B.S., University of Illinois, Urbana; M.A., M.S., Cornell University; Ph.D., Caltech

珍妮特Scheel的研究涉及模式形成和湍流. 她研究的特殊系统是瑞利-贝纳德对流.

Courses | 出版物 | Books |演讲 | Students

Dr. 舍尔曾在加州路德大学任教, Caltech, 和康奈尔大学, 在其他学校中. She has done research at Cal Lutheran, Caltech, Cornell, and Argonne National Laboratory. 她是 分析力学,高等本科物理教材. She is currently a Mercator Fellow as a part of the Priority Programme SPP 1881of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.


物理490/491-高级物理研讨会I/II (Sp15, Fa14, Sp14, Fa13, Sp13, Fa12)

Students will participate in weekly seminars and conduct library-based research on topics in physics. 学生将提交一次研讨会和一份关于他们工作的书面报告.

物理350-统计物理(Fa18, Sp18)

Connects the microscopic properties of the physical world with its macroscopic properties using classical and quantum statistics. 主题包括配分函数, 经典理想气体和量子理想气体, 经典热力学, 相变, 以及运动理论.

物理320-分析动力学(Fa17, Fa09, Fa08)

粒子运动,粒子系统和刚体. 守恒定律; coordinate transformations, both stationary and moving; Hamilton's and Lagrange's equations.

物理261-物理模拟(Fa12, Fa10)

介绍物理问题的数值解. 应用来自经典动力学, 静电学, 静磁学, 相对论动力学, 混沌系统.

物理250 -热与统计物理(Sp16, Sp15, sp14, Sp13, Sp12, Sp10)

Connects the microscopic properties of the physical world with its macroscopic properties using classical and quantum statistics. 主题包括经典和量子理想气体, 经典热力学, 相变, 以及运动理论.

物理240L-现代物理实验室(Sp14, Sp15, Sp17)

二十世纪物理学概论, 强调狭义相对论和基本量子力学. Includes the breakdown of classical concepts; light quanta and matter waves; Schrödinger equation and solutions in 1 and 3 dimensions; hydrogen atom, 不相容原理, 元素周期表. Other topics include a selection from atomic, nuclear, particle, and condensed-matter physics.


为理科生和非理科生介绍光学和现代物理学. 主题包括几何光学, 物理光学, waves, 狭义相对论, 波粒二象性, 原子与核物理学.

物理125/ 125l -普通物理II (Sp09, Sp10, Sp11)

The second of a two-course introduction to physics designed for life science and premedical students. 主题包括静电学和电磁学, 电路, 几何与物理光学.

物理117 -波和热物理(Sp16)

An introduction to the physics of waves with examples from optics, acoustics, and modern physics. 也是热力学的介绍, 包括热力学第一和第二定律, 动力学理论, 热传递和相变.

物理115/ 115l -普通物理I (Fa14)

The first of a two-course introduction to physics designed for life science and premedical students. Topics include Newton's laws of motion, gravitation, work and energy, 守恒定律.

物理110/110 -力学入门(Fa18, Fa17, Fa16, Sp16)

涵盖经典力学, 包括粒子和刚体的运动学和动力学, 守恒定律, 以及特定力定律的检验.

物理106/106L:-波(Fa13, Fa12, Fa10, Fa06)

In introduction to the physics of waves with examples from optics, acoustics, and modern physics.

文化研究项目14 -混乱 (Fa18)

我们的宇宙是多么可预测? 在本课程中,我们将学习混沌,即混沌.e.,动力系统对初始条件微小差异的敏感性. 我们还将学习蝴蝶效应, 期翻倍, 分形维, 还有奇怪的吸引子. 然后将探讨混沌理论的应用. 我们将学习混沌的数学如何帮助我们更好地理解科学, economics, 心理学, 以及我们的环境.


A. Pandey, J. D. 谢尔和J. 舒马赫, 瑞利-贝纳德对流中的湍流上层结构, Nat. Comm. 9, 2118, 2018.

Janet D. 谢尔和约尔格·舒马赫, Predicting transition ranges to fully turbulent viscous boundary layers in low Prandtl number convection flows, Physic. Rev. Fluids, 2, 123501, 2017.

Joshua Yu, Adam Goldfaden, Mary Flagstad和Janet D. Scheel, Onset of Rayleigh-Benard convection for intermediate aspect ratio cylindrical containers, Phys. of Fluids, 29, 024102, 2017.

J. 舒马赫,V. Bandaru,. 潘迪和J. D. Scheel, 低普朗特数对流中的过渡边界层, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 1, 084402, 2016.

J.D. 谢尔和J. 舒马赫,  低普朗特数湍流对流的全局和局部统计  流体力学学报,  802, p. 147-173, 2016.

J舒马赫和J. D. Scheel, 湍流对流单元中羽流碰撞引起的极端耗散事件, Phys. Rev. E, 94, 043104, 2016.

J. 舒马赫,P. 戈茨弗里德和J. Scheel,  E低普朗特数流体湍流对流的增强熵生成, PNAS, doi/10.1073/pnas.1505111112, 2015

J. D. 谢尔和J. 舒马赫, 当地的准备dar湍流瑞利-贝纳德对流中的y层尺度; 流体力学杂志 758, p 344-373, 2014

J. 舒马赫,J.D. Scheel, D. Krasnov, D. A. Donzis, V. Yahkot和K. Sreenivasan, 流体湍流中的小尺度普遍性; PNAS, doi: 10.1073 / pnas1410791111 2014

J. D. Scheel, M. S. Emran和J. 舒马赫, 求解湍流瑞利-贝纳德对流中的精细尺度结构, 新物理杂志, 15 , 113063, 2013

J. D. Scheel, E. Kim and K. R. White, 湍流瑞利-贝纳德对流中的热边界层和粘性边界层 流体力学学报,  711,  p. 281-305, 2012

弗朗索瓦·赫伯特、瑞安·哈夫施密德、珍妮特·谢尔和冈特·阿勒斯, 圆柱形容器中瑞利-贝纳德对流的开始, Phys. Rev. E,  81,   046318, 2010

J.D. 谢尔和P. 穆提亚巴和T. Kimmel, 高旋转速率下的瑞利-贝纳德对流模式,流体力学杂志, 659, p. 24-42, 2010

J.D. Scheel, 旋转瑞利-贝纳德对流的振幅方程, Phys. of Fluids, 19,  104105, 2007

J. D. 舍尔和M. C. Cross, 小展弦比Rayleigh-Benard对流的Lyapunov指数《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》. E, 74, 066301, 2006

A. Jayaraman J. D. Scheel, H. S. 格林赛德和P. F. Fischer, Characterization of the domain chaos convection state by the largest Lyapunov exponent, Phys Rev. E, 74,  016209, 2006.

N.  Becker, J. D. Scheel, M. C. 十字和G. Ahlers, 离心力对瑞利-贝纳德对流区域混沌的影响《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》. E, 73066309, 2006.

J. D. 舍尔和M. C. Cross, 旋转瑞利-贝纳德对流的标度定律《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》. E, 72 056315, 2005.

J. D. Scheel, M. R. 保罗和M. C. Cross, Traveling waves in rotating Rayleigh-Benard convection: Analysis of modes and mean flow《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》. E, 68, 066216, 2003.

J. D. 芬奇(娘家姓)和L. N. Hand, Using an E-mail tutorial and student seminars to improve an intermediate-level undergraduate physics course, Am. J. Phys., 66, p. 914-919, 1998.



J. 谢尔和J. 舒马赫, 低普朗特数对流的数值模拟 from Advances in Computation, Modeling and Control of Transitional and Turbulent Flows, edited by T. K. 森古普塔,年代. K. Lele, K. R. 斯里尼瓦桑和P. A. 戴维森,世界科学出版社,新加坡,2015

L. N. Hand and J. D. 芬奇(娘家姓); 分析力学,剑桥大学出版社,纽约,纽约(1998)



[2018] New York University, New York, NY, "Low Prandtl Number Convection"; 邀请演讲.

[2018]瑞利-贝纳德湍流国际会议, 特文特大学, 荷兰, "Low Prandtl Number Convection"; 邀请演讲.

[2017] 70th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD) of the Americal Physicsal Society (APS), Denver, DO, 空气湍流对流中的边界层, liquid gallium and liquid sodium"; 了谈话.

[2017]中国机械工程学报, Erfurt, Germany, 低普朗特数对流中的过渡边界层, 了谈话.

[2016] DFD第69届年会, APS, Portland, OR, "High-amplitude dissipation event in a turbulent convection cell"; 了谈话.

[2016],第5位Nek500用户 & 开发人员会议, MIT, Cambridge, MA, "低普朗特数对流中的过渡边界层 at high  Rayleigh number"; 了谈话

[2016]南京工业大学, Germany, "Resolving the fine-scale structure in turbulent Rayleigh-B\'enard convection"; 邀请演讲.

[2016] Arizona State University, Tempe AZ, "Turbulent Rayleigh-B\'enard Convection; 邀请演讲.

[2015] DFD第68届年会, APS, Boston, MA, "低普朗特数湍流对流的全局和局部统计"; 了谈话.

[2015]中国科学院学报, 哈佛大学, Cambridge, MA, 紊流瑞利-贝纳德对流, 邀请演讲.

[2015]阿贡国家实验室, Chicago, IL, Nek5000用户会议, "Resolving the fine-scale structure in turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection"; 邀请演讲.

[2015]南京工业大学, Germany, "Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection in low-Prandtl-number fluids"; 邀请演讲.
[2015]瑞利-贝纳德湍流国际学术会议, 德国哥廷根, "Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection in low-Prandtl-number fluids"; 了谈话.
[2014]第67届DFD年会, APS, 旧金山, CA, "当地的准备dary layer scales in turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection"; 了谈话.

[2014] Technische Universitat Ilmenau, Germany, "Amplitude Equations"; 邀请演讲.

[2014]国际低温相变会议, 模式形成和湍流, 德国哥廷根, "Onset of Rayleigh-Benard convection in cylindrical containers"; 了谈话.

[2013] DFD第66届年会, APS, 匹兹堡, PA, "Resolving the fine-scale structure in turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection"; 了谈话.

[2013]南京工业大学, Germany, "Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection"; 邀请演讲.

[2012]北京大学学报(自然科学版, 香港中文大学, 瑞利-贝纳德对流模拟中边界层的空间依赖性; 了谈话.

[2012]第65届DFD年会, APS, San Diego, CA, 瑞利-贝纳德对流模拟中边界层的空间依赖性; 了谈话.

[2012] Cal Poly Pomona, CA, "Numerical Simulations of Turbulence in Heated Fluids"; 邀请演讲

[2011]湍流中相干结构动力学研究, 迪尔凯姆不好, Germany, "Viscous and Thermal Boundary Layers in Simulated Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection"; 邀请演讲.

[2011]中国科学院理论物理研究所, 加州大学, 圣芭芭拉分校, "Viscous and Thermal Boundary Layers in Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection"; 邀请演讲.

[2010]阿纳卡帕协会西海岸会议在加州波莫纳理工学院, CA, "Viscous and Thermal Boundary Layers in Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection"; 了谈话 and conference organizer.

[2010]第63届DFD年会, APS, Long Beach, CA, "Viscous and Thermal Boundary Layers in Simulated Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection"; 了谈话.

[2009]第62届DFD年会, APS, 明尼阿波里斯市, MN, "Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection"; 了谈话.

[2009]马德, Claremont, CA, "Go With the Flow: Numerical Simulations of Turbulence in Fluids"; 邀请演讲.

[2009]西方大学暑期研究项目系列研讨会, "Go With the Flow: Numerical Simulations of Turbulence in Fluids"; 邀请演讲.

[2009]上海大学学报(自然科学版), Snowbird, UT "Turbulent Thermal Convection"; 了谈话.

[2007] DFD第60届年会, APS, 盐湖城, UT, "Patterns in Rotating Rayleigh-Benard Convection at High Rotation Rates"; 了谈话.

[2007]上海大学学报(自然科学版), Snowbird, UT, "旋转瑞利-贝纳德对流的振幅方程"; 了谈话.

[2007]  CLU, Thousand Oaks, CA, "Computational Intractability"; 邀请演讲.

[2006] CSU Channel Islands, Oxnard, CA, "Rayleigh-Benard Convection"; 邀请演讲.


Kwan, Michael, "Determining Lyapunov exponents for turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection", 2017-2018.

Corkrean, Ryan,“用图像分析表征湍流行为”,2017.

Goldfaden, Adam, "Linear Stability Analysis of Onset Patterns Found in RBC Systems as a Function of Aspect Ratio", 2015.

Yu, Joshua, "The Effects of Varying Aspect Ratio and Rayleigh Number on Onset States in Rayleigh-Benard Convection Systems", 2014-2015.

Ma, Siyuan, "The Cessation and Reversal of Low Prandtl Number Fluid Motion in Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Systems" 2014.

Monroy, Raphael, "Observation of Geometrical Patterns in Rayleigh-Benard Convection", 2013.

Flagstad, Mary, "The effects of Aspect Ratio on Pattern Formation in Simulated Rayleigh-Benard Convection", 2012-2013.

Munoz, Jorge, 瑞利-贝纳德对流模拟中边界层的空间依赖性, 2012.

Borrayo, Adriana, "The Fluid Velocity and its Reorientation in Simulated Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Systems", 2011-2012.

Cardenas-Licea, Zamara, "An Analysis of the Effect of Rectangular Boxes on the Large-Scale Circulation in Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection", 2011.

Kim, Elissa, "Viscous and Thermal Boundary Layers in Simulated Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection", 2010.

Fitts, Michelle, "Large-Scale Circulation in Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection", 2010.

Ackermann, Erik,  "Measuring the Onset of Turbulence in Rayeigh-Benard Convection", 2009-2010.

Ing, Nicole, "The Effects of Container Geometries on the Flow of Large-Scale Circulation in Simulated Rayleigh-Benard Systems", 2009.