矶
Weingart 15
周一 & 周三12:00-1:30

珍娜·爱尔兰's concentration is in 的 medium of photography.

In 2016, she began photographing structures designed by legendary Black architect Paul R. 威廉姆斯. A collection of 250 of 的se photographs was published in a monograph entitled 关于保罗·R. 威廉姆斯:摄影师的视角, in 2020. 2021年,爱尔兰被授予彼得E. Pool Research Fellowship by 内华达艺术博物馆 to photograph 威廉姆斯' work in Nevada. The resulting exhibition traveled from 内华达艺术博物馆 to 的 Nevada State Museum 和 的 AIA Center for Architecture in New York. Irel和 is 的 recipient of 的 2023 Carolyn Glasoe Bailey Foundation Art Prize. 她的职业中期调查, 珍娜·爱尔兰:真实故事指数, will be on view at 圣巴巴拉艺术博物馆 和 的 Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara through June 2, 2024.

A broad selection of Irel和’s work was included in 的 exhibition “Family Album: Dannielle Bowman, 珍娜·爱尔兰 和 Contemporary Works from LACMA” at 的 洛杉矶 County Museum of Art’s Charles White Elementary School Gallery. Irel和’s photographs are held in 的 permanent collections of institutions including LACMA, SFMOMA, 内华达艺术博物馆, 加州非裔美国人博物馆, 圣巴巴拉艺术博物馆, 和 的 Museum of Contemporary Photography at Columbia College Chicago. Her work has been 的 subject of articles in publications including 《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》《十大正规网赌平台》 金融时报,哈佛设计杂志, 孔径. 



A studio course about 的 use of 的 self in photography. Students will produce new photo-based projects which may include self portraits (What counts as a portrait? 什么构成了自我?) as well as loose or alternative interpretations of 的 的me, such as work that explores 的 self through family history. The special focus on 的 notion of "self" offers a way to engage not only with individual "self-representation,但也与“自我”可能出现的方式有关, 和形状, 其他身份模式:家庭, 社区, 国家, 跨文化. 因此, 这门课程不仅仅是一门美术课程, but also a course that expressly engages with issues of Diversity, 股本, 和包容是通过体验来探索的, 历史, 和当代学生的生活, faculty 和 的 larger communities that an individual may imagine 的mselves to be a part of. 讨论主题将包括手势和表情, 的目光, 美, 身份, 自恋(实际的和感知的), 记忆和时间, 自画像方法论. Lectures will offer an overview of 的 history of self-portraiture in photography, from 的 medium?虽然是在现代社交媒体的早期.


This studio course will focus on 的 study of place in photography, 尤其是在洛杉矶县. As both a global center of 的 film industry 和 的 city of choice for many artists, LA occupies a unique position in visual culture 和 的 collective imagi国家. Students will spend 的 semester working on a photographic project that explores a particular aspect of life in LA?such as a unique 社区, culture, or subculture, history, climate, geography, or architecture?在深度上. Discussion 和 lecture topics will include photographing communities as both an outsider 和 an insider, 什么定义了一个地方, 摄影类型(新闻)的细微差别, 美术, 等.),以及洛杉矶丰富的文化地形. We will also explore events 和 policies that have shaped our experience of 的 region, 比如高速公路的建设, 注销, 限制性契约. Special emphasis will be placed on guest lectures from photographers who explore place in 的ir own work 和 writers who engage with 的 history of 洛杉矶. Students must enter this course with a foundation in digital photography. They should ei的r have taken ARTS 107 (Digital Photography), or should be able to provide instructor with a narrative about 的ir experience in photography.


A course that celebrates 的 physical production of photographs. For 的 first century 和 a half of photographic history, a photograph was typically an object to be held in one's h和 or hung on a wall. 今天, it is not uncommon for a photograph to exist only in digital form; 的 entire life cycle of an image may take place on a series of screens. In this course, students will focus on producing tangible photographic objects. Each student will conceive of a photographic project in which a final, physical form (such as an artist book or photo-based sculpture) is central to 的 concept. The first part of 的 semester will be devoted to lectures, 研究, 技术示范, 和 exercises to help students decide on a direction 和 form for 的ir final projects. 下一个, students will work intensively to produce a new series of photographs (digitally or on film) that will be refined through group critiques; editing 和 sequencing will be important topics of discussion at this stage. 最后, 学生将专注于制作他们的物品。, taking concepts 和 skills from 的 first part of 的 semester 和 applying 的m to 的ir new images. Students will have 的 opportunity to print in 的 black 和 white darkroom 和/or with a large-format digital printer. 先决条件:ARTS 107.


摄影进修, 包括发展一种理论, historical 和 critical underst和ing of materials 和 media. 在本工作室课程中, students will produce complex photographic projects in a genre 和 photographic medium of 的ir choosing. Students will be expected to refine technical 和 conceptual skills developed in lower-division photography courses 和 produce projects that express concepts in a sustained manner. 重点将放在评论上, where students will be expected to analyze peer work 和 provide substantive feedback. Lecture 和 discussion topics will include editing 和 sequencing, 工作室照明, 美术印刷品制作, 以及展示技巧.